Урок английского языка по теме "Школа". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Стадии проекта. Содержание работы на стадии. Деятельность учащихся. Деятельность учителя.
Подготовка и целеполагание. Определение темы и проблемы, целей и задач. Мотивация учащихся на дальнейшую деятельность. Обсуждают тему с учителем, читают и переводят стихотворение, выявляют проблему, заложенную в стихотворении, а именно: некоторые ученики не любят учиться и ходить в школу. Знакомит учащихся со смыслом проектной технологии, помогает понять проблему и поставить цель - определить причины и найти пути решения данной проблемы.
Планирование. Определение причин проблемы и способов ее решения через разные источники информации: опрос общественного мнения, чтение статей на данную тему, где дается пример того, как решается или решалась данная проблема в обществе, выдвижение своих идей. Определение способа представления результатов. Распределение обязанностей. Обсуждают проблему и ищут ее причины методом "мозгового штурма". Вырабатывают план действий.

Класс делится на 3 группы: 2 команды, задача которых выработать свои предложения по решению проблемы и красочно оформить их в виде постера. Каждое предложение необходимо аргументировать в устной форме. 3группа будет представлять ревизионную комиссию. Ее задача подготовить вопросы к командам, выработать критерии оценки их работы и оценить работу команд. Распределяются обязанности внутри групп (кто будет отвечать за опрос своих одноклассников, родителей учителей; кто принесет все необходимое для постеров, кто будет продумывать аргументы, кто будет отвечать за презентацию постера)

Подсказывает идеи; фиксирует на доске все предлагаемые учащимися причины проблемы; помогает с переводом; рисует на доске схему, которая должна помочь учащимся удерживать задачу, которая состоит в том, чтобы найти пути, как помочь некоторым учащимся полюбить учиться.

Помогает распределить обязанности внутри групп.

Помогает сформулировать вопросы для интервью.

Исследование. Сбор информации;

Решение промежуточных задач (перевод интервью на английский; выполнение заданий после чтения текстов)

Инструментарий: интервью, опросы, чтение статей.

Выполняют исследования: проводят интервью, читают текст "KIPP Acadеmy" об опыте работы одной американской школы с трудными подростками и выполняют задание - выписать в тетрадь то, что отличает эту школу от других. Читают тексты "Suggestions", где ученики разных стран высказывают свои предложения по улучшению работы школы. Выписывают в тетрадь предложения и ставят галочки напротив тех предложений, с которыми согласны. Наблюдает,

Дает советы, при обращении; помогает с переводом текстов и интервью; организует работу по выполнению заданий к текстам.

Обработка материалов. Анализ полученных результатов;

Оформление их в проект.

Анализируют, делают выводы.

Две команды оформляют постеры.

Группа 3 формулирует вопросы к командам и записывает их. Обсуждают критерии оценки.

Наблюдает, советует,

предлагает, дает заключение; помогает группам сформулировать предложения, аргументы и критерии оценки.

Представление постеров или защита проекта. Демонстрация постеров и аргументирование своих предложений в устной форме. Представляют (описывая, обосновывая, делая выводы); Группа 3 задает вопросы и оценивает. Слушает, задает вопросы.
Оценка, рефлексия. Самооценка и выводы. Доказывают практическую и теоретическую значимость проекта для каждого участника. Дает свою оценку проекту, роли и усилиям каждого участника.

Ход проекта

Урок 1.


Приветствие. Краткое объяснение смысла предстоящего урока .

Целеполагание и планирование:

T.: Children, let's read this poem and find out its main idea:

            School Days
The happiest days of your whole life
(So all the grown-ups say),
But I would never go to school
If I could have my way.
My pencil point is broken,
My pen's run out of ink
My head's just filled with sawdust
And with sawdust you can't think.

P1.: The main idea of the poem is that the pupil doesn't want to study.

T.: Yes, that's right. Is this problem close to you?

P2.: No, it is not. We like to study. It is interesting.

T.: Oh, I see. Have you ever met pupils who don't like to study and to go to school?

P.3: Yes, we have.

T.: So, Why do you think they don't like to study? What reasons can you name? Say different reasons and I'll write them down on the blackboard.

P4.:They are lazy and don't want to work hard.

P5.: They don't understand what to study for. They have no interest in studying and find school and teachers boring.

P6.: They don't like to get up early in the morning every day and are tired of doing too much homework.

P7.: They don't like tests and are tired to get only bad marks.

P8.:They are not healthy.

T.: So, children, Your task for today is to try to resolve this problem and to help such pupils to like school more. Look at the scheme on the blackboard. It shows your task.

How can we help him?

