Клод Моне – великий импрессионист

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оборудование: компьютер, телевизор, диск с фильмами, карточки со словами, портреты художника, картины

Цель: создание условий для ознакомления с культурой Франции в определенный исторический период через подготовку и проведение занятия


  1. Развивать навыки языкового общения.
  2. Развивать способности к догадке.
  3. Обогатить общий и филологический кругозор учащихся по культуре и живописи эпохи Золотого века.

Доска: на доске 2 портрета художника Клода Моне разных периодов, карточки со словами, репродукции картин художника.

Раздаточный материал: 1) кроссворд; 2) ознакомительная мини-анкета; 3) буклеты с информацией по творчеству; 4) анкета: жизнь и творчество художника.

Карточки с терминами и словами: Impressionism, impressionist, landscape, Giverny, Water-lily, exhibition, be exhibited, aim, art movement.


Ход занятия

Учитель представляется и просит детей назвать свои имена, так как на данный урок приходят дети из разных классов.

Hello dear students.

I’m Alexandra Nikolayevna. And you?

The students introduce themselves presenting their names.

Today we are going to speak about the life of one famous person.

Look at the blackboard. You can see the portrait of a person. Do you recognize him?

Do you know anything about him?

I give you the questionnaires.

(Приложение 1)

Answer the three questions.

What is the name of the person on the portrait?

- Edouard Manet

- Claude Monet

When did this person live?

- 1840-1926

- 1826-1900

- 1901-1942

What art movement did this person work in?

- Cubism

- Impressionism

- Surrealism

Затем учащиеся вместе с преподавателем проверяют ответы.

1. It is Claude Monet on the portrait, the artist.

Do not mix the two artists- Claude Monet and Edouard Manet.

2. He lived at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, that is in 1840-1926.

3. He worked in the genre of Impressionism.

As if he is connected with art we need to revise some art terms (приложение 2), слова, которые нужно объяснить учащимся.

I hope that you will get a lot of new facts about this artist.

I will show you the video. While watching it you should try to answer the questions (приложение 3 -  вопросы и видео №1).

Видео рассчитано на 9 минут. Видео на русском языке, рассчитано на то, что так учащиеся лучше поймут суть и содержание материала, но таблица по содержанию и дальнейшая беседа проходят на английском языке (приложение - таблица).

Name of the artist  
Year of birth  
Place of birth  
The picture by Monet that wasn’t sold  
The picture that was shown at the exhibition in 1874 and became the original of the impressionism movement  
One of Monet’s hobbies  
The place where Monet bought a house and made a beautiful garden  
Year of death  
The aim of Monet’s works  

После просмотра учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя:

1) What is the name of the artist? (Claude Monet)

2) When was he born? (1840)

3) What is the place he was born in? (Paris)

4) What is Monet’s picture that wasn’t sold? (The Picnic)

5) What is the name of the picture that was shown at the exhibition in 1874 and became the original of the impressionism movement? (Impression: Sunrise)

6) What is of Monet’s hobbies? (Travelling)

7) What is the name of the place where Monet bought a house and later made a beautiful garden there? (Giverny)

8) When did the artist die? (926)

9) What was the aim of Monet’s works? (To depict, show the light)

Учащиеся отвечают на предложенные вопросы.

Далее проводится небольшая физическая разминка.

Dear students, and what do you think the most famous picture by Monet is? (Impression: Sunrise)

So this picture is very unique. It gave the name to the art movement. And first the name Impressionism was derived from the name of the picture by one of the art critics.

Now we are going to watch the second video which presents the information about this picture (приложение, видео №2).

Данный отрывок рассчитан на то, что учащиеся запомнят как можно больше деталей, связанных с техникой живописи данного художника, историей появления картины “Впечатление: Восход солнца”, о том, как складывалась карьера Клода Моне.

So you see that Claude Monet was really a talented artist. He painted many wonderful pictures among which are:

Bridge Over A Pond of Water Lilies

Woman In A Garden

Water Lilies

A Garden Walk and many others.

Imagine now that we virtually start traveling to the world art galleries and museums where Claude Monet’s works are exhibited.

Далее учащиеся смотрят видео, где под музыку Ф. Шопена на экране проходит слайд-шоу картин Клода Моне. Видео-ролик занимает 9 минут.

Where you impressed by Monet’s pictures? I was.

And I think you know that some writers and artists become immortal because their works are remembered.

Look at the computer screen.

Учитель показывает небольшую компьютерную презентацию, в частности останавливается на слайде “Life after death” и представляет несколько интересных фактов про Клода Моне.

There are some amazing facts about C. Monet.

Did you know that:

The moon crater is named after Claude Monet?

Monet’s museums are in Paris and Giverny in France?

That his works are very popular and are exhibited in famous museums and private collections all over the world?

Art collectors give great sums of money to get one more picture into there collection.

How much money do you think they need? What do you think?

Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по поводу того, сколько стоят картины Клода Моне.

Учитель на слайде представляет информацию.

The picture “Railway Bridge” was sold at 41 million dollars at Christie’s auction in 2008.

The picture “Water Lilies” in the year 2008 was sold at 71 mln dollars.

But the highest price for Claude Monet’s works ever was 80 million dollars.

Unfortunately we can’t do that but we can have such lessons where we can get information and enjoy the beauty of the pictures. After this lesson I hope that at least some of you will get interested in art and this movement.

Good-bye and have a good day!