Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Традиции чаепития в разных странах"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Цель: формирование поликультурного поля воспитанности у учащихся, воспитание эстетического вкуса, изучение чайного этикета.


  • изучить историю чаепития в Китае, Англии и России;
  • узнать, какие исторические личности повлияли на формирование чайных традиций в Китае, Англии и России.

Оснащение: компьютер, экран, проектор.

Ход мероприятия

Слайд 1 (Презентация):

Ведущий 1: Welcome to our tea party!

Ведущий 2: Guess, why we are just speaking about?

Ведущий 1: As I remember, the 15-th of December is the international Day of Tea. People all over the world like to drink tea.

Ведущий 2: Today we are talking about tea traditions.

Слайд 2: Мероприятие открывает танец и песня – “Welcome to the tea party”

Слайд 3. Сценка “Crazy tea party”

White Rabbit: Oh, my poor watch! Oh, my wheels! My springs! But-but-but.

Mad Hatter: Butter! Of course, we need some butter!

March Hare: Butter!

Mad Hatter: Butter! Oh, thank you. Ha, ha! Yes, that’s fine.

White Rabbit: Oh, no, no, no! You’ll get crumbs in it.

Mad Hatter: Oh, what are you talking about?

March Hare: Tea?

Mad Hatter: Tea! I never thought of tea!

White Rabbit: No!

Mad Hatter: Tea! He-he-he!

White Rabbit: No, not tea.

March Hare: Sugar?

Mad Hatter: Sugar. Two spoons, yes. Thank you.

Появляется Алиса.

Alice: Can I have some tea with you?

March Hare and Mad Hatter: No room! No room!

Alice: But I think there is plenty of room.

March Hare: But it’s very rude to sit down without being invited!

Dormouse: Very, very, very rude indeed. Do you know any songs about tea?

Alice: Yes, I do. But I don’t want to sing alone. My friends will help me.

Слайд 4. Песня про чайник.

March Hare: We liked your singing. Do people in your country love tea?

Alice: Yes, of course. My friends are here and they are going to tell you about English tea.

Слайд 5-16. Презентация “Английское чаепитие”.

Слайд17. Ведущий: The love for tea unites English people with the Chineese. Listen to the song about tea.

Слайд 18-23. Презентация “Чайные традиции Китая”

1. People began to drink tea in China. It was 5 thousand years ago. One legend says: “Long ago the shepherds saw that their sheep began climbing up the hill easily after eating green leaves of an evergreen bush high up in the mountains.

2. The sheperds decided to test the magic power of that mysterious (мистириэс) plant. They dried the leaves, poured boiling water and began to drink it. Everybody felt strength in his body and clear minds in the head.

3. This is legend, but may be it is true. The Emperor Shen of China was sitting under Camelia tree and a leaf fell into his cup of boiling water. This event gave the world a new drink.

4. In old times tea was very expensive and important. The emperors rewarded their people with tea for good deals.

5. Tea ceremony in China is very quiet and complex. Tea is served in small Eastern bowls and brewed in small important teapots. (показ чайной церемонии в Китае)

Alice: Now let’s greet my friends from Russia.

Слайд 24-36. Презентация “Чайные традиции в России”

Ведущий 1: Thank you for you attention

Ведущий 2: Welcome to our tea party!

(Презентация представлена не полностью, т.к. превышен допустимый объем публикации.)