Бинарное занятие по английскому языку "Kamchatka – the Land of Wonders". 7–9-й классы (дополнительное образование)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

1 занятие.

В кабинете – телевизор и видеомагнитофон, видефильм оКамчатке на англ.яз.

Не доске – карта Камчатки.

На рабочих столах – журналы «Kamchatka Explorer»

Дидактический материал – фотографии с изображением животных, явлений природы.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good afternoon, everybody! Take your seats, please, and get ready for the lesson.

Today we are going to speak about Kamchatka peninsular. I want to start our lesson from a short video.

(A short video about Kamchatka (in English) – 2-3-min.)

T: Now answer my questions, please:

  1. What do know about Kamchatka?
  2. Is it your native land?
  3. How long have you been living here?
  4. What do you feel when you return from your summer holidays?
  5. Do you love it? Why?
  6. Is it popular for foreign tourists?
  7. What can tourists do in Kamchatka?

Thank you for your answers.

II. Now, please, spell the new words. (Written on the blackboard.)

III. Read the new words.

  1. Geyser – гейзер.
  2. Erupt – извергаться; eruption – извержение.
  3. Indigenous – местный, коренной.
  4. Striking – поразительный, выдающийся.
  5. Wonderland – страна чудес.
  6. Spawn – икра, метать икру; spawning-нерест.
  7. Peninsular – полуостров.
  8. Pool – бассейн, водоем; thermal pool – термальный водоем.
  9. Giant – гигантский, огромный.
  10. Revive – возрождать, воскрешать (в памяти).
  11. Rugged coastline – скалистый берег.
  12. Steam – выпускать пар, парить.
  13. Ritual – ритуал, обряд.

IV. То know more information about Kamchatka, now let's read the text.

(Reading to overall meaning.)

A trip to the Geyser Valley.

Kamchatka is a peninsula of 470 sq. km. (about the size of Japan) washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Bering and Okhotskoe Seas. It is a spectacular region of ice, fire and wildlife. The region includes Karaginsky Island and the Commander Archipelago. The mountain ridges Sredinny, Valaginsky, Ganalsky and Kumroch stretch from the North to the South giving the peninsula the shape of a giant fish.

In 1990 the Kamchatka Peninsula was opened to the world. Before 1990 it was known to

westerners as a closed military area. Nowadays tourists can ski, bathe in hot volcanic springs, go river rafting, go rock climbing, see salmon spawning, watch geysers erupt and see sea lions and caribou in their natural environment. Fishing, hunting and photo safaris are also very popular.

The annual festival of the Kamchatka indigenous people is well worth seeing. These people are reviving their culture and history with performances of native Itelmen and Koryak dances, songs and rituals.

So, if you are tired of the city and you are looking for an exciting holiday in striking, mixed scenery – come to Kamchatka. It's a country that is still being born with 29 active volcanoes out of a total of 160. The volcanoes are part of the great scenery and are responsible for the numerous thermal pools in the area. Also part of the scenery are steaming geysers, mountains, tundra, forests and rugged coastline.

Kamchatka is a wonderland not to be forgotten!

V. Read the text once more and find out the sentences, where verbs are used in the Passive Voice.

VI. Answer the questions:

  1. What seas are around Kamchatka?
  2. What are the names of the mountain ridges of Kamchatka?
  3. What happens every year at Kamchatka?
  4. How are thermal pools created?
  5. Which geographical names\ features are mentioned in the text

VII. Look and say what is represented on the pictures (caribou, volcanoes, Kamchatka indigenous people, tundra, thermal pools, eruption of the volcano, Avacha Bay)/

VIII. Read the text again for more detailed information and find in the text words and word combinations which mean:

A   Размером с Японию. I   Если вы устали от города.
B   Регион льда, огня и живой природы. J   Искать захватывающий отдых.
C   Закрытая военная территория. K   Стоит посмотреть.
D   Придавая форму гигантской рыбы. L   Ответственны за.
E   Горячие вулканические источники. M   Удивительное место (земля чудес).
F   Заниматься скалолазанием. N   Все еще рождается.
G   Многочисленные термальные источники. O   Парящие гейзеры.
H   Простирается с Севера на Юг. P   Наблюдать за нерестом лосося.

IX. Using the text, say is it true, false, or there is no information in the text:

  1. Kamchatka is about the size of Korea.
  2. It is washed by the Black Sea.
  3. Nowadays tourists can see salmon spawning, watch caribou and sea lions in their natural environment.
  4. Kamchatka was known before 1990.
  5. The mountain ridges give the peninsular the shape of a small bear.
  6. Tourists can also parachute-jumping or diving.
  7. Animals in Kamchatka are very unique.
  8. There are 160 volcanoes in Kamchatka, 29 active of them.

X. Физкультурная минутка-игра (на расширение словарного запаса).

Ученикам предлагается два набора карточек. В одном наборе – существительные, в другом прилагательные. Группа делится на 2 части. За определенное кол-во времени (~ 8 мин.) ученики должны распределить к каждому существительному по два прилагательного.

- You worked well and now you have a rest for 10 minutes.

2 занятие.

The Passive Voice.

- It's time to work again.

In the text we have met some verbs in the Passive Voice.

Have you studied it at school?

So, let's revise it and do some exercises.

Рассказывая о действиях и событиях, мы употребляли различные грамматические формы в Действительном (Активном) залоге.

Пассивный (cтрадательный) залог потребляется, когда неважно или неизвестно, кто произвел действие. Passive Voice образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be + смысловой глагол в 3 форме. В английском языке он употребляется значительно чаще, чем в русском языке. В русском языке в страдательном залоге употребляются только переходные глаголы (требующие после себя прямое дополнение), а в английском языке как переходные, так и непереходные.

1. Fill in the gaps in the table.

Tense Active Passive
Present Simple Я говорю –

Она советует –

Мне говорят –

Ей советуют –

Present Progressive Он помогает –

Ты спрашиваешь –

Ему помогают –

Тебя спрашивают –

Past Simple Мы пригласили –

Я помог –

Нас пригласили –

Мне помогли –

Past Progressive Он звал –

Она рассказывала –

Его звали –

Ей рассказывали –

Future Simple Они забудут –

Ты ответишь –

Их забудут –

Тебе ответят –

2. Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice.

  • Your luggage (to bring) up in the lift 5 minutes ago.
  • I am sure I (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow.
  • This new dictionary (to send) everywhere now.
  • He said that his grandmother's letter (to receive) two days ago.
  • Don't worry, everything will be all right: the children (to take) to the theatre by the teacher and they (to bring) back to school in the evening.
  • This article (to write) by one of the famous English journalists.

3. Read the sentences and transform them using the Passive Voice.

  • Lena is young now. Next year she goes away from her home town. What will happen in her town in 10 years?
  • Lena has gone away from her home city. What happens in her town nowadays?
  • When she came back, she saw many changes. Say what was done in the town.
    • They build a new hospital.
    • They rebuild the library.
    • They turn the city centre into a real shopping area.
    • They open new fire stations.
    • They change the names of the street.
    • They close the old city exhibition hall and built a new one.

4. Now, please, do the test (см. Приложение 1).

5. Imagine that you are the boss in a travel agency in Kamchatka (Приложение 2 – находится у автора). Please, think how it can be called, what activity can your agency offer for foreigners and Russian people as well. Write your address, e-mail, telephone number (см. Приложение 3).