Ценностное отношение к своему здоровью как нравственная категория

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: воспитывать правильное отношение учащихся к своему  здоровью

Задачи урока:

  • развивать навыки монологического и диалогического говорения по теме “Здоровье, еда, спорт”;
  • стимулировать высказывание учащимися их собственного мнения по вопросам, касающимся здоровья;
  • практиковать учащихся в использовании специальной лексики, необходимой для ведения дискуссии;
  • активизировать лексический и грамматический материал, изученный по теме “Здоровый образ жизни”;
  • развивать навык аудирования;
  • на основе впечатлений учащихся, посетивших Англию, сравнить отношение к здоровью у англичан и русских.

Сценарий урока

I. Организационный момент: объяснение задач урока, как будет проходить развитие темы “Здоровье”.

II. Основная часть:

1. Составление плана дискуссии с обоснованием каждого пункта. Например:

Food we Consume
Sports and Exercises

2. Обсуждение 1-ой темы: “Еда”, пропаганда здоровой пищи. Игровые моменты:

а) распространить предложение б) подписать рисунки на постерах.

3. 2-й пункт дискуссии: “Спорт”.

а) Различия между профессиональным и любительским спортом.
б) Аудирование интервью о профессиональном спорте, работа с карточками для контроля понимания прослушанного.
в) Мини-диалоги о занятиях спортом детей класса.

4. Монологическое выступление учащегося (медэксперта) по 3-му пункту дискуссии “Стресс” и обсуждение способов его преодоления.

Музыкальный момент в стиле "Rap". Исполнение под музыку историй о стрессовых ситуациях, о неудачно сложившемся дне.

Предложить учащимся прокомментировать данные стрессовые ситуации, учитывая свой жизненный опыт и знания об окружающем мире.

5. Релаксация:

а) Поинтересоваться, знают ли учащиеся о продукте, называемом “гормоном счастья”. Предложить испробовать этот альтернативный метод релаксации (угостить шоколадными конфетами). б) Исполнение песенки-зарядки “Если ты счастлив”.

6. Выяснить, что знают ученики об отношении к здоровому образу жизни в Англии:

а) Интервью детей, побывавших в Англии по темам “Еда”, “Повседневная жизнь”, “Одежда” в форме ответов на вопросы, которые задаёт группа по одной из выбранных тем. б) Заполнение сравнительной таблицы “Россия – Англия” по этим трем темам (какую разницу в образе жизни заметили наши ученики).

III. Заключительная часть.

  1. Выступление учащегося, проводившего накануне анкету-опрос о занятиях спортом с целью узнать отношение к активному отдыху всех участвующих в уроке. Проанализировать результаты опроса.
  2. Написать советы для сохранения здоровья на листиках и приклеить их на специальные мини – постеры.
  3. Пожелать всем доброго здоровья и хорошего настроения.
  4. Похвалить детей за работу.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Today our lesson is the last one in the series of the lessons devoted to the topic “ Health”. We shall discuss different aspects connected to the theme. There are many proverbs telling us how people value health. In Russia as well as in Britain they say “ Health is our wealth” and “ Health is above wealth”.

Do you agree to these quotations? Give your opinion using different expressions of agreement and disagreement.

(Students start answering).

II. Основная часть.

Teacher: Our health is a complex subject. Let us discuss the components of it and what our health depends on. I am writing the word “ Health” on the blackboard and you are invited to define its main components.

(It is supposed that some students will come to the blackboard and write 4 items to make the complete scheme.)

Pupil 1 (example answer): To my mind, we should name food in the first place. If a person doesn’t get enough quality food, they fall ill as they lack necessary substances like minerals, protein and vitamins. Overeating is also very dangerous and can cause overweight.

(The student goes to the blackboard and writes the first component.)



Pupil 2 (example answer): There is no doubt that sport plays a very important role in the life of people. It lengthens the duration of life because while training our muscles and organs get a lot of oxygen and renew their functions. It stops the process of getting old.

(The student goes to the blackboard and writes the second component.)



Pupil 3 (example answer): In my opinion, there is one thing that can destroy our health. It is stress and depression. We should avoid them, otherwise they can ruin our nerves and mentality.

(The student goes to the blackboard and writes the third component.)



Pupil 4 (example answer): Everyone will agree that one of the most important things to overcome stress and tiredness is resting or in other words relaxation. I am sure, if a person is able to relax after a hard day’s work, it is a true way of keeping health.

(The student goes to the blackboard and writes the fourth component.)



Teacher: As you see, we have made up the plan of our today’s discussion what health is influenced by and what to do to keep it in our busy everyday life. I can make a conclusion that health is the matter of your interest. Anyway, the interest should be based on sufficient knowledge of how to lead a healthy life, what daily routine to follow and what food to eat to keep fit. Now we are going to discuss these items one by one. Who would like to say something on the first point? The students who are good at chemistry will help us to learn what products we should eat to stay healthy.

(Two pupils take a poster with pictures of food groups, put it onto the blackboard and explain the meaning of each food group. At the end they say: Have you got any questions? The students ask some like:

– Should we eat meat every day?

– How often should we eat eggs?

