Интегрированный урок "английский язык + физика" по теме "The Most Influential Inventions of All Time". 6-й класс

Разделы: Физика, Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Форма проведения: Применение коммуникативной технологии и ролевой игры.

Время проведения: 1 урок.


  • Развивать речевые умения обучающихся, провести скрытый контроль уровня развития речевых умений.
  • Показать, что английский язык является также языком научного общения.
  • Развивать творческие способности, формировать навыки самостоятельной работы.
  • Углубить и расширить знания по английскому языку и физике.
  • Учить работать с презентацией

Оснащение урока: компьютер, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.

Предварительно ученики были разделены на группы и подбирали материал к выбранным ими средствам: компьютер, телевизор, телефон, фотокамера, пылесос, автомобиль. Новые слова отрабатывались на уроках английского языка в лингафонном кабинете с применением лингафонного оборудования. Обучающиеся работают в группах.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока. Вводная беседа Warming-up conversation.

1. Dear friends! We are glad to welcome you at our International lesson .The two groups of students from Russia and Great Britain are here in our classroom. We shall present some of them today. Приветствие. Затем учащиеся двух стран знакомятся в режиме “Coctail Party” друг с другом. Называют имена детей, с которыми им удалось за это время познакомиться.

2. Далее учащимся сообщаются цели урока: как по английскому языку, так и по физике. Поскольку урок будет проходить на двух языках, то учитель английского языка “русских школьников” предлагает провести фонетическую зарядку на английском яыке.

Kity, whity
Flighty, kity,
Out of sighty,
Little kite.

II. 3. Listening and speaking and speaking.

P1.We live in the twenty first century, the century of new technologies and hi-tech. But nowadays we cannot do anything without help of these technologies and not so often think what will happen, if all these devices will disappear as if they didn’t exist at all. Telling the truth we do not imagine ourselves without personal computer, internet, mobile phone, oven, washing machine, fridge, mp-3 player, TV set and so on. It becomes the end of the world, when one forgot his mobile phone at home or when the portative personal computer suddenly become out of order.

P2. The early human life was very hard and full of danger, and according to their development people began to make some useful things, with the help of which they could afford themselves a living minimum as to make a meal for themselves and to stay alive. After long time from these times, modern people invented and created the mechanisms and technologies which made their life easier and more pleasant.

P3. After long time from these times, modern people invented and created the mechanisms and technologies which made their life easier and more pleasant. It is very good to my mind that a man uses his brain and creates, then makes some important and needful things for himself. For example, home devices. I think, they take a first place of using technologies pyramid.

P4 .Now with an automatic washing machine we cannot imagine that in past times we washed a mountain of clothes by our hands, also we cannot imagine any modern home without a TV set, there is no one without a mobile phone. Nowadays almost all in the world is based in computer and other new high technologies. So I am sure, that the importance of technology in society is very big and meaningful.

P5. To my mind, one does not see some bad things or aspects in the way that the people use things, which they created to make their life easier. And of course, technologies and sciences will develop day after day, more and more new technologies will be created. And this is very good, because it is really help to people.

4. Беседа по вопросам.

Did your parents use all these inventions when they were the same age as you are?

Did your grandparents have a computer at the same age?

III. 5. Presentation and follow up activities. Презентация - “ Tools, Technologies and Inventions through the years” (Приложение 1).

How do science concepts, engineering skills, and applications of technology improve the quality of life?

6. Учитель физики беседует о прошлом и настоящем науки. (Аристотель, сочинения которого охватывают все области тогдашнего знания; Г.Галилей, выдвинувший идею теории относительности; И.Ньютон, открывший законы движения, закон всемирного тяготения; М.В. Ломоносов - основатель Московского университета; Д.И. Менделеев, помимо химии занимавшийся вопросами физики, воздухоплавания, метрологии и др.)

Для современных научных исследований необходим труд больших коллективов, в которых работают люди разных специальностей: учёные-специалисты, инженеры, программисты, лаборанты, рабочие экспериментального производства и другие. Во многих городах работают крупные центры научных исследований, оснащённые современным сложнейшим оборудованием, такими как: ядерные реакторы, электронные микроскопы, оптические и радиотелескопы, космические станции, ускорители, лазеры, сложные установки, электронно-вычислительные машины. Но самое главное – необходимы хорошо подготовленные, грамотные специалисты.

IV. Speaking. 7.Oбучащиеся получают карточки с заданиями рассказать о изобретениях, применяемых дома. Работа в группах. (Подготовленный материал.)