You will be divided into 3 groups. 2 Groups will have to think of how to resolve the problem, write your proposals and draw posters. You will also have to make a presentations of your posters with arguments. Be ready to answer different questions. The third group will decide whose work is the best and will have to think of the system of assessment and what questions the groups can be asked. Now discuss in groups how you will work and what you will be responsible for.


T.: And now let's read the articles I have brought for you and do some tasks in your copybooks afterwards.

Your home-task ( for 2 groups only) will be to interview your classmates, teachers, parents. Here are some questions you can ask them: Why don't some pupils like to study? How can the situation be changed? What are your suggestions? Think of your own ideas and arguments.

The third group must think up all possible questions for the groups.

See you next lesson. Bye-bye!!!

Урок 2.

Обработка материалов и оформление постеров

T.: Good-morning, children! Today you have to draw posters with your suggestions and to make presentations. Let's start working. Use the interviews you have made, try to analyze all the information you have got and base your suggestions on the reason you think is the most important of all. Think well about the arguments. If you need any help ask me. As for the third group I would like to discuss with you the questions you have prepared:.

Pupils work:

Защита проектов:

T.: So, let's listen to the groups.

Group 1.

As for us, we think that some pupils are lazy and don't want to study because they are not very healthy. That is why we think that school should take more care of their pupils' health. These pupils should also read more books and shouldn't play computer games at all. At school there should be electronic books and a more comfortable beautiful library.

T.: Well, It is all very interesting indeed. Group 3, have you got any questions?

Group 3

Yes, we have. How should school take care of pupils' health?

Group 1

There should be healthier and tastier food at school , because pupils need more vitamins. Pupils should do more different sports at school and they shouldn't study on Saturdays. School day should start later. There should be a swimming-pool at school and a skating-ring with skates. Teachers should help pupils more with their homework using internet and telephone. There should be a really good doctor and a really good psychologist at school. School should help parents too.

Group 3

We like your answer. Thank you. And another question is why the pupils shouldn't play computer games ?

Group 1

We think that computer games make them lazier and less healthy. Computer games don't let them do their homework well . Their parents shouldn't allow them to play computer games.

Group 3

Thank you. Now we want to listen to another group.

Group 2

We think that some pupils don't like to study because they don't find it interesting and they don't understand why they should study well. That is why school should show them what their future life may be like if they study well or badly. Then we think that lessons should be more interesting and fun. There should be more trips and practical and project work at school. We are against marks and tests.

Group 3

Our question: How can you make lessons more interesting?

Group 2:

Teachers should be more creative and use different methods: games, competitions, experiments, trips and excursions. It is boring staying in the classroom all the time. All our classmates agree, that we learn better when we are doing things so there should be more project work. School should replace blackboards with interactive whiteboards and use interesting educational programs. There should be a computer for each pupil.

Group 3:

Why are you against marks?

Group 2:

Because most pupils are interested only in getting marks and not in getting knowledge.

Group 3:

Why are you against tests?

Group 2:

Some pupils just don't do well in tests because they get nervous. Besides It is no fun to spend all the time learning things by heart for all the tests and exams and after that forget everything.

Group 3:

Thank you for your answers. We haven't got any more questions.

Этап рефлексии:

T.: Well, now Group 3 must decide which team is the best.

Group 3:

The poster of the first group was more beautiful. We liked the idea of the flower. But the suggestions are not very real. The presentation was better because they spoke better and made less mistakes.(2 scores)

The poster of the second group was worse, but the suggestions better. Their speech was full of mistakes and sometimes it was difficult to understand them.(1 score)

So the first group gets more scores and is the best.

T.: I quiet agree with you. I liked the first group more. Thank you, you have worked well today. Almost all of you were active and productive. Your marks are ::.Your home task is:

Т.: And what is your opinion of the lesson?

It was interesting. We would like to have such lessons more often. We learned to work in groups better. It was difficult to speak English all the time. It was like a real life. We liked to take interviews and to draw posters. Some of our classmates didn't work and help at all; and some pupils worked too much and wanted to be responsible for everything.

T.: Thank you, children. We will certainly have such lessons again if you liked it so much. Good-bye!!!

Список литературы:

  1. Громыко Ю.В., Громыко Н.В. Исследование и проектирование в образовании: различие типов мыследеятельности и их содержания. Интернет - портал. 2005, М., Громыко Ю.В. Проектное сознание. М., 1998.
  2. Громыко Ю.В. Мыследеятельностная педагогика. Минск, 2000 г.
  3. Алексеева Л.Н. Содержание образования в проектной деятельности. // Ученическое проектирование и деятельностное содержание образования.
  4. ГубановаТ.М. Опыты мыследеятельностной педагогики 1998г.
  5. B.Hastings Exam Activator издательство Longman.