Тема урока "What do the British like to eat". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

  • Способствовать формированию целостного представления о мире, о культуре еды страны изучаемого языка.
  • Систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по данной теме.
  • Умение представить проект на английском языке.

Задачи урока:

Учебные: Развитие навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи, навыков чтения и аудирования.


  • Развитие способности к сравнению, умозаключению, развитие оперативной памяти.
  • Способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий.


  • Формирование уважительного и ответственного отношения к природе.
  • Воспитание бережливости и осознание роли человека во взаимодействии с природой.
  • Формирование способности осознавать экологические проблемы и желания помочь природе.

Социокультурная задача: Привлечение интереса к проблемам окружающей среды.

Тип урока: систематизация и закрепление знаний по теме.

Форма урока: урок – презентация и защита проектов учащихся.

Оснащение урока:

  • видеопроектор, презентации учащихся в формате PowerPoint, плакат для рефлексии;
  • раздаточный материал:, карточки с критериями оценивания презентаций.

Ход урока

 “What do British like to eat?”

Teacher: Good morning. Today we are going to talk about food. Tell me please, what was your home task?

Pupil: Our home task was to prepare some sandwiches and to tell haw to do it.

Teacher: Thank you. Before checking I would like to ask you what do you like to eat?

Pupil 1: I like to eat …….

Teacher: Thank you.

Pupil 2: I like to eat…

Teacher: Thank you. So, we can tell that Russian people like to eat potato, rise, macaroni, and porridge. What can you tell me about British preferences in food?

Pupil: A lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are a lot of sandwich shops in London. You can buy all sorts of sandwiches in these shops.

Teacher: Thank you very much. As I see you know a lot of British food. Also we have today special lesson. Everyone has brought some of British food. Now we will see what have you done.

Pupil: I have brought meat sandwiches. I took two slices of bread, some mayonnaise.Then I took choppedmeat and put between the two sandwiches.

Teacher: Thank you. What else do we have?

Pupil: I have brought salad sandwiches. I took slice of bread, chopped salad and softened butter. Put evenly on slice of bread. Then I put feelings between the two slices of bread.

Teacher: Thank you. What else?

Pupil: I have done egg sandwiches. I took slices of bread, boiled and chopped eggs with mayonnaise. Then I put feelingsbetween two slices of bread. It is nice sandwiches.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Who is next?

Pupil: I have done cheese sandwiches. I took slices of cheese; softened butter put evenly on slice of bread, and then put slice of cheese and then one more slice of bread.

Teacher: Thank you very much! Great job! As I see you like the British food. Can you tell me what do the words “ the British have a sweet tooth” mean?

Pupil: The British have a sweet tooth. That means they like eating sweet things like pudding and pies, jams, biscuits and buns, cakes and rolls.

Teacher: Has anybody done any pies or puddings?

Pupil: I have brought some pie. I took some flour, sugar, and eggs, salt, stir it. Then took feelings (mashed bananas) and baked in the oven.

Teacher: Thank you very much. What can you tell about British drink?

Pupil: British people drink a lot of black tea. English tea is very strong. They do it in a teapot.

Teacher: Thank you very much. British food is nice and tasty. I glad you like it. Thank you for your willingness to bring the food to the class for your classmates. Now it is time to finish our lesson and then we are going to eat the British food. Please, can you open your mark book and write your home task

Today all of your marks are “5”.