"Famous cadets". Дидактический материал по чтению на уроках иностранного языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учиться читать, чтобы учиться, читая.
(Выгодский Л.С.)

Чтение является одним из важнейших видов коммуникативно-познавательной деятельности, которая является основой непрерывного самообразования, постоянной потребностью к учению, освоению всего нового.

При обучении иностранному языку чтение рассматривается как самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности и по праву занимает ведущее место по своей важности и доступности. Целенаправленный отбор текстов для работы на уроках позволяет учителю решать комплекс обучающих, развивающих и воспитательных задач. Чтение на уроке иностранного языка выполняет следующие функции:

  1. Прививает навыки самостоятельной работы.
  2. Текст способствует развитию коммуникативных умений в остальных видах речевой деятельности: в говорении, аудировании и письме.
  3. Чтение обеспечивает рецептивное овладение языковым материалом и развивает познавательную компетентность учащихся.
  4. Расширяет кругозор учащихся, повышает уровень их общей культуры и информированности в разных областях знаний.
  5. Способствует развитию интеллекта учащихся, совершенствует работу механизмов восприятия, осмысления памяти, внимания, внутренней речи, умений мыслить логически, анализировать и сопоставлять, делать выводы.
  6. Реализует воспитательные цели (нравственность, мировоззрение, ценности).

Данный учебный материал по иностранному языку состоит из текстов по чтению, которые рассказывают о знаменитых выпускниках кадетских корпусов России: выдающихся мореплавателях, морских офицерах, флотоводцах, ученых, достойно служивших Отечеству. Тематика текстов и упражнений способствует реализации кадетского компонента при обучении иностранному языку учащихся кадетского морского корпуса.

Предлагаемый материал имеет следующую структуру:

  • текст для чтения;
  • лексико-грамматические задания к тексту;
  • новая лексика.

Сборник текстов и упражнений можно использовать полностью, как самостоятельный учебный материал на уроках иностранного языка в 5-11 классах, либо частично, вставляя фрагменты в план конкретного урока, а также как дополнительный материал при изучении следующих тем: «Мои планы на будущее», «Путешествия» (о знаменитых путешественниках и путешествиях), «Выбор профессии», «Временные формы глаголов».

Данный материал разработан для реализации программных требований по иностранному языку в 5-11 классах и способствует решению следующих задач:

  1. Развитию основных видов чтения аутентичных текстов различных стилей:
    • ознакомительного чтения – с целью понимания основного содержания публикаций научно-познавательного характера;
    • изучающего чтения – с целью полного и точного понимания;
    • просмотрового/ поискового чтения – с целью выборочного понимания необходимой / интересующей информации.
  2. Формированию у учащихся языковой компетенции с применением кадетского компонента, что определило отбор и организацию материала, его структуру (введение новой специальной военно-морской лексики).
  3. Воспитанию чувства патриотизма. Формированию общекультурной и этнической идентичности; развитию национального самосознания, лучшего осознания своей собственной культуры.

Пример текстов и заданий к ним привожу ниже.

Adam Johann von Krusenstern.

Adam Johann Ritter von Krusenstern ((1770 –1846) Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern), was an admiral and explorer, who led the first Russian circumnavigation of the globe.

Krusenstern was born in Estonia, into a Baltic German family descended from the Swedish aristocratic family von Krusenstjerna. He has been studying at Church school for three years in Reval (Tallinn) and then he was a cadet of the Naval Cadet Corps in Kronshtadt. After graduating from the Naval Cadet Corps in 1787, he joined the Russian Imperial Navy, and served in the war against Sweden. He served in the Royal Navy in 1793-99, visiting America, India and China. Krusenstern liked animals very much and his dog (Spaniel) was always with him in the expeditions. Under the patronage of Tsar Alexander I Krusenstern led the first Russian circumnavigation of the world. The purpose of the two-ship expedition was to establish trade with China and Japan, facilitate trade in South America, and examine California for a possible colony. The two ships, Nadezhda under the command of Krusenstern, and Neva under the command of Captain-Lieutenant Yuri F. Lisianski, set sail from Kronstadt in August 1803, rounded Cape Horn, reached the northern Pacific, and returned via the Cape of Good Hope. Krusenstern arrived back at Kronstadt in August 1806. Both seafarers made maps and detailed recordings of their voyages.

Upon his return, Krusenstern wrote a detailed report, published in Saint Petersburg in 1810. It was published in 1811-1812 in Berlin; this was followed by an English translation, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and Italian. His scientific work, which includes an atlas of the Pacific, was published in 1827 in Saint Petersburg and won him an honorary membership in the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1816, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.In 1827 he became the director of the Russian Naval Cadet Corps. Krusenstern became an admiral in 1841. He died in 1846 and was buried in the Tallinn Cathedral.

Named after him:

  • The Russian training tall ship Kruzenshtern.
  • Russian icebreaker Ivan Kruzenshtern.
  • The crater Krusenstern on the Moon.
  • There is Krusenstern Island in the Bering Strait.
  • Krusenstern Strait.
  • A small group of islands in the Kara Sea.


