Урок английского языка по теме "Goodbye, our Textbook! Thank you for our Knowledge!"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели: подвести итог изучения английского языка в начальной школе. В игровой форме повторить лексику, грамматику, речевые структуры, изученные за этот период.

Оснащение: учебник английского языка “Enjoy English” для 4 класса ( М.З. Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанева. Титул,2009); CD MP3; аудиокассета с записью песни; план части города; таблички с названиями станций; карточки для фонетической зарядки; дипломы для награждения.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children! I’m very glad to see you! How are you today?

Предполагаемые ответы учеников: I’m fine! (I’m in a pink; I’m OK; No problem!)Thank you! And you?

Teacher: I’m fine, too. So let’s begin our unusual lesson. But it is our traditional lesson at the end of the school year. Today we’ll say ‘Good bye’ to our textbook and thank it for our knowledge. First of all repeat the words after me:

















































Teacher: Today we’ll travel around the textbook. Do you remember the themes of the book in the fourth form?

(Дети называют темы, пройденные в четвёртом классе: ‘Weather’, ‘My house’, ‘My family’,

‘A country and a city’, ‘Shopping’, ‘My school’)

Teacher: Let’s begin our travelling. We won’t take many things with us; we’ll take only our knowledge. How can we travel?

Children: We can travel by bus (by train, by plane, by ship, on foot)

Teacher: Let’s travel by plane. Now our plane is in the second form. Do you remember the most favourite song? Let’s sing it. (Дети поют и инсценируют песню)

Music, hello! Music, hello! Music, hello!
Melodies flow, melodies flow, melodies flow.
How are you, boys? –We’re doing fine.
How are you, girls? –We’re doing fine.
How are you, folks? –We’re doing fine.
How are you, everyone?

I’m Peter. – Hello, Peter.
I’m Christie. - Hello, Christie.
I’m Carol. – Hello, Carol.
I’m Brien. – Hello, Brien.
I’m Michel. – Hello, Michel.
I’m Eric. – Hello, Eric.
I’m Linda. – Hello, Linda.
I’m Johnny. – Hello, Johnny.

How are you, boys? –We’re doing fine.
How are you, girls? –We’re doing fine.
How are you, folks? –We’re doing fine.
How are you, everyone?
Music, hello! Music, hello! Music, hello!

Teacher: What is the most important thing when we travel by plane? (The weather)

You are right. When it is stormy the plane can’t fly. What about you? What can (can’t) you do when it is stormy? Choose the right variant.

Children: I can’t swim (ride a bike, walk in the park, play in the yard with my friends, etc.) when the weather is bad.

I can draw pictures (read books, play computer games, watch TV) when it is stormy.

Teacher: When can a plane fly?

Children: When it is sunny, not very windy.

Teacher: What do you like to do when it is bright?

Children: I like to go for a walk; ride a bike, play with my friends, etc.

Teacher: So the weather is fine and we can begin our travelling. Look how big and beautiful our country is! There are many cities and villages in the country. What words can you use with ‘a city’? Children: tall, nice, big, large, wide, squares, museums…

Teacher: Where is it better to live? Listen to the dialogue about it.

Two pupils: - Hello! Glad to see you! What is your name? Where do you live?

  • My name is Kate. I live in a big city. There are many tall houses there. I like my place very much.
  • As for me I live in the country. I like it because it is green and nice. I like our small houses. There is a nice clean river near our village.
  • I see. Do you know the proverb ‘East or West, home is best’?
  • Of course, I do and I know a poem “The country and the city”. Let’s listen to it.

(Ученик читает стихотворение):

Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
But in the country where the houses are very small,
The gardens are very big.
And in the cities where the houses are tall
There are no gardens at all.

Teacher: Look here, children! You can see many houses. Can you find your house?

(Вывешивается план города)

A pupil: Oh, I think that is my house. It is big. It is blue. There is a school near it. And there are many flowers in front of it. Let’s stop here and welcome to my house.

(Ученики разыгрывают диалог. Ник стучится в дверь)

Pete: Who is it?

Nick: It’s me, Pete.

Pete: Oh, it’s you! Come in, please!

Nick: Thanks. How are you?

Pete: Fine. And you?

Nick: I’m fine, too. Meet my friend Sasha. Sasha, this is my friend Pete.

Pete: Nice to meet you. Where are you from?

Sasha: I’m from Russia. I’m Russian.

Pete: Welcome to our home. Sit down, please, and have a cup of tea.

Sasha: Thanks.

Teacher: Now we are in the room. Let’s relax a little.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Wink, wink, wink your eyes
Wink your eyes together.
Ride, ride, ride your bike,
Ride the bike together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance
Dance a dance together.

(Дети танцуют танец “На цыпочках”)
One, two, three, on the tiptoes,
One, two, three, on the tiptoes.
One, two, three, turn around.
Clap, clap, step aside.

Teacher: Do you like to go shopping?

Children: Yes, we do.

Teacher: Let’s buy some presents for our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. What can you buy? Make up your own sentences.

I’ll buy

I want to buy

a bag of sweets

a box of chocolates

a toy

a doll

a nice pen

a walkman

an interesting book

a beautiful cup

  for my   mother








Teacher: Children, in some minutes we’ll be at home and you’ll meet your parents, grandparents and friends. I wish you good luck. Have a nice time in summer and come back to school in September. You worked very well not only today but during the whole year. I’m very pleased with your work. I want to give you some presents. (Вручаются дипломы, сувениры, открытки)

Teacher: At the end of our lesson let’s sing a song “The more we are together”