Разработка открытого урока по теме "Спорт и игры"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основная цель данного урока: показать возможности программного мультимедийного сетевого обучающего класса NetClasspro CRMS при проведении интерактивных проверок знаний с немедленным анализом результатов. Данный класс помогает создать обучающую среду без бумажных материалов, экономичную и намного более организованную. На уроке использовалась следующие функции: «Трансляция преподавателя», что позволило преподавателю в реальном времени передать со своего компьютера мультимедийное сообщение на компьютеры суворовцев, функция «Словарь» позволила провести тестирование новой лексики, а функция «Проверка знаний» – тестирование знаний по теме «Олимпийские игры». Программа автоматически обработала результаты тестирования. Широкое использование мультимедийного сетевого обучающего класса, доступность и разнообразие изучаемого материала, связь с текущими событиями обеспечили успех урока.

Учебная цель:

  • развивать умение делать сообщение, содержащее наиболее важную информацию по теме урока;
  • совершенствовать умение участвовать в диалогах-обменах информацией.

Развивающая цель:

  • развивать креативность, учить суворовцев сравнивать, обобщать, экспериментировать;
  • активизировать познавательную деятельность обучаемых.

Воспитательная цель:

  • пропагандировать здоровый образ жизни;
  • показать необходимость занятий спортом для военного человека;
  • воспитывать дружбу.

Методическая цель:

  • показать эффективность использования мультимедийного класса NetClasspro CRMS

Метод: программированный с использованием компьютера.

Материальное обеспечение урока:

  1. печатные тексты;
  2. фотографии спортсменов;
  3. тематический диск;
  4. мультимедийный класс;
  5. фотогазета «Спорт в ЕСВУ».

Ход урока

I. Вступительное слово учителя.

Today we are going to talk about sport and a healthy way of life. An ideal person according to the Greeks was a person who was strong both physically and mentally. They never admired a person who was just a good athlete, or just a good artist or a scientist, but was not fond of sports. It’s our last lesson on the topic, that’s why I would like to see what you have already learnt. Let’s start with the vocabulary.

II. Упражнения на активизацию лексики по теме «Спорт».

Match the sport and the description.

1. tennis            a. is done in water
2. jogging b. a boat is need for it
3. swimming c. is a team sport
4. fencing d. is played by two or four with a ball
5. skiing e. can be done alone
6. skating f. wind is necessary
7. rowing g. is done on ice
8. hockey h. swords are used for it
9. sailing i. snow is necessary for it
10. boxing j. can only be done by two

What do you call a person who…

  1. plays golf
  2. rides a bicycle
  3. plays tennis
  4. rides horses in races
  5. drives cars in races
  6. does the high jump
  7. runs fast over short distances
  8. does gymnastics
  9. throws a discus
  10. does wind surfing

Match the sport with the location.

a. golf            1. rink
b. boxing 2. pool
c. tennis 3. stadium
d. swimming 4. pitch
e. football 5. court
f. athletics 6. ring
g. ice-skating 7. course

Which words written bellow are used with “go” (go climbing), and which words with “play” (play tennis)?

climbing, swimming, chess, table tennis, skating, tennis, bridge, body building, weightlifting, football, hockey, car racing, baseball, golf, basketball, horse riding, skiing, cycling, rugby, water skiing

Which of these sports do you take part in?

Which of these sports do you like watching live or on TV?

Which of these sports are: indoor sports, outdoor sports, motor sports, winter sports, water sports?

Which are dangerous?

Which are popular among army servicemen?


Form the new words by adding-er and translate them

Jump, box, row, run, swim, play, wrestle, skate, ski, volleyball, basketball

Form the new words by adding-ing and translate them

Row, motor-cycle, boat, yacht, bowl, shoot, dive, sail, canoe, toboggan, skate, ski, swim, run

New words. Словарный зачет. Используется ПО (программное обеспечение) мультимедийного класса NetClasspro CRMS для автоматизированной проверки словарного запаса по теме «Спорт». Смотри приложение №1 (у автора).

to play tennis, ice-hockey, field hockey, gymnastics, athletics, boxing, wrestling, swimming, rowing, yachting, horse-riding, hunting, shooting, motor-racing, skiing, rugby, figure-skating, captain, coach, team, running, jumping, ground, swimming pool, speed, weight-lifting, winner, track, tie(draw), end in a tie, training, score, relay, races, point, prize, player, match, lose, kick, discus throwing, net, onlookers, referee, goal, goalkeeper, gymnasium, to attack, to defend, snooker, rules for, to take part in, angling, darts, track-and-field, diving, a wreath, ancient, competition, to toboggan, jogging.

