Урок-спектакль "В мире английских букв"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока – В игровой форме провести контроль знаний букв английского алфавита.

Оформление – красочные таблицы с буквами, сказочные костюмы, детские рисунки.

P1. A is for alphabet and for ABC

Can you say the alphabet from A to Z.


Oh, well you see now I know the ABC.


P3. One little apple on a tree,
Two apples for you and me,
Three apples by the door,
And four apples on the floor.
The apples are good and sweet,
Can you count them all, Pete?
(Ten apples).

P4. B is for books and for breakfast.
What are they?
We have friends,
They cannot play
And cannot see
But they are good
To you and me.

Breakfast, Dinner, Supper.

Завтрак. Обед. Ужин.

Breakfast in the morning,

Утром мы встаем.

Dinner in the day;

Завтракать идем.

Tea comes after dinner,

И с улыбкой вечной

Then it’s time to play.

Мы обеда ждем.

Supper in the evening

Вечер наступает,

When the sky is red,

Уж солнышко садится.

Then the day is over

And we go to bed.

И ужин во рту тает,

Нам спать пора ложиться.

P6. C is for cat. My cat is grey, and with me it likes to play.

My cat Pit

P7. I have a cat,
His name is Pit;
And with me
He likes to sit,
For Pit loves me,
And I love Pit

P8. Изменяя в каждом следующем слове по букве, превратите слово cat в слово pen. Значок показывает, какая буква должна быть изменена.

1.Pete’s … is grey.

2.The child wears a… .

3. Children! Look at the … .

4. Our English teacher is a … .

5. I see four … in the yard.

6. I write with a … .

P9. D is for dogs and for day.

I like dogs

I like dogs, all dogs
Big dogs and small dogs,
Black dogs and white dogs.
But I like best, as you can see,
The dogs who like to play with me.

P10 (держит календарь в руках).

Thirty days has September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty-eight alone.
All the rest have thirty-one,
But leap year coming one in four
Gives February one day more.

P11. E is for English.

I love learning English.

I can read, I can write,
I can speak English too.
I love learning English!
And what about you?

All together.

We love learning English too.

P12. F is for flowers: red and blue, white and yellow and rosy, too.

P13. F is for fairy-tale “Cinderella”


Cinderella King


1st Herald

1st Stepsister

2nd Herald

2nd Stepsister

Ladies and gentlemen.

Fairy Prince

Scene 1

Cinderella is sewing. Her stepsisters are sitting in the arm-chairs. Stepmother comes in.

Stepmother: There will be a ball in the king’ palace.

1st Stepsister: Cinderella, give me my white dress!

Cinderella: (giving her the white dress): Here you are!

2nd Stepsister: Bring me my hat and the mirror.

Cinderella brings her the hat and the mirror.

Stepmother: Give me my fan!

Cinderella gives her the fan.

1st Stepsister: Tell us, Cinderella, do you want to go to the ball?

Cinderella: Oh, don’t laugh at me. Nobody will let me in.

1st Stepsister: Of course, not. You have no beautiful dresses.

2nd Stepsister: You are too dirty to go there.

(To her mother and sister) Well, let’s go.

They leave the room. Cinderella is crying. Fairy appears.

Fairy: Why are you crying, my child?

Cinderella: I cannot go to the ball; I have neither beautiful dress, nor glass slippers.

Fairy: My dear. I’ll help you and you will go to the ball. Here is a white dress and here are glass slippers for you. But remember: you must go home at twelve o’clock.

Cinderella: Thank you very, very much!

Scene 2

At the king’s ball. The prince is dancing with noble ladies. The two stepsisters are dancing too. The queen is talking to the old noble ladies. Cinderella appears. She is in a white beautiful dress.

King: Who is that young girl? How beautiful she is?

Prince: (approaching Cinderella). May I dance with you?

Cinderella: With great pleasure.

They begin dancing. Suddenly the clock strikes twelve.

Cinderella: Oh, it’s twelve o’clock! I’m sorry but I must go. Good-bye!

She runs away and loses one of her glass slippers.

Scene 3

Cinderella is making supper at home. The two stepsisters and stepmother are talking.

1st Stepsister: You know, Cinderella, there was a beautiful lady at the king’s ball.

Stepmother: She ran home and lost her glass slipper.

2nd Stepsister: The prince wants to marry her.He is looking for her.

Two Heralds enter the rom.

1st Herald: (to the 1st stepsister) Try on this glass slipper, please!

1st Stepsister: (trying it on) It’s too small for me.

2nd Stepsister: Let me try it on! Oh, it’s so small.

1st Herald: (to Cinderella) Try on this glass slipper, please.

Stepmother: Oh, it’s our Cinderella. She hasn’t been to the ball.

Cinderella: But I want to try it on!