– Which meal should be the most substantial one?

The two students answer these questions. The teacher thanks them and asks to take their seats.)

Teacher: Well, the second part of our discussion is sport. But there is a big difference between professional and amateur sport. Can you tell me what difference do you see?

(Students make speculations. For example:

  1. Professional sport starts earlier and finishes earlier.
  2. Professional sport is much more dangerous, it causes more injuries than amateur.
  3. People get more enjoyment in amateur sport because they are not pressed to win.)

Teacher: You are right. This can be proved by an interview from the BBC radio programme “Your and Yours”. Listen carefully to it and check your understanding by completing the statements with correct words. After that we shall discuss the interview and you will retell it using the method of “a snowball”.

(The following test printed on cards is given to students and it is also shown on the screen or on the blackboard).

1. The problem is to ….young children as early as possible.

a) punish; b) motivate; c) teach.

2. At young age they don’t have ….

a) parents; b) time; c) social problems.

3. They can lose their …..

a) friends; b) childhood; c) sport shoes.

4. They are …… adults but ……children.

a) emotionally; b) orally; c) physically.

5. The new talent can bring …… to the sponsor.

a) stress; b) a lot of money; c) happiness.

(Students listen to the interview and then read aloud their chosen variants and retell the interview.)

Teacher: And now answer the questions on the interview :

  1. What is the most difficult thing for young tennis professionals at Wimbledon? (They can’t cope with the pressures of crowds and press reporters.)
  2. What is the difference between the sportsmen who didn’t have the real childhood and those who started later? (The latter are better people for going in for sports.)
  3. What age is considered to be the best to become professionals? (It is 17-18 years old.)
  4. What is the best idea of a training programme? (To avoid trouble, sportsmen should connect sensible training with enjoyment.)
  5. When should professional sportsmen stop? (When they start getting upset every time they lose. In sport the most important thing must be enjoyment.)

Teacher: Well, it is well-known that sport helps people to get taller. Sometimes funny stories happen because of the difference in height. Let us enjoy one of them.

(The teacher asks two boys-a tall one and a short one– to dramatize the following joke which will cause relaxation of everyone in class).

Pupil 1: -Oh, Dan! Haven’t seen you for ages! Why don’t I see you in the street or at the stadium?

Pupil 2 (is going on reading a book not looking at him): I am busy. I am too busy… I spend my time in the library.

Pupil 1: Really? Poor boy!

Pupil 2: (standing up) What did you say|?

Pupil 1: Wow! You are so small!

Pupil 2: I study. I have no time to grow.

Teacher: We’ve had fun. Thank you, boys. But it’s time to continue our discussion. The third item to discuss is stress. I hope you are not acquainted with this problem so some theory presented by an expert will be useful.

(A student of the group who has prepared a special short report speaks on the problem.)

Teacher: Well (addresses to the “expert”), what is the best way to get over a stress in your opinion?

Expert: Of course, relaxation.

Teacher: In which way?

Expert: In many ways. I mean music, sport, gardening, dancing, playing computer games and so on.

Teacher: What do you personally do if you need to relax?

Expert: (for example): I am fond of dancing so I turn on music and dance a little.

Teacher: Well, relaxation means to be in a good mood again. But does anyone know other alternative methods of relaxation?

Pupil :I believe it’s interesting to know that scientists and psychologists have found the so called hormone of happiness. If you try it, you will be very pleased. Do you guess now what I mean?

(Opens the box with chocolates and invites everyone to help themselves.)

Teacher: I hope chocolate has made your mood bright as well as the song “If you are happy” and we are ready to continue our work.

I want the pupils who have been to Great Britain to compare some things dealing with health in that country and in Russia. The chosen topics to discuss will be food, daily routine and clothes. We shall organize three groups specializing in asking questions on one of the three subjects.

(Three large sheets of paper are put on the blackboard with the key words– food, daily routine and clothes. Each of the three students answers the questions on one subject and fills in the table with required information.) For example:





1. Breakfast – it depends.

2. Lunch – soup.

3. Dinner (supper) – something huge and rather late.

1. Breakfast – cornflakes with milk, toast, jam

2. Lunch – sandwiches, juice.

3. Dinner (supper) – freshly cooked, without overeating, not later than 9 o’clock


1. Enormous working day.

2. Combining two jobs.

3. Going to bed: a) adults-very late; b) children – after doing their homework and playing computer games.

1. ‘Early to bed, early to rise’

2. A fixed working day - 8 hours, part-time jobs for women

3. Going to bed – at 9 or 10 p.m.


1. Fashion above health and comfort.

2. Women wear high-heeled shoes to work.

1. Comfort above fashion.

2. Only comfortable shoes, preferably without heels.

Teacher: What conclusions can you make looking at this table with compared things?

(Supposed answer: We should analyze our style of life and follow the best things from other cultures.)

Teacher: I hope you have understood how important it is to be fit and to take care of your health. Take a sheet of paper and write your own advice for staying healthy. Then read aloud your advice and stick it on the poster called “Bless you”. Choose one of the three columns: Food, Daily Routine and Sport. Thank you for your enthusiastic work and cooperation. Your marks are as follows…The lesson is over.