How to be healthy. 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Форма урока: урок обобщения и закрепления.

Цели урока:


  • Формирование умений монологической и диалогической речи
  • Организация работы по развитию навыков устной и письменной речи


  • Формирование коллективизма
  • Воспитание активности, инициативы
  • Развитие коммуникативных навыков общения


  • Развитие познавательного процесса
  • Развитие воспроизведения английской речи в процессе деятельности


  • Карточки
  • Опорные схемы
  • Проектор, слайды
  • Магнитофон, кассета
  • Магниты
  • Доска

№ этапа

Ход урока


1. Организационный момент Good morning dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you! How are you? Let me introduce myself. My name is Inga Vasilevna. I am a teacher of English of Churapcha secondary school. Ok, and now let’s begin our lesson.  
2. Введение темы Today we are going to speak how to be healthy.

Look at the projector and tell me who are they?

The first man is healthy. He goes in for sport. He eats healthy food. He doesn’t smoke.

But the second one is opposite of the first. Or he is unhealthy. He doesn’t go in for sport. He likes to play computer games every day for many hours.

Картины два человека на слайде: один худой, другой спортивный.
3. Активизация лексики You see that every man eats every day. We have breakfast, dinner, supper. Let’s revise our vocabulary.

– What do we eat for our breakfast?

– What do we eat for our dinner?

– What do we eat for our supper?

– What’s your favourite food?

– And now tell me please, why I put them into two columns.

Ok, some of them are healthy and some of them are unhealthy.

– Why do you think that they are healthy? (because they have got vitamins and minerals).

– Ok, you are very good pupils.

На проекторе

Ответы учащихся.

Возможные ответы: здоровая, нездоровая. Карточки с рисунками еды

Потому что они с витаминами и минералами


4. Аудирование And now let’s listen to the song “What do we like?”

– Do you like this song?

– What do they like?

Chicken, cheese, pizza, rice, chips
5. Устная речь Imagine that you are in the cafe. You should choose one of the healthy menus. Try to choose the healthiest one.

– Why do you choose this one?

– Tell us about your menu, and explain why they are healthy food?

Very good of you, thanks.

На проекторе слово “ресторан”
6. Работа над текстом Now I’ll give you an interesting text. Your task is circle and write words. Then we’ll check up.

– Have you finished?

– Good job.

На проекторе текст

Учащиеся зачитывают свои ответы, обращаем внимание на время глагола

7. Лексика спорт – What else helps us to be healthy?

– What do you think? Yes, it’s sport.

– What sport do you go in for?

– What sport do you do?

– Is he healthy?

– He doesn’t do any sport.

– Does sport help you to be healthy?


На проекторе картинки с видами спорта. Показываем нездорового человека.


8. Диалог – Now I’ll give you the dialogues. You should read and then act out. Work in pairs.

Be ready.

Thanks a lot.

Читают диалог, затем показывают
9. Игра – Now let’s play. I am a healthy queen. I’ll give you riddles. Your aim is to guess it. Let’s play guessing game.
  • I’m a fruit.
    I am not big.
    I am long.
    I am yellow? (banana)
  • I am vegetable.
    I am not small.
    I am red? (tomato)
  • I am vegetable.
    I am big.
    I am green. (cabbage)
  • I am fruit.
    I am not big.
    I am yellow, red, green. (apple)
  • I am vegetable.
    I am long.
    I am green. (cucumber)
  • I am fruit.
    I am orange. (orange)
    Very nice, thank you.
10. Проект This task we called the salad of health.

Let’s look healthy salad.

For example in my salad I put: tennis, juice, banana, apple, basketball and so on.

Рисунок кастрюли, учащиеся готовят салат здоровья.
11. Итог, рефлексия – Do you like this lesson?

– What do you like the most?

– Thank you very much for your participation. I put you excellent marks, and wish you good health. Let us to be healthy and eat only healthy food.

Выставление оценок

Использованная литература:

  1. New Millenium 6 класс Деревянко Н.Н.
  2. Macmillan children’s dictionary Carolyn Barraclough, Macmillan Education 2001.
  3. Brilliant 2 Jeanne Perrett Macmillan, 2001.
  4. Brilliant 2 Charlotte Covill, Jeanne Perrett Macmillan 2001.
  5. My brilliant Grammar book Jeanne Perrett Macmillan 2001.