III. Спорт в Екатеринбургском СВУ. Вопросно-ответная работа, монологическое высказывание по теме.

As far as the army concerns, army servicemen prefer weight-lifting, wrestling, boxing and naturally every kind of shooting and biathlon. And what about you?

What is your favorite sport?

Do you think sports develop people physically?

Are you a sportsman or a fan?

Who is the best sportsman in your platoon?

What sports does he go in for?

What sports are especially popular at the SMS?

How many sports halls do you have?

Do you do morning exercises?

How often do you have competitions?

Suvorovites of our company like sports and games very much. Football and basketball are very popular and so are running, jumping, swimming and wrestling. In summer we go in for athletics. There are very good runners and jumpers in our platoon. Usually they take part in summer competitions of Suvorov Schools. The best time for swimming is July, which is the hottest month. All of us can swim but the best swimmer is suvorovite Borisov. Our favorite games are basketball and football. Volleyball can be played all the year round.

In winter we have skiing competitions and suvorovites show very good results. The best skier of our platoon is suvorovite Ivanov. He is the prize-winner of many competitions.

We want to become good sportsmen.

9 ways to grow old and to stay young

  1. Exercise keeps you young.
  2. Eat for health.
  3. Is your weight ideal?
  4. Keep your skin young.
  5. Limit alcoholic drinks.
  6. Never smoke!
  7. Catch illness early when it can be treated.
  8. Deal with stress.
  9. Think young and keep your mind active.

IV. Спорт в России. Используется функция «Трансляция преподавателя» мультимедийного сетевого обучающего класса для трансляции текста «Спорт в России» со звуковым сопровождением, затем два суворовца передают содержание текста на английском языке.

Sport in Russia

Millions of people of over the world go in for sports. People of this country are sport-lovers too. Many sports are popular in Russia, such as hockey, soccer, track-and-field, weightlifting, tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, shooting and many others. Sporting activities are a part of daily life in Russia. Most Russians, growing up in the North, grow with outdoor winter sports and activities, such as skiing and skating. In all parts of Russia fishing is extremely popular. All water sports are wide spread, including swimming, diving, sailing, water-skiing, canoeing. In all schools there is a gym and a sports ground. Sport is a subject on the curriculum of all schools and universities.

In this country much attention is paid to organized sports. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of our sportsmen participate in the Olympic Games. Russian athletes have won more medals, than any other team in all Olympics since 1956. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics the united teams of the former Soviet republics won 45 gold medals.

National and international matches are regularly held in Russia. They attract large numbers of fans. There is a lot of live broadcasting of matches and championships in this country. Many of them are televised live.

V. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания.

а) монологические высказывания « Мой любимый вид спорта»

As for me I go in for tennis. It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play the more I like it. I get a real joy taking part in competitions or simply playing with my friends. Sometimes I go to tennis courts. Certainly it is a great distance between my manner of playing and such favorites as Boris Backer, Evgeny Kafelnikov, Pete Sampas but I do my training with great pleasure.

б) диалоги «Спорт в англоговорящих странах», «Олимпийские Игры».

Диалог №1

A. Hello, Boris! Could you help me prepare the topic “Sport”?

B. With pleasure.

A. Let’s start with the UK. What specifically British sports do you know?

B. The British take pride in the fact that many forms of sport first started in their country. For example, football, table-tennis, golf, etc.

A. Quite right. They have football and rugby. Football is played with an oval ball and in rugby the ball is oval.

B. I’ve read that the British are keen on races.

A. Horse-racing, golf, and especially cricket – all are very popular in Britain.

B. So one may say sport plays an important part in British life?

A. Certainly. In the USA also, sport is an important element in people’s lives. Americans try to live healthy lives.

B. What are their favorite sports?

A. Americans are keen on athletics and swimming, and particularly baseball, basketball and football. In the USA such unusual forms of sports as skate-board and surfing came into existence.

В. What it comes down to, is that people the world over love sport. It means good health, good physical shape, and so your mood’s good as well!

Dialogue №2

A. Hello, Boris! What about playing football?

B. I prefer to watch sports tournaments on TV.

A. Yes I’m the same. I like watching sports programs, especially world championships and the Olympic Games.

B. Oh yes, the Olympic Games-what a fantastic show! I always support our team. And even the history itself of the Olympic Federation is impressive.

A. You obviously know a lot about this.

B. Well, I read about it. The Olympic Games originated in Ancient Greece. They were held in honor of Zeus, they lasted over 5 days and they acted as a symbol of world peace, so that for the duration of the Olympics all military operations stopped.

