Идеальные каникулы для подростков

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний с изучением новых знаний по теме.

Цель: подготовка учащихся к выполнению тестовых заданий в формате ЕГЭ по разным видам речевой деятельности


  • активизация лексического материала по теме;
  • совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений;
  • развитие навыков аудирования как средства развития диалогической и монологической речи;
  • совершенствование навыков чтения (детального, изучающего);
  • развитие социокультурной компетенции;
  • воспитание культуры организации досуга;
  • воспитание валеологической культуры, стремление вести здоровый образ жизни.

Оборудование:  доска, магнитофон, грамматические таблицы, ноутбук, экран.


I. Организационный момент. Объяснение целей урока

Teacher:  Hello, everybody! Nice to meet you. Today we’re going to talk about holidays, to be exact about perfect holidays for teenagers.

II. Речевая разминка (Warm-up activities)

Teacher:  What kind of things do you enjoy doing on holidays? To answer this question I want you to open your textbooks on page Song Sheets 3, to the Module 5. The Song «Chill Out». Well, why does the singer thinks holidays necessary for people?
Students’ own answers.

III. Совершенствование монологических навыков (Project presentation)

Teacher: We all know that a lot of young people like doing sports on their holidays. But nowadays teenagers practice extreme sports. Now Pavel’ll give his presentation on the topic «Extreme Sports»

An extreme sport is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts.


Skiing is a recreational activity using skis as equipment for traveling over snow. Skis are used in conjunction with boots that connect to the ski with use of a binding.

Alpine skiing

Alpine skiing is also called downhill skiing. Typically, downhill skiing takes place at a ski resort with specified ski runs. Ski resorts that offer downhill skiing exist all over the world in cold climate areas. Non-competitive alpine skiing is recreational skiing. Also in the category of Alpine skiing are the competitions known as Slalom, Giant Slalom (GS), Super-G (Super Giant Slalom) and Downhill.
Freestyle skiing
Freestyle: Freestyle skiing is the type of skiing with which tricks are usually associated. The skis used are generally of a twin tip design, made to land switch tricks (backwards) as easily as forwards. Tricks are generally spins and flips, that can be conjoined with a grabbing of the ski to improve the image of the trick. Freestyle skiing generally takes place in terrain parks at ski resorts, with a wide variety of jumps, rails, jibs and other features to session. Mogul skiing is also considered as freestyle skiing.

Risks of injury 

In alpine skiing, there are around three injuries per thousand skiing days. Knee injuries are most common, but broken bones and death are possible. Ski helmets, once used only by racers, are now in common use by all classes and ages of skier.


Climbing is the activity of using one's hands and feet (or indeed any other part of the body) to ascend a steep object. It is done both for recreation (to reach an inaccessible place, or for its own enjoyment) and professionally, as part of activities such as maintenance of a structure, or military operations.

Mountain climbing (Mountaineering): Ascending mountains for sport or recreation. It often involves rock and/or ice climbing.

Risks of injury

Falling ice, Falls from rocks, Avalanches, Ice slope, Snow slopes, Crevasses, Weather, Altitude Solar, radiation, Volcanic activity


Surfing is a surface water sport in which the surfer rides a surfboard on the crest and face of a wave which is carrying the surfer towards the shore. Waves suitable for surfing are found primarily in the ocean, but are also sometimes found in lakes and rivers, and also in manmade wave pools.


Drowning, Collisions, Marine life, Rip currents, Seabed.

At the end of the project students ask questions.
– How long have you been practicing skiing?
– Where did you go on your last holiday?
– Who inspired you to start skiing? Etc.

IV. Развитие навыков диалогической речи. (Диалог – обмен мнениями)

Teacher:  Now let’s what would be the perfect holiday for you and your partner. Will you open your books on page 99(the task speaking) Follow the plan on the blackboard.

V. Развитие умений аудирования с пониманием основного содержания.

Teacher:  Well, and now listen to the people talking about their summer holiday. Which comments does each speaker make? Listen attentively and make notes in your exercise-books in order to explain why you’ve chosen this or that variant. Don’t forget there is unnecessary comment.
(Ученики выполняют задание из рабочей тетради WorkBookex. 1 p. 43 (Listening)

VI. Закрепление навыков словообразования

Teacher:  Well done. Now let’s revise the word formation. Do exercise 5 page 40 in your work books, complete the gaps with the correct derivative of the words in bold. (One of the pupils can do this task on the blackboard)

VII. Развитие умений поискового чтения

Teacher:  O.K. From literature you know that a lot of heroes enjoy travelling. Now you’ll read about a well-known traveler Gulliver, and do the task. You should read the key phrase to prove your answer.
Work book page 43. Reading

VIII. Объяснение домашнего задания

Teacher:  Well done. For the next lesson you are to write a letter to a friend using the task on page 99 in your text books. (section writing) Remember the rules of letter writing.

IX. Итоги урока

Teacher:  O.K. I am pleased with your work today and I’ll give you excellent and good marks.

X. Прощание

Teacher:  Good-Bye. The lesson is over.