East or West – Home is Best

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


  • совершенствовать речевые (монологические) навыки
  • обучить аудированию с целью детального понимания содержания


  • развивать умение выделять главное, развивать мышление, память
  • совершенствовать навыки связной речи.


  • воспитание чувства любви к Родине;
  • развивать коммуникативные навыки;
  • обеспечить нравственное воспитание учащихся.

Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер, доска, проектор, экран, учебник, аудиокассета.


1. Организационный момент.

(Приветствие. Сообщение о характере работы на данном уроке.)

Teacher: Good morning. Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson. If you are ready for the lessons, let's start.

Look at the blackboard. Please, say. What about will you speak at the lesson?

Pupil. I think, we'll speak about our country.

2. Warming-up

Teacher: Home is considered to be one of the best places. What do you think of?

Do you like to live in your country? Give your reasons:

Pupil 1: Yes. I live with my parents in my house. I have a lot of friends.

Pupil 2: No.

Teacher: Where would you like to live?

Pupil 2: I would like to live in the UK.

Teacher: Why?

Pupil 2: I want to meet with the Queen. I often watch TV and I know England is a green and clean country.

3. Аудирование с целью детального понимания содержания. (текст для аудирования находится в учебнике В.П.Кузовлева 10-11 класс)

Teacher: Ok. I want you to listen to the cassette and answer the questions. Look at the questions that you must answer. Where would teenagers like to live? What are these places?

Text 1. Would I like to live here? I really haven't thought about it. The Australians I've met are very hospitable and much friendlier than the British. After two weeks I understood why Australia is called "the lucky country". One reason is that the weather is good. The sun is always shining. Thanks to warm, sunny weather, you can spend all the time outdoors. What a good chance one can have to look sunburned, to enjoy sunbathing and water sports. Well< Australia is a great place to live.

Text 2. I think it doesn't matter much what country it might be. Now I'm dreaming of living in a home one green hillside within a 10-minute walk of a broad white sand beach or of a nearby river. I'd like to have a lot of horses, a fertile farmland and a good climate for growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. But if I happen to change my mind, I know, I can move to any place. Because it's a vast country with various climates, landscapes and possibilities where you can always find a place to your liking.

Text 3. I don't want to live anywhere else but in Russia. I was born here and I'm not going to leave it. But a lot of countries attract me as a traveler. I've read much about European countries and I finally set my eyes on Spain. Firstly, I like its climate, hot and dry. Another reason for my choice is Spanish food. A lot of exotic fruits that I have never seen in Russia grow there. But what attracts me most of all Spain? Of course, people. Unfortunately, I haven't got any Spanish friends, even pen friends, but I believe the Russians and the Spanish have much in common.

If I happen to live in Spain, I'll live in a small provincial town, far from big cities. My house will be in the mountains where nature is wild and magic. But still it is dream, and perhaps some day I'll visit Spain, but I will only visit, I'm not going to live there. East or West, home is best. I can't imagine my life in another country without Russian friends, the Russian language, Russian frost and Russian cookery:

Pupil 1: One of the teenagers would like to live in Australia.

Pupil 2:Tom would like to live in his country.

Pupil 3: Sveta is a teenager who likes only Russia.

Teacher: Now you will listen to the text once again. Pay attention to the details. Then you'll do the test. (учащиеся выполняют тест)


Choose the right ends of the statements.

1. Becky thinks:

a) the Australians are much friendlier than the British;

b) the British are much friendlier than the Australians.

2. Australia is called " the lucky country" because:

a) everyone spend all the time outdoors;

b) the weather is warm and sunny;

3. Tom is dreaming of living

a) abroad;

b) on a home on a green hillside.

4. Tom would like to have:

a) a farmland for growing fruits and vegetables;

b) to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

5. Sveta doesn't want to live

a) anywhere else but in Russia;

b) in Russia.

6. Spain is a very attractive country thanks to:

a) to visit Spain some day;

b) to live in Spain.

Answers; 1a; 2b; 3b; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7a.

4. Чтение высказывания с общим охватом содержания.

(учащиеся используя опору, высказывают свои мнения)

Teacher: Please, open the books. Read the text.

Answer the questions. What are the teenagers' reasons for living in these places?

Pupil 1: Becky would like to live in Australia because the Australians are very hospitable and friendlier.

Pupil 2. Another reason for Becky's choice is the weather. Sunny weather attracts Becky.

Pupil 3. I want to say about Tom. Tom would like to live in a home on a green hillside it doesn't matter much what country. Because he likes horses, fruits and vegetables.

Pupil 4. Sveta would like to live in Russia because she was born here. Another reason for her choice is her friends, frost, cookery.

5. Развитие речевых навыков.

Teacher: Here are some more opinions of young people about the places they live in. What is more: positive or negative. Why do you think so? (учащиеся называют аргументы положительные или отрицательные и дают объяснения)

It's too hot and dry there's nothing to do.

It's a great life out here. We can be outdoors all day.

It's all so clean and natural here. We find plenty to do. We're not bored.

There is plenty of work there from growing vegetables, fishing to raising cattle.

I'd rather be here than in LA which could be destroyed by an earthquake.

Teacher: Here is what other people say about their native places. Would you like to live in places with such characteristics? Why? Why not?

Pupil 1: I like places with rising mountains. It's great if the mountains add attractiveness to the city. But I hate when you feel terribly isolated. And I don't like at all droughts, fire, flood and other disasters. So, I'd prefer to live in the city that lies in a valley.

Pupil 2: On the one hand I like city near the oceans, but on the other I am afraid of floods. So, I'd prefer to live in the village.

Pupil 3: I like places with fields and rich vegetation. It's lovely if the countryside around the village is green. But I hate when I can't visit museums, theatres, clubs, and cafes.

6. Активизация лексических навыков

Teacher: Some people live in the apartments, other - in the ranch. Would you like to live in such places? Why? Why not?.(используя слова, учащиеся говорят почему да или нет)

Apartment guesthouse inn
Bed-sitter hacienda lodge
Cabin hall ranch
Castle hostel manse
Croft house-boat
Farmhouse hut
Flat igloo

7. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов, домашнее задание.

Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following. Now, please write down your hometask. Have you got any questions? Please write down your hometask: exercise 8 page 25. (write an advertisement about you native place) The lesson is over. Good-bye.