A. So what sort of sports events did they have in the games?

B. This is interesting too. For instance, there was chariot racing, but apart from that, ancient athletes even competed in events similar to our sports activities: running, jumping, wrestling, horse racing and so on.

A. How interesting! So did they have medals for the winners? Gold or silver ones?

B. No. The winners received laurel wreaths in the temple of Zeus.

A. But isn’t there a great gap in the history of the Olympic Games? Do you know why that happened?

B. No, I don’t.

A. I heard about that Frenchman, Pieere de Coubertaine. Didn’t he reinstate the games?

B. Yes, his name appears in the written history of the Olympic Federation.

A. So who does decide the city and country for the next performance of the Olympics?

B. There is the International Olympic Committee. At present more than one hundred and fifty countries are members.

A. It is always pleasing when our sportsmen win medals, isn’t it?

B. Yes, since 1952, when Russia competed in the Olympics for the first time, our sportsmen broke many records and they brought back a host of gold, silver and bronze medals.

A. I think that it is really fascinating. Settled! Let’s play football!

VI. Олимпийские Игры.

а) После просмотрового чтения текста «Олимпийские Игры» суворовцы задают вопросы по его содержанию.

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began more than two thousand years ago in Greece. The Greeks were fond of music, plays, and all kinds of physical exercises. The famous games at Olympia took place every four years and all cities in Greece sent their athletes to take part in them. The strongest athletes came together to run jump, wrestle, throw the discus, box. The games were very popular and thousands of Greeks used to watch them.

It became a tradition even to stop wars for the time of the Olympic Games and the people lived in peace.

The winners in each kind of sport got an olive wreath, which was the highest honor.

For a long time, from 394 till 1896 there were no Olympic Games. Since 1896 the best athletes of the world have met again every four years. The Olympic flag has five colored interlaced rings, representing the five parts of the world on a white background. The Olympic flag was first used in1920. The motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (Faster, Higher, Stronger).

The capitals of many countries have been Olympic cities—Athens, Paris, London, Berlin, Helsinki, Rome, Tokyo, Mexico, Montreal and some others. Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. In 1980 Moscow hosted the 22nd Olympic Games.

The 2006 Winter Olympics, known as the XX Olympic Winter Games, were held in Turin, Italy. Our team was the 4th, we won 22 medals: 8 gold medals, 6 silver medals and 8 bronze medals. Among the best sportsmen we can name Yevegeny Dementiev (cross-country skiing event), Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin (figure skating), Svetlana Ishmuratova (biathlon), Svetlana Zhurova (speed skating).

  1. How often and where did the ancient Olympic Games take place?
  2. What kinds of sport did they include?
  3. When did the modern Olympic Games begin?
  4. What are the winners in each event given?
  5. Why are the Olympic Games so important?
  6. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?
  7. What is the Olympic flag like?
  8. What capitals have been the Olympic cities?

б) Тест «Олимпийские Игры». Функция «Проверка знаний» мультимедийного обучающего класса поможет провести быстрое тестирование всех суворовцев в реальном времени.

  1. The Ancient Games were first held in
    a) Italy
    b) Germany
    c) Greece
    d) Spain

  2. The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in
    a) London
    b) Barcelona
    c) Rome
    d) Athens

  3. The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in
    a) 1876
    b) 1896
    c) 1906d) 1916

  4. The Olympic Games are held every
    a) 2 years
    b) 4 years
    c) 6 years
    d) 8 years

  5. The 1980 Winter Olympic Games were held in
    a) Los Angeles
    b) Montreal
    c) Moscow
    d) Lake Placid

  6. The Olympic symbol is
    a) 4 interlaced squares
    b) 5 interlaced rings
    c) 3 blue stars
    d) 4 red stars

  7. The second place winner at an Olympic event receives
    a) a silver medal
    b) a gold medal
    c) a bronze medal
    d) a certificate

  8. The 2014 Winter Olympics will be held in
    a) Russia
    b) USA
    c) Canada
    d) Germany

Keys: 1c; 2d; 3b; 4b; 5d; 6b; 7a; 8a.

VII. Заключение. Домашнее задание: Составьте диалоги по следующей ситуации.

Ситуация №1

Твой друг дни и ночи проводит за компьютером. Это продолжается уже не один месяц, и его отец просит тебя поговорить с товарищем и попытаться повлиять на него. Ты приходишь к нему и пытаешься убедить в необходимости заняться спортом.