Урок "Meeting an alien"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:
  • активизация лексических навыков;
  • развитие навыков говорения по темам “Мой дом”, “Знакомство”;
  • совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования.

Оборудование: проектор и проектная доска, мультфильм “The Cold Planet”, разноцветные сигнальные звездочки.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (приветствие и сообщение целей урока)

- Good morning! I’m glad to see you. How are you today? Show me a red star if you’re fine, a blue one if you’re OK and a yellow one if you’re so-so. I hope you’ll be fine till the end of the lesson.

Today we are going to discuss a cartoon.

2. Фонетическая отработка трудных слов по теме “Мой дом”. (Слайд №2. Презентация)

- First of all let’s practice today’s vocabulary. Look at the board and read the words: address, neighbourhood, bright, it gets a lot of sunshine, relax, invite guests, a pleasant place.

- Read and translate the words.

Ученики читают по одному слову (словосочетанию) друг за другом.

- Read in a group after the group leader.

- Read in pairs.

- Let’s check up reading of thе words.

3. Речевая разминка

- Answer the questions on the blackboard.

  1. Where do you live? What is your address?
  2. What kind of a house do you live in?
  3. Do you have a garden?
  4. What kind of neighbourhood is it?
  5. Do you like it there?
  6. How many rooms are there in your flat/house?
  7. What is your favourite place in the flat/house?
  8. Your home is your castle, isn’t it?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы фронтально, в парах, в группах в разных режимах. Контроль групповой работы.

4. Развитие навыков монологической речи

- And now I want you to use these questions as a plan and speak about your place you live. Work in pairs and listen to each other.

Ученики работают в парах и рассказывают друг другу рассказы.

- Who wants to speak about one’s home?

1-2 ученика рассказывают вслух перед классом.

5. Ознакомление с лексикой и ее первичное закрепление. (Слайд №3)

- Well done! And now we’ll practice watching a space story. The words on the board will help us to understand it. Read and translate the words:



put wrong batteries


planet Fliptune

fly (flew, flown)

come (came, come) back to the Earth


Billy, Splodge, Neila

send sunshine

it never melts

Ученики читают слова и словосочетания, переводят на русский язык. Если затрудняются, учитель объясняет значение этих слов.

- Say the opposite:

In front of; light; it melts; put right batteries; receive sunshine; leave the Earth.

- There are many planets in the Universe such as the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, Mars, Neptune, Mercury and many others. Creatures who live on other planets are aliens and they look different. They have no sunshine and it’s vey dark and cold there. So, watch the story “The Cold Planet” and be ready to speak about it and write a test.

6. Первичный просмотр рассказа “The Cold Planet” и контроль понимания основного содержания фильма. (Слайд №4)

- Answer my questions on the story.

  1. What is the name of the cold planet?
  2. Who lives on the planet?
  3. Who visits the cold planet?

7. Вторичный просмотр рассказа “The Cold Planet”. Проверка детального понимания фильма.

- Watch the film again and say if the statements are true or false. Support your ideas with the facts from the story. (Слайд №5)

1. Fliptune is a very cold and dark planet.

2. Aliens live on that planet.

3. There is a lot of ice cream on the planet.

4. Aliens are very happy.

5. Aliens use fire.

6. Billy and his dog flew to the cold planet.

7. Billy promised to help Neila.

8. Splodge sends sunshine to Fliptune with the mirror.

- What happened in the story, The Cold Planet? Put these sentences in the right order. (Слайд №6)

  1. One day she put the wrong batteries in her torch.
  2. Billy said he would help Neila.
  3. Neila is an alien who lives on the planet Fliptune.
  4. Now Neila and her friends can sit in the sun and eat ice cream.
  5. Billy and his dog, Splodge, flew to Fliptune.
  6. Billy and Splodge went back to the Earth.
  7. Billy’s mirror sent sunshine to the planet Fliptune.

8. Физкультминутка

9. Развитие речевых умений учащихся

Драматизация встречи инопланетянина и Билли на планете Флиптюн.

- Imagine that you’re Billy and you meet Neila. Ask her about the planet and describe your home. Invite her to the Earth. (Слайд №7)

10. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.

- Thank you for your work. I’m satisfied with your answers and your work. I think you will tell this story to your brothers and sisters.

Домашнее задание: читать текст про А.Г.Николаева, летчика-космонавта, нашего земляка и выполнить задания под текстом. (Слайд №8)

Andrian Grigoryevich Nikolaev


Andrian Grigoryevich Nikolaev, cosmonaut №3, is our country-man. He was born on the 5-th of September, 1929 in the village of Shorshely in the family of the collective farmer. In1947 he graduated from the forest technical school and worked in Karelia. In 1951 Andrian Nikolaev entered a flying school, finished it and became a test-pilot. In 1960 he joined the first group of cosmonauts. On the 11-th of August, 1962 Andrian Nikolaev flew into space in spaceship “Vostok-3” with his friend Popovich in spaceship “Vostok-4”. After his flight into space he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal. He was also made a Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1970 Andrian Nikolaev flew into space for the second time together with Sevastyanov. He was the commander of the spaceship “Soyuz-9”. Andrian Nikolaev came to our republic many times. The people of Chuvashia always met him warmly.

He died on the 3-d of July 2004 in Cheboxary and was buried in the village of Shorshely. Now there is a memorial-complex of the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR A.G.Nikolaev in the village. People from all parts of our country and foreign countries visit the memorial-complex.

New words:

New words:

Country-man – земляк

сosmonaut [‚kɔzmə ′ nɔ:t] - космонавт

graduated from [′ grædjuetıd frəm] – о кончил (учебное заведение)

entered the flying school [′entəd] – поступил в летную школу

joined [dʒɔind] – присоединился к

flew into space [flu: ıntə speıs] – полетел в космос

spaceship [′speısςıp] - космический корабль

flight [flaıt] - полет

was awarded [wɔz ə ′wɔ:dıd] – был присужден

the pilot – cosmonaut of the USSR [′paılət ‚kɔzmə ′ nɔ:t] – летчик-космонавт СССР

was buried [wɔz ′berıd] - был похоронен

1. Translate the sentences in italics into Russian.

2. Test. Write if these sentences true (T) or false (F)

  1. A.G.Nikolaev is cosmonaut №3.
  2. He was born in a family of the worker.
  3. He graduated from the medical school.
  4. After finishing a flying school Nikolaev became a test-pilot.
  5. He joined the first cosmonaut group in 1961.
  6. He flew into space with Popovich.
  7. He had one space flight.
  8. A.G. has never been to Chuvashia.

3. Answer the questions.

  1. What is A.G.Nikolaev?
  2. When was he born?
  3. Did he graduate from the flying school?
  4. Was he a test-pilot?
  5. When did he join the first group of cosmonauts?
  6. Did he have one or two space flights?
  7. What awards did he have?
  8. He died in 2004 in Cheboxary, didn’t he?

11. Рефлексия. Did you enjoy the lesson? What work did you like? What work did you dislike? How do you feel? Show me the stars please! I’m glad that most of you feel better. I wish you good luck. Good-bye!

Ресурсы: http://www.britishcouncil.org/kidsenglish