Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Земли

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: формирование у обучающихся положительной мотивации в изучении английского языка.


- развивать творческие и интеллектуальные способности учеников,

- развивать познавательные потребности,

- формировать навыки самостоятельной работы во внеурочное время,

- развивать и воспитывать экологическую культуру,

- воспитывать любовь и уважение к природе родного края.

Во время декламации стихотворения учителем, демонстрируется презентация к данному стихотворению.

Hug the Earth

by Lorraine Bayes

Walking along feeling free
Feeling the earth here with me
And I love her, she loves me.
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She's our friend,
We'd like to be together forever.
The earth is a garden.
It's a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
Food is a treasure from the soil and the sea.
Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.
The warmth of the sun giving life each day
Turns water into rain, it's nature's way.
And I would like to thank you, Mother Earth,
I like to see you dressed in green and blue
I want to be by you.

Крепко обними Землю

Гуляя чувствуешь свободу,
Ведь под ногами есть земля.
Она наполнена любовью,
Её люблю я больше, чем себя.
В объятиях Земли огромной
Есть место для тебя, мой друг,
И как было бы чудесно
Быть вместе с ней и слышать её звук.
Земля, как сад и место обитания
Для всех живых существ и для людей.
Землю, оберегая как дом свой,
Ты помогаешь ей.
Земля даёт нам пищу,
Растения даря,
И свежий воздух
И чистые моря.
Тепло нам дарит солнце,
Вода дождём на землю вершит круговорот.
В природе этот путь проходит, несомненно,
И так всегда всё будет, пока Земля живёт.
Хочу сказать спасибо, тебе матушка - Земля,
Ты для меня прекрасна и так близка всегда.
С зелёными лесами и голубыми небесами,
С тобой хочу быть вместе,
Любуясь родными краями.

Учитель: The day of Ecological safety is in April. On the 22nd of April is Earth Day. It is a special day around the world. The first Earth Day was held in the USA in April 1970. Earth Day is a time when many people show that they care for our fragile planet. People all give the world think about air, water, plants and animals on the Earth. They say our planet is in danger. The Earth is our home. We must take care of it. Each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air, water clean!

Выступление детей.


I want to live

I want to live
And not to die
I want to laugh
And not to cry!

I want to feel
The summer sun.
I want to sing
When life is fun.

I want to live
And not to die!
I want to laugh
And not to cry!

Look! What beautiful our planet! Let's take a walk!

Ученик в костюме Зимы: I come with cold and snow, but you like me and know.

Дети отгадывают время года. Зима.

Ведущий: Guys, what do you know about winter?

Дети рассказывают стихи о зиме.

Winter, winter, winter!
The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white

All day and all night.
Boys and girls,
Hand in hand
Go to the winter land.

The snow is white,
The sky is blue.
Oh, winter,
How do you do?

Дети водят хоровод

Фоном звучит звуковой файл №1

We'll make a snowman
Big and round 3 paза
We'll put the snowman
On the ground 3 paза

Лепят снеговика.

Ho! Ho! Ho!
It's jolly in the snow.
We've made a snowman tall
Just near the garden wall

Ho! Ho! Ho!
It's jolly in the snow.

Ведущий: Guys, do you like spring? What poems about spring do you know?

Дети рассказывают стихотворения о весне.

O spring, O spring,
You wonderful thing!
O spring, O spring,
O spring, O spring,
When the birds sing
I feel like a king!
There is no snow
The flowers are seen.
This isn’t summer,
I know it is spring!
Spring, spring, spring!
The trees are green,
Blue skies are seen.
The grey winter, go away!
The world looks new and gay!

Стихотворение сопровождается детскими рисунками, приготовленными заранее.

All for you

All for you

The trees of the forest,
The flowers on the lea,
The birds on the branches,
The fish of the sea;
The rocks and the mountains,
The rivers that flow,
The rain and the sunshine,
The ice and the snow;
All things that are lovely,
All things that are good,
The creatures that live,
And the plants that are food;
The corn-fields are yellow,
The sky is deep blue:
The sweetness and beauty
Of life are for you.

Ведущий: Guys, do you like summer?

Дети рассказывают стихи о лете.

Summer time is
A time for play;
We are happy
All the day.
The sun is shining
All day long.
The trees are full
Of birds and song.

Фоном звучит звуковой файл №2.

When trees are green and forest are green,
And grass is green and long,
It’s good to walk in the forest
And listen to birds’ song.

Проходит ученик в костюме бабочки, дети обращаются к нему.

Butterfly, butterfly,
Where do you fly?
So quick and so high?
In the blue, blue sky?

Фоном звучит звуковой файл №3, дети прячутся под зонтом.

Rain on the grass,
Rain on the tree,
Rain on the house,
But not on me!

Выходит ученик в костюме колокольчика, дети проходя мимо, обращаются к нему.

Who are you?

Ученик в костюме колокольчика:

I am the flower of summer.
I am the Bluebell.
I am blue like the sky and
My dress looks like a bell.

Дети, идя по сцене, находят цветы.

I like flowers that are bright,
I like flowers that are white,
I like flowers with a nice smell,
That blossom in gardens so well.

Ведущий: Guys, do you like autumn ?

Дети рассказывают стихи об осени.

This is the season
When fruit is sweet;
This is the season
When school friends meet,
When noise and gay,
And brown in the sun,
With their books and bags
To school they run.
Down, down, down
Red, yellow, brown
Autumn leaves fall down.
It’s cold or cool
The wind is away
The leaves are falling down
And trees are grey
Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it’s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.
Winter, spring, summer, fall,
I like fall best of all!

Don't Kill the World

Don't kill the world!
Don't let the Earth down!
Do not destroy the ground!
Don't kill the world!
Don't kill the world!
Don't let the Earth die!
Help her to survive!
Don't kill the world!

Ведущий: Guys, and what can you tell us about the sun and the wind?

Дети в костюмах солнца и ветра разыгрывают сценку.

The Sun And the Wind

Wind: Oh, how strong I am! I am stronger than the sun.

Sun: Oh, no, Mr Wind, I am stronger than you.

Wind: Let us see. Look at that man. He is in a black coat.

Sun: I see him.

Wind: Let us see who can take off his coat.

Sun: All right.

Wind: I'll begin. (He begins to blow.) Whooooo! I want that coat.

Man: Oh, how cold it is!

Wind: Whooooo! I want that coat.

Man: Oh, what a strong wind!

Wind: Whooooo! I want that coat.

Man: I am so cold. I am glad that I have a warm coat.

Wind: Whooooo! I can't take off his coat.

Sun: Well, Mr Wind, you are not so strong. I'll try to take off his coat.

(Sun shines on the man)

Man: Now I'm not so cold. What a funny day! First it was cold. Now it is hot. (Sun shines and shines.) Now I am too hot. I'll take off my coat. (The man takes off his coat.)

Wind: Well, Mr Sun. The man took off his coat for you. Now I see that you are strong, too.

Ученики поют песню.

Kids for Saving Earth Promise Song

The Earth is my home.
I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful.
I will love the land, the air,
The water and all leaving creatures.
I will be a defender of my planet,
United with friends.
I will save the Earth.
United with friends,
I promise to keep it,
United with friends,
I will love the land,
United with friends,
I'll be a defender,
I will save the Earth.
I will save the Earth.
