Урок по теме «Коренные жители Америки». 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

  • применять на практике речевые знания, умения, навыки;
  • формировать и активизировать навыки работы с информацией



  • освоить лексические единицы по теме во всех видах речевой деятельности;
  • научить сообщать информацию по теме;


  • развивать мотивацию к изучению английского языка;
  • развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;
  • развивать фонематический слух: умение произносить лексические единицы;
  • развивать умения определять тему текста по заголовку (ознакомительное чтение);
  • развивать умения выбирать нужную информацию (поисковое чтение);
  • развивать умения делать сообщение по теме с опорой на образец;


  • расширять общий кругозор;
  • воспитывать уважение и интерес к культуре других стран

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you.

- Thank you, sit down, please.

Tell me who is on duty today? What is the date today? What was your home-task?

So, what shall we do today?

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

1) Well, let’s start with our words. I give you a sheet of paper with the words.

Read them as quickly as you can. First of all read the words in pairs. Now let’s read the words in a chain up to the first mistake.

2) Now you can see the words on the blackboard. Translate them from Russian into English.

Ш. Совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков в письменной речи и чтении.

1) The next task for you. Fill in the words in sentences. Write down only words. (слайд)

1. A (nut) is a dry fruit of a plant.

2. We live in a (wooden) house.

3. One of the (native) animals of Africa is the elephant.

4. American Indians were good (hunters).

5. You mustn’t (smoke).

6. He doesn’t (believe) my story.

7. My friend came from (Asia) (Siberia, Alaska).

8. They will have a (ceremony) in the church.

Now let’s check the task. Change your copy-books. Who hasn’t got mistakes rise your hands.

Your mark is 5. Who has got 1or 2 mistakes? Your mark is 4. Who has got 3or 4 mistakes? Your mark is 3.

2) Well, I see you know the words. Now let’s read the words in your home exercise. Open your books ex.13 p.335. Have you got any questions? So, begin reading in a chain.

1V. Работа над чтением.

1) Ex. 17 p. 338. - Look at the text at the top of the page. Read the task to the exercise.

Look at the title of the text. What do you think: What is the text about?

Let’s read it in whisper.

- Do you understand it? - Now let’s read the text in a chain, sentence by sentence.

2) Look at the screen. Find the odd picture. (слайд – рисунки жилищ индейцев)

3) Now tell us if the sentences are true or false. You may be sitting if the sentence is true and stand up if it is wrong and correct it, please.

1. Native Americans came from the New World.

2. They helped English colonists a lot.

3. Native Americans lived in earth or wooden houses.

4. They believed in many gods.

5. Many years ago Native American tribes lived on “reservations”.

6. Their famous tradition was eating a turkey.

7. Native Americans had special ceremonies with dances and music before hunting and fishing.

8. Most Native Americans were not peaceful.

9. They were good hunters and fishermen.

4) Well, good for you. The next task is to finish the sentences. (слайд)

1. _____ from Asia.

2. _____ English colonies.

3. _____ in wooden or earth houses.

4. _____ very peaceful.

5. _____ were good fishermen.

6. _____ in many gods.

7. _____ special ceremonies with dances and music.

8. _____ smoking of a peace pipe.

9. _____ this pipe with people they didn’t know.

10. _____ friendship and peace.

11. _____ in all parts of the USA.

12. _____ on reservations.

V. Совершенствование навыков монологического высказывания.

Look at the pictures and make up a story about Native Americans. (слайды)

VI. Аудирование.

Please, answer my question: what kind of people were Native Americans?

Do you know the names of famous Indians? Have you ever heard about Pocahontas? Listen to the text and choose the right point to complete the sentences. Make sure you know some words.

  • settlers - поселенцы
  • peace - мир
  • chief - вождь

Famous American Names.

Pocahontas was a young daughter of one of the Indian chiefs. She was curious about white people and trusted them. She often visited them and soon the white settlers knew her well and liked her. She learned a few words of English and could speak with them. She helped to keep peace between the Indians and the whites. Once the Indians wanted to kill Captain Smith, the leader of the white settlers, but Pocahontas, who was twelve then, saved him by standing in front of him. After that the English trusted her even more.

When she was 17, she fell in love with an Englishman, so she became a Christian and married him. Pocahontas visited England and met the King and the Queen. She gave birth to a son in England. Unfortunately, she fell ill, just before going back to America, and died.

Pocahontas lived a short life but people remember her as a symbol of friendship.

1. Pocahontas was a daughter of _____.

a) an Englishman

b) an Indian

c) an Italian

2. She often visited white settlers because she _____.

a)wanted to live with them

b)wanted to kill them

c) was curious about them

3. Pocahontas helped to keep peace because she _____.

a) could speak English

b) was the daughter of the chief

c) didn’t like fighting

4. The English trusted her after she had _____captain Smith.

a) married

b) sent away

c) saved

5. At the age of 17 Pocahontas married _____ .

a) an Englishman

b) an Indian chief

c) the King

6. People remember Pocahontas as _____ .

a) the chief’s daughter

b) a symbol of friendship

c) an Indian girl who met the King an the Queen

Well, let’s check the task.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

Now tell me, please, what have you learnt about Native Americans?

Your hometask will be the next: to retell about Native Americans.

You have said they had special traditions such as music and songs. Listen to an Indian prayer, please.

Did you like the lesson? You worked very hard. Thank you for the lesson.

Your marks for the lesson...