  • circumnavigation – кругосветноеплавание;
  • purpose – цель;
  • seafarer – моряк, мореплаватель;
  • cape – мыс;
  • honorary – почетный;
  • to elect – выбирать;
  • to bury – хоронить;
  • legacy – наследие.

1. Read and label the paragraphs with the headings.

  1. Early years.
  2. Name/ famous for.
  3. Date/ place of death/ legacy.
  4. Later years.

2. Match the sentences True/ False/ Doesn`t say. Correct them.

  1. Krusenstern led the second Russian circumnavigation of the world.
  2. Krusenstern`s work, which includes an atlas of the Pacific, was translated into English in 1827.
  3. Krusenstern has been the director of the Russian Naval Cadet Corps since 1827.
  4. Krusenstern had an honorary membership in the Russian Academy of Medicine.
  5. Krusenstern visited America, India and China.
  6. Airbus A320 was named after Krusenstern.

Fyodor Ushakov.

Fyodor FyodorovichUshakov (1744-1817) was the most illustrious Russian naval commander and admiral of the 18th century.

He was born in the village of Burnakovo in the Yaroslavl gubernia, to a modest family of the minor nobility. In 1766 he graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps in Saint Petersburg. After training, he served on a galley in the Baltic Fleet. In 1768 he was transferred to the Don Flotilla (Azov Sea Navy) in Taganrog and served in the Russo-Turkish War, 1768-1774. He commanded Catherine II's own yacht, and later defended Russian trade ships in the Mediterranean from the British pirate attacks.

After Crimea was annexed by the Russian Empire, Ushakov personally supervised the construction of a naval base in Sevastopol and the building of docks in Kherson. During the Second Russo-Turkish War he brilliantly defeated the Turks at Fidonisi, Kerch Strait, Tendra, and Cape Kaliakra. In these battles, he demonstrated the excellence of his innovative doctrines on art of naval fighting.

In 1798, Ushakov was promoted to full admiral and sent to the Mediterranean to support Suvorov's Italian campaign (during the War of the Second Coalition).

Ushakov was recalled to Russia in 1800, where the new Emperor, Alexander I, failed to appreciate his victories. Ushakov resigned command in 1807. He was asked to command the local militia (ополчение) during the Patriotic War of 1812 but declined.

In the course of 43 naval battles under his command he did not lose a single ship.

Distinguishing features of Ushakov's tactics were the using of unified marching and fighting orders, resolute rapprochement with the enemy forces on a short distance without evolution of a fighting order, a concentration of the basic efforts against flagships of the enemy, reserve allocation («Kaiser-flag squadrons»), a combination of aim artillery fire and maneuver, chasing the enemy up to its full destruction or capture. Giving great value to sea and fire training of staff, Ushakov was the supporter of generalissimo Suvorov's principles of training of sailors and officers.

In 1944 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established the Order of Ushakov. It is one of the highest military awards in the Russian Federation. In addition to the Order of Ushakov, there have been the Ushakov Medal and several warships named after Admiral Ushakov. The Baltic Naval Institute in Kaliningrad also carries his name. A minor planet 3010 Ushakov discovered by Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Ivanovna Chernykh in 1978 is named after him.

The Russian Orthodox Church glorified him as a patron saint of the Russian Navy in 2000. His relics are preserved in Sanaksar (Sanaksarskii monastyr). He was also declared the patron saint of Russian nuclear-armed strategic bombers in 2005 by Patriarch Alexius II.


  • illustrious – прославленный;
  • to defend – защищать;
  • modest – скромный;
  • minor – мелкий;
  • to defeat – разгромить;
  • galley – галера;
  • to appreciate – оценить;
  • to supervise – контролировать;
  • to annexe – присоединять;
  • toresign – уйти в отставку;
  • to decline – отказаться;
  • unified – единый, единообразный;
  • rapprochement– сближение;
  • resolute – решительный;
  • evolution – маневр, перестроение;
  • flagship – флагман;
  • squadron – эскадрилья, дивизион, соединение;
  • allocation – распределение, размещение;
  • to chasе – преследовать;
  • relics – мощи.

Read and choose the correct answer. Give the right answers.

  1. Fyodor Fyodorovich Ushakov was born in the 18th century.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  2. After graduating from the Naval Cadet Corps in Saint Petersburg he served in the Black Fleet.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  3. Ushakov defended Russian trade ships in the Baltic Sea from the British pirate attacks.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  4. During the War of the Second Coalition admiral Ushakov was sent to the Mediterranean to support Suvorov's Italian campaign.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  5. Ushakov had got three children.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  6. Ushakov was glorified as a patron saint of the Russian Navy.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  7. Ushakov was the supporter of Peter I's principles of training of sailors and officers.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.
  8. Ushakov lost four ships in the naval battles under his command.
    a) right; b) wrong; c) doesn`t say.