Group1: Let’s begin with computers. A computer is a programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a computer are: it responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and it can execute a rerecorded list of instructions. Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery - wires, transistors, and circuits - is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software. They are used to write programmes, to play computer games, to find and use a lot of useful information. We can’t live without them.

T: What is a computer? P1: A computer is a programmable machine

Group 2: Television (often abbreviated to TV or idiot box in British English) is a widely used telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a distance. The word is derived from mixed Latin and Greek roots, meaning "far sight".Greek tele- , far, and Latin vision, sight (from video, vis- to see). It first became commercially available from the late 1930s. The television set has become a common household communications device as a source of entertainment and news.

T : What is telecommunication system broadcasting and receiving over a distance?

Group 3: Telephone is a device that converts voice communication into electrical signals that can be transferred to other telephones and heard. Telephones enable people to communicate with other people all over the world .They are widely credited as being first invented by Alexsander Graham Bell in 1876. There are three kinds of phones in use today. The classic corded telephone, which has buttons, the cordless or wireless phone, and the cell phone. Today, most users have a mobile phone to communicate almost anywhere in the world. The cell phone was invented by Dr. Martin.

T: When the telephone was invented ? Who invented the telephone?

Group 4: Vacuum cleaner. It’s difficult to imagine our everyday life without them. They are used to perform everyday cleaning tasks from cleaning up liquids, dust and waste and even shampooing carpets. But mobile telephones are sometimes of greater importance because we can both receive and make calls from any place when we are far from our friends or relatives. As we see, the standard vacuum cleaner design is simple, but it relies on physical principles to clean effectively.

T: What are the vacuum cleaners used for?

Group 5: The history of the automobile is very rich and dates back to the 15th century when Leonardo da Vinci was creating designs and models for transport vehicles.

There are many different types of automobiles - steam, electric, and gasoline - as well as countless styles. Exactly who invented the automobile is a matter of opinion. If we had to give credit to one inventor, it would probably be Karl Benz from Germany. Many suggest that he created the first true automobile in 1885/1886.

T: Who is suggested to be a creator of the first true automobile?

What are the types of automobiles?

V. Слово учителю физики. 8. Учитель физики проводит викторину об изобретениях и изобретателях.

 Вопрос 1. Великий поэт А.С. Пушкин сказал, что он создал первый в России   университет, что “он, лучше сказать, сам был первым русским университетом ”. (М.В. Ломоносов)

Вопрос 2. Когда этот ученый ослеп, его ученик Вивиани писал “Совсем остался он без    глаз – да, говорю я, без своих глаз, которые за краткое время увидели в этом мире более, чем все человеческие глаза за ушедшие столетия смогли увидеть  и наблюсти.   (Галилео Галилей)

Вопрос 3. На его статуе помещена надпись: “Разумом он превосходил род человеческий”, а на его памятнике можно прочитать слова: “Пусть смертные радуются, что существовало такое украшение рода человеческого”. (Исаак Ньютон)

Вопрос 4. Этот ученый очень любил фильмы Чарли Чаплина. Однажды он написал в письме к Чаплину: “Ваш фильм “Золотая лихорадка” понятен всем в мире, и вы непременно станете великим человеком”. На это Чаплин ответил так: “Я Вами восхищаюсь еще больше. Вашу теорию никто в мире не понимает, А Вы все-таки стали великим человеком.  (Альберт Эйнштейн)

Вопрос 5. О каком ученом говорят, что “он первым стал работать на войну и пал жертвой войны”?   (Архимед)

Вопрос 6.. На его могильном камне сделана надпись: “Он был так же добр,   как и велик”. (Андре Мари Ампер)

VI. 9. Reading for detail.

The Internet: Is It Always Safe?

At present we cannot imagine our life without the Internet. The Internet is necessary for each person. It is an integral part of our life. All people use the Internet on different purposes: for dialogue, for searching the information, for work, for studying, for fun and entertainment. We search something with the help of the searching engine. I think that the most important problem of the Internet is the addiction of people to it. Some people surf the Internet for many days and forget about their relatives and real life.

Nevertheless the Internet has many pluses. By means of the Internet it is possible to meet new friends, to communicate with them. You can find any information, learn main news.

Meanwhile the Internet has minuses. These are viruses. And as I have already mentioned, it`s the Internet addiction, which breaks people`s life. Also sometimes the speed of the Internet is very low, so it`s impossible to use it in an effective way.

As for me, the Internet is a dialogue, searching for various information. The Internet is very important and also it is a necessary thing.


The Internet is necessary for each person. It is an integral part of our life.

All people use the Internet only for games

The Internet helps to find information, work.

