Мой дом. 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Цели урока: повышение эффективности учебно-воспитательного процесса, внедрение новых методов работы при обучении иностранному языку.

Задачи урока:

  • контроль знаний учащихся по пройденной теме;
  • совершенствование практических навыков владения лексикой по теме;
  • умение выполнить проект по теме «My House» в группах;
  • проверка умений учащихся воспринимать иноязычную речь учителя и одноклассников;
  • создание условий для развития креативности учащихся;
  • привитие интереса к предмету и учебе в целом;
  • формирование положительной мотивации, чувства товарищества и умения работать в группе, развитие эстетических способностей.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон, листы ватмана, подготовленные заранее картинки, ножницы, клей, фломастеры, маркеры, карандаши.


I. The beginning оf the lesson

Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you today. I hope you are fine and all are ready to work hard at our lesson, aren’t you? So, if you are ready for the lesson, let’s start. (слайд 1)
The topic of the lesson is “My House”. (Приложение, слайд 2)  We will do some exercises, make two projects about the house, sing songs. We’ll work in groups.

II. Speaking

1. But first of all answer some questions:

– Do you live in a flat or in a house?
– Is your house comfortable?
– Do you like your house?
– What colour is your house?
– What is there behind your house?
– How many bedrooms are there in your house?
– What is there in the hall?
– Is your kitchen large or small?
– Do you have a fire in your house?
– What is the largest room in your house?
– What is there next to your room?

2. You can see some lines with words. You are to choose the correct word for each line. (Приложение, слайд 3)

Choose the correct word for each line.

1) wall, window, floor, door

a) cup
b) room
c) boy

2) sofa, table, chair, desk

a) bread
b) head
c) bed

3) hall, kitchen, flat, bathroom

a) ball
b) bedroom
c) bed

4) wardrobe, cupboard, cooker, fridge

a) wall
b) sink
c) sun

5) under, above, between, behind

a) near
b) love
c) hear

3. Let’s have a look at Tom’s room. He is a schoolboy. And this is his room in the morning and in the evening. Write in the correct preposition. (Приложение, слайд 4)

1) Tom’s room in the morning.

a) A model car is ______ the desk.
b) A book is _______ the desk.
c) A football is _______ the floor.
d) Five CDs are _______ a CD box.
e) Tom’s school bag is ______ the desk.

2) Tom’s room in the evening.

a) Tom is ______ his room. He is _______ the desk.
b) A model car is ________ the desk.
c) A book is _______ the desk.
d) A football is _______ the desk.
e) Five CDs are _______ the floor _____ the desk.
f) Tom’s school bag is ______ the desk and the CDs.

Check your answers. (Приложение, слайд 5)

4. Do you like doing puzzles? So, find the words (Приложение, слайд 6)

5. Look at this house! (Приложение, слайд 7)

Do you like it? What rooms are there in this house? Now, let’s do the following task. Listen to me and agree or disagree with me. You may use these expressions: I agree/ I think …/ You are righ./
I disagree/ You are wrong.

– The bedrooms and a bathroom are upstairs.
– There is a sofa in the sitting room.
– There is a mirror on the wall in the bedroom.
– The cooker is opposite the sink.
– The curtains on the window are brown.
– There is a small table between the armchairs.
– The TV is in the corner of the kitchen.
– The house is big.

6. Let’s sing a song about the house. “This is my little house”. (Приложение, слайд 8)

This is my little house,
This is the door.
The windows are shining
And so is the floor.
Outside there is a chimney as
Tall as can be
With smoke that goes curling up.
Come and see!

7. Complete the questions and ask your friend about his/her house. (Приложение, слайд 9)

– You have got many flowers in front of the house, …?
– There is a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet in your house, …?
– Is your bedroom large or …?
– Do you have dinner in the dining-room or …?
– You like your house, …?

III. Sport break (Приложение, слайд 10)

IV. Project work (Приложение, слайд 11)

– Now children, you will work in groups and make two projects about the house you like. You will present houses of your dreams. On your desks you have everything for making projects. I’ll switch on the English song “There’s a Room in My House”. Please, start your work.

(Учащиеся оформляют листы ватмана, обсуждают тему в группах, выбирают одного или двух человек, которые будут представлять проект для всех присутствующих. Во время работы над проектами звучит песня «There’s a Room in My House».)

– Now it’s time to show the results of your work and present your projects.
Well done! Your projects are fantastic.

(После того как учащиеся представят свои проекты, желающие могут рассказать стихи или спеть песни, соответствующие теме урока.)

V. The end of the lesson

– Today we have revised the theme “The Place We Live in”. Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It’s very pleasant to work with you, and these are your marks for the lesson. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye! (Приложение, слайд 12)