Заключительный урок английского языка по теме "Еда". 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: расширение кругозора в области питания, учение детей вести себя культурно за столом, умение правильно обращаться к сидящему рядом.
  • Развивающие: закрепление лексических навыков по теме, совершенствование грамматических и речевых навыков, высказывать свое мнение, работать в паре и группе; развитие памяти, внимания, творческих способностей учащихся. Развитие мышления, воображения, интеллектуальных способностей.
  • Воспитательные: развитие личности, формирование способности работать в группе и самостоятельно; развитие навыков сотрудничества и взаимопомощи, привитие любви к культуре; повышение мотивации учащихся, воспитание культуры общения на иностранном языке в ситуации официального общения, умение “подать” себя; умение слушать партнера и тактично реагировать на его реплики; развитие эстетического вкуса у школьников.
  1. Цели урока:
  2. Развитие языковых, интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся.
  3. Развитие интереса у учащихся к английскому языку, логичность рассуждений.
  4. Закрепление лексики и грамматики по теме в устной речи.
  5. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
  6. Совершенствование навыков чтения и пересказа.
  7. Систематизация полученных знаний по теме.
  8. Дальнейшее углубление. Расширение знаний учащихся.
  9. Установление связи изучаемого материала с другими предметами из реальной жизни.
  10. Учить ребят вести себя культурно за столом. Учить умению правильно обращаться к сидящему рядом.

Тип урока: Обобщение материала (заключительный урок).

Материально-техническое оснащение: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, DVD-проигрыватель, телевизор; овощи и фрукты; плакат с фруктами и овощами, витамины А,В,С,Д,К; сервировка, рисунок дракона, карточки с заданиями разного уровня, головоломки.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока: приветствие, речевая разминка, сообщение темы и цели урока.

– Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.
– Good morning, our teacher! We are glad to see you too.
– Let us smile when we say “Good morning”
For a smile makes our faces bright.
Let us smile when we say “Good morning”
For a smile starts the day off right.

Today we are going to talk about food, we are going to play and have fun.
Now, Liza will be our teacher. Liza, come here.
Liza: Good morning, children. How are you?
Pupils: Fine, thanks. And you?
Liza: I am fine. Thank you.

Стук в дверь. Входит мальчик.

Boy: My name is John Claydon. Is Davletbek Israilov here? I’ve got a letter for him.

Давлетбек подходит к Джону.

Davletbek: Oh, this is my English pen-friend John Claydon. Nice to meet you. How are you?

John: Fine, thanks. And you?

D.: I’m fine too.

Вопросы учеников:

Where are you from?
What is your address?
What is your phone number?
What is the weather like today?
What is your favourite season?
Would you like a cup of tea, John? Do you like…?

J.: Yes, please. No, thank you.

Лиза расставляет посуду. Дети садятся за стол, пьют чай и беседуют.

Teacher: English people are tea drinkers. They like tea. They have it many times a day.

L.: (обращаясь к Джону) Can I pour you some more tea?

J.: Yes, please. Could you pass me the sugar?

L.: Here you are. Would you like some more milk?

J.: No, thanks. I like your tea.

D.: What do you like to eat John?

J.: I like apples, bananas, porridge, soup.

T.: All right. Take your seats.

II. Повторение лексики.

На столах разложены карточки. По очереди выходят и выбирают те, которые относятся к теме “ Еда”.

Look here, boys and girls. You can see the words on the table. Choose and read aloud the words on the topic “ Food”. You take it in turn to begin. Repeat in chorus.

Ice cream

 Put the letters and read these words?

M– – k (milk)

S– – ne (scone)

S– – ad (salad)

S– – t (salt)

S– – dwi – – (sandwich)

III. When we eat , we use of laying (silverware). Now, look at the screen, please.

Видеофильм “В ресторане”.

T.: Boys and girls, what new words has this film?

– Fork, knife, clean

– Have you got glasses, forks, knives at home?

– Yes, we have.

– Are they clean?

– Yes, they are.

There are our words on the blackboard. Listen to me and repeat them, please. Children, remember, you must put each piece of silverware on the correct place by the plate: a fork-to the left of the plate; a knife– to the right of the plate; a spoon– to the right of the knife.

IV. T.: Look at the picture. This picture consists of three parts.

1) Look at the first part of the picture and say, what do you see?

Pupil 1: I see peas, an onion, an apple, a carrot, a water melon, a tomato, a cabbage, a berry.

T.: Look at the second part of the picture and say, what can you see?

Pupil 2: I see milk, butter, biscuits, cheese, bread, sour cream, porridge, eggs.

T.: Look at the third part of the picture and say, what can you see?

Pupil 3: I can see sugar, cake, chocolate, sweet, chicken, salty tomatoes and fish. (Canned fruits and vegetables – консервированные фрукты и овощи).

T.: What English proverbs do you know about food?

P.: We know the proverbs: “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. (Ешь по яблоку в день– и доктор не понадобится.)

Appetite comes in eating. (Аппетит приходит во время еды.)

Tastes differ.
Plenty is no plague.
As hungry as a hawk.

T.: Do you agree that fruit and vegetables are the right food?

P1: Yes , fruit and vegetables are the right food. They have a lot of vitamins.

T.: What can you say about these food– stuffs?

P2: Milk, butter, biscuits, bread are the good food.

T.: What about these food-stuffs?

P3: Sugar, cake, chocolate, sweet are the wrong food, so we must use them seldom.