The most important problem of the Internet is the addiction of people to it.

The Internet is very slow.

The Internet is very important and also it is a necessary thing.

(Key: T. F. T. T. F. T )

T: Have you got tired? Le us sing and move a little! (Приложение 2)

VII. Speaking. 10. Dialogue. Mobile phone. (P1-P2)

Jenny: Will you buy me a mobile phone or not?!

Mother: I don?t know exactly. It is better if you buy one from your own pocket money.

Jenny: But it is so expensive.

Mother: I know. And I also know how long you spend time on the telephone. Why do you need a mobile phone?

Jenny: Everybody has a mobile phone today. How I should reach my friends otherwise?

Mother: Maybe it isn?t a bad idea.

Jenny: What do you mean?

Mother: I think of safety. If you are in danger you will call the police immediately.

Jenny: You are right. It?s good to have got a mobile phone in an emergency case.

Mother: OK. We will buy you a mobile phone if you promise that you have it always on and call us regularly.

11. T: All right, I think we shall have time to speak about mobile telephones too. First, however, try to explain in English what gadgets and machines do we need in our everyday life. Answer the questions, please.

- What do you need to watch films?

We need TV or video.

- What do you need to wash your clothes?

We need a washing machine.

- What do you need to clean your carpets and furniture?

We need a vacuum cleaner.

- What do you need to solve problems in Math's?

We need a calculator.

- What do you need to take photos?

We need a camera.

- What do you need to cook?

We need a microwave oven.

- What do you use for ironing?

An iron.

- What do you use for washing the dishes?

A dish-washer.

- What do you use for keeping food fresh?

A refrigerator.

- What do you use for listening to music?

A recorder, MP3 player a computer, or a mobile phone.

12. T: Ask each other what inventions were made in the l9th and the 20th centuries and who made these inventions. Look at your cards.

1. Television (1920s)

The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realized for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.

P1: What was invented in 1920s?

Who made this invention?

2. Motor Car.

(Late 19th Century)With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petrol driven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of travel.

3.Vacuum Cleaner.

In 1907, James Spangler, janitor in a Canton, Ohio department store, deduced that the carpet sweeper he was using was the source of his chronic coughing. Spangler tinkered with an old fan motor and attached it to a soap box stapled to a broom handle. Using a pillow case as a dust collector, Spangler invented a new portable and electric vacuum cleaner. He then improved his basic model the first to use both a cloth filter bag and cleaning attachments, and received a patent in 1908.

4. Telephone (1876)

Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter-writing became numbered.

5. Computer (20th Century)

The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.

13 .T: With this rapidly developing technological progress, the world will not stop on its achieved successes. I think that what we have here now, at least after several years will be called old-fashioned junk. This is what we all should take for granted. If I was asked to live without a computer I will refuse point-blank. In this case my pace of life can’t afford this decision. Our homes are filled with push-button entertainment and we can’t see in our mind’s eye what will be if we didn’t have it. Occasionally we should be afraid of these dependences, because doubtless people are leading their life in lazier way than it was in the past, loosing their possibilities to work and to show their worth in it.

VIII. Summarising. 14. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. Выставление оценок по двум предметам.

T: What is the most important modern invention for you that you use in everyday life?

P: As for me, I can’t imagine my life without a personal computer (PC). It is so fast, convenient and reliable to work on a PC. It helps me in solving many routine problems and not only. Computer is extremely multifunctional appliance. Either it is a complex calculation of some mathematical tasks or large text word processing, HiFi-quality music composing or high-definition video watching – computer is a very useful and labor-saving gadget. I study on my PC, entertain myself during the freetime. It is a great possibility to easily develop different skills yourself with the use of Internet, containing immeasurable amount of helpful information like encyclopedias, teaching programs, smart guides and much more. At all this is available only through the computer.

T.:Yes, we have got accustomed with the new technologies, different devices and gadgets and now we are gradually losing our ability to do something by ourselves without machines. Of course, it has a harmful influence that the human in near future will not be able to do anything without machines, but on the other hand it has a very good and important purpose

Hometask. 15. Домашнее задание - по английскому языку подготовить проект “My Own Invention”; по физике-химии – “ Наука сегодня”, “Материалы для современной техники” (учебник физики-автор Гуревич А.Е. и др.) T: You may use : http://www.21stcentury.co.uk/ (Приложениие 3).

16. T: Let us finish our International lesson with a poem

If I could travel in time,
Where would I go?
To prevent a crime
Or help industry grow?

When the great Sphinx was only a cub.
Discover the hieroglyphic crypt,
How the very first pyramids scrubbed up.