Easily puts on the glass slipper. Takes another one out of her pocket and puts it on.

1st and 2nd Stepsisters: Oh, Cinderella, we beg your pardon.

Cinderella: I pardon you. Good-bye!

Cinderella leaves the room accompanied by the Heralds.

P14. G is for guest. We have a guest. (interview)

– What is your name?

– What is your surname?

– How old are you?

– Where are you from?

– What’s your address?

– What’s your telephone number?

– What is your hobby?

– What’s your favourite sport?

– Thank you.

P15. H is for happy (sing a song)

If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it
Clap your hands.

  • Stamp your feet.
  • Snap your fingers.
  • Click your tongue.
  • Nod your head.
  • Say OK.
  • Do all six.

P16. I is for I. “I like milk and bread”, says little Fred.

P17. “And I like tea and jam”, says little Sam

P18. J is for Jam.

P19. K is for kittens.

Three little kittens.

Mother cat
1st kitten
2nd kitten
3rd kitten.


Author: The three little kittens
Lost their mittens,
And they began to cry.

1st kitten: Oh, mother dear,

2nd kitten: We very much fear

3rd kitten: (crying) That we have lost our mittens!
Cat: Lost your mittens,
You are naughty kittens!
Then you will have no pie.

The kittens go away.

Author: The three little kittens
Found their mittens,
And they began to cry.

The kittens run in.

Three little kittens (together): Oh, mother dear,

1st kitten: (showing the mittens) See here,

2nd kitten: (showing the mittens) See here,

3rd kitten: (showing the mittens) See, we have found our mittens.

Cat: Oh, you’re good kittens!
Put on your mittens,
And you will have some pie.

Gives them pies.

But I smell a mouse close by.

(All together): We smell a mouse close by.

Good-bye! The cat and kittens leave the stage.

P20. L is for letter. This letter is for you.(Читает письмо)

25 Queen Street, Oxford.

England 20th May

Dear friends,

I am happy that in June you will have summer holidays. Your school year is over. I wish you good health, success in your study, pleasant rest.

With best wishes,


Thank you for your letter.

P21. M is for Mummy.

I love my dear Mummy,
I love her very much.
And do you love your Mummy?

All together: Of course, and very much!

P22. My mother is the dearest (показывает фотографию мамы)

Of all the friends I know.
She helps me work and helps me play.
That’s why I love her so.

P23. N is for nine, nineteen and ninety-nine.

P24. O is for one. One, and two, and three,
I go up the apple-tree.
One, and two, and three,
All the apples fall on me.

P25. P is for pen and for pencil.

P26 What am I? (в костюме ручки)

What am I? ( в костюме карандаша)

I don’t know

I’m black,


And red, and blue,

But I’m writing,

I draw a picture

As you can see.

For you.

P27. Q is for questions.

Six serving men.

I have six honest serving men.
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.

Шесть слуг.

У меня живут шесть слуг
Их всех по-разному зовут.
Каждый отзывается
Только позови.
Где? Когда? Какой? И кто?
Очень дружат хорошо.
Еще есть как? И почему?
Различить их не могу.

Р28. Восстановите порядок слов вопросительного предложения. Затем ответьте на вопрос.


P29. R is for rose and for red. Here is a rose, The rose is red.

P30. S is for street, stop.

Stop! Look! Listen! (в форме милиционера).
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use your feet. But…
Look at the light.
First look to the left,
And then to the right.

P 31. T is for telephone. (разговор по телефону)

Pat: 67190. Hello, Mary.

Mary: Hello, Pat.

Pat: How are you, Mary?

Mary: Fine, thanks. And you?

Pat: I’m fine. Let’s go to the cinema today.

Mary: Yes, all right. See you. Bye.

Pat: Bye, Mary.

P32. U is for under. Let us play. (дети играют под деревом)

Little children, come to me. Let us play under the tree.

P 33. V is in five and also in seven, it is in twelve and in eleven.

Five little dogs.

Five little dogs
Playing by the door;
One runs away
And now there are (all together) four.

P34. W is for why and for Willy. (sing a song)

Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?

P35. X is in six. Let’s count up to six!

All together. One, two, three, four, five, six!

(показывает примеры на карточках)Two and four is (all together) six.

One and five is (all together) six.
Three and three is (all together) six.

P36. Y is for yard where we play. We play in the yard every day. (игра с мячом).

P37. Z is for zoo.

We go to the zoo.

Tomorrow on Sunday,
We go to the zoo.
Tomorrow, tomorrow,
We go to the zoo.
There is a zebu there,
And a zebra too,
A bear and a monkey,
And a kangaroo.

The ABC (All together)


2.Letters twenty-six in all,


Backwards now


We’ll sing then all

W and XYZ

ZYX and WV

This is called the




Which we never


Must forget.