T.: What do people make from milk?

P4: From milk people make butter and cheese.

T.: What do we get from plants?

P5: From plants we get fruit and vegetables.

T.: You must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. They have got a lot of vitamins and very useful. They are the right (the proper) food and so they are painted against the background of the green colour.

T.: What can you say about vitamins?

Ученики отвечают.

T.: Remember! People can’t live without food. People must eat the right food: fruit and vegetables, drink milk and juice. Eating the proper food is important to stay healthy.

V. Повторение грамматики. (Учитель переворачивает доску.)

T.: Oh, what can you see in the picture? Today we have a guest.

P.: This is a dragon.

T.: Yes, this is a dragon. His name is– Numeral. But tell me, please, why has he got three heads?

P.: Количественные числительные от 1 до 12; от 13 до 19; от 20 до 90.

Работа по карточкам. Учитель раздает карточки с числительными, учитывая уровень знаний учащихся. Для слабых учеников– числительные от1до12 , для средних-от20 до 90, для сильных– от 13 до 19. (По очереди называют свои числительные.)

T.: Let’s play a game with a ball. (Дети встают в круг).

T.: I’ll call you the numerals from 1 to 12, you’ll call me the numerals from 13 to 19 and from 20 to 90.

VI. Let’s have fun. Check your homework. What’s about your dialogues and poems? Christina, Kolya and Larisa will show us the extract from the play “ Three bears”.

(Characters: Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear).

Три медведя сидят за столом и завтракают.

M.B.: Can I pour you some more milk?

B.B.: Yes, please.

F.B.: Yes, Could you pass me some honey, please?

M.B.: Yes, here you are. How about some jam, baby?

B.B.: No, thank you, mummy.

F.B.: Now, let’s go for a walk.

Выходят из комнаты.

T.: Now, act out your dialogues, please.

I. Customer: 34-77-63 (Ученик набирает номер на диске игрушечного телефона, проговаривая его вслух).

Shop– assistant: Good morning. Can I help you?

C.: Good morning. Excuse me, is this a greengrocer’s shop?

S.: Yes, it is.

C.: Have you potatoes today?

S.: I am sorry, we have no potatoes today.

C.: Have you tomatoes?

S.: Yes, we have.

C.: Give me a kilo of tomatoes, please.

S.: Here you are.

C.: Thank you. Good – bye.

S.: Good – bye.

II. K.: 34-25-61.

O.: Yes?

K.: Good afternoon, Olga.

O.: Good afternoon, Kate. How are you?

K.: I’m well, thank you. I hope, you are well too.

O.: I’m well, thank you.

K.: Olga, do you have a book about food?

O.: No, I haven’t.

K.: Do you know who has?

O.: Ira has.

K.: Thank you. Good – bye.

O.: Good – bye.

T.: And now recite your favourite poems, please.

VII. Физкультминутка.

T.: Let’s do our exercises!

Open the window and begin, please.

Stand up.
Hand up.
Hands down.
Hands on hips.
Sit down.
Stand up.
Hands to the sides.
Bend to the left.
Bend to the right.
Hands on hips.
1,2,3, hop.
1,2,3, stop.
Stand still.
Now, close the window, please. Take your seats.

VIII. Чтение текста с пониманием содержания.

T.: I want to know who is the best reader. Now, look at the screen. I’ll give you the text about English people. Read this text and answer my questions.

  1. How many meals a day do the English have?
  2. When the English people eat porridge?
  3. English people eat bread with meat and vegetables, don’t they?

IX. T.: Do you know English songs about meal and food?

P.: Yes, we know the song “He likes chicken.

T.: All right. Let’s sing this song.

X. Обобщающее повторение.

T.: Let’s see what you know about English people.

Look at the screen. Read the questions in A, choose and write the right answers in B. (Пишут на отдельных листах, взаимопроверка. Ответы на экране.)


1. When is breakfast time in England?
2. Do English people drink much tea?
3. Do English people eat much bread?
4. What is English people’s last meal?
5. Do English people like porridge?


A) In England breakfast time is between 7 and 9.
B) Yes, They drink a lot of tea.
C) No, they don’t.
D) Their last meal dinner or supper.
E) Yes, They like porridge very much.

 XI. T.: Are you tired?

P.: No, we aren’t.

T.: Do you like crosswords?

P.: Yes, we do.

T.: Well, let’s complete the crossword.

Across: Tomato, pear, orange.

Down: Potato, banana, carrot.

T.: Do you like poems?

P.: Yes, we do.

T.: Let’s make our poems.

Задания на листах. Ученики подходят. Вынимают по одному заданию из коробки и составляют собственный стишок. Затем один из учеников читает стих полностью.

Hi, my name is Jam. I like eating jam.
My name is Chris. I like to eat cheese.
My big brother Jake is fond of cake.
My sister Ann eats too much honey.
This girl is Lola. She likes to drink cola.
And this boy is Fred. He likes eating bread.
It’s my dream to eat a lot of ice– cream.

T.: You were very active today. I invite you and your guests to the café.

XII. Now, about your marks. (Your English is very good, your mark is… . Your pronunciation is very good, your mark is… . Your grammar is very good, but pay attention to your pronunciation, your mark is… .)

XIII. T.: Now, write a task to do at home. The first group, you must make up your own story on the topic “Food”. The second group, take the cards with the puzzle and solve it. The third group, make up your own puzzle.

Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good – bye.