Урок "Report from Blockade Leningrad" ("Репортаж из Блокадного Ленинграда"). 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цель урока: расширить знания учащихся по теме “Блокада Ленинграда”.

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные:

  • знакомство и отработка лексического материала по теме;
  • активизация фонетических навыков учащихся;
  • развитие умения читать с целью детального понимания содержания и извлечением конкретной информации;
  • тренировка навыков вопросно-ответной работы по тексту;
  • совершенствование навыков устной речи.

2. Развивающие:

  • развитие различных видов памяти, внимания, воображения;
  • развитие творческого мышления, коммуникативности;
  • формирование способности вступать в иноязычное общение;
  • развитие познавательного интереса учащихся.

3. Воспитательные:

  • развитие чувства патриотизма, преданности своему отечеству, необходимости защищать страну от посягательств внешних врагов;
  • воспитание коммуникативной компетентности.

Оборудование урока: компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентация к уроку, карточки со словами, раздаточный материал (тексты для чтения, мини-словари), цветы.

Ход урока

1. Объявление темы урока и ввод в ситуацию

(Звучит фонограмма). На фоне взрывов бомб и снарядов, гула самолётов учитель объявляет тему урока.

T: The topic of our lesson is “Report from Blockade Leningrad”.

(На экране кадры из докум. фильма Сергея Лозницы “Блокада”) (слайд 1)

Today you will learn more about the blockade life in Leningrad thanks to photos by War Correspondent Sergey Strunnikov. (слайд 2) He made several dozens of photos when he worked in Leningrad in 1942-1943. ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ

Imagine that we came to the exhibition of his photos. Despite the fact that they are not of a good quality, they are documentary and rare. Your home task for today was to find information about the Leningrad Blockade. (слайд 3)

During the lesson you may use the mini-dictionary to help you.

(Учащимся раздаются мини-словари, составленные учителем)

2. Фонетическая зарядка

T: Look at the screen, please. Pronounce the sounds and read the words with them on our topic. (слайд 4)

[ b] - break, broke, blockade

[ m] - mortar, mine, aim

[ t] - tank, troops, torment

[ s] - starve, siege, city

[ f] - photo, front- line, fascists

[ p] - portion, polyclinics, capture

3. Речевая разминка

T: Why do we speak about the siege of Leningrad today on 27 January? (слайд 5)

Примерные ответы учащихся:

P1: Today we celebrate the 72 nd anniversary of its lifting. The siege started on 8 September 1941, when the last land connection to the city was severed.

P2: On January 18, 1943 the Volkhov and Leningrad front-line troops broke the siege, but lifting of the siege took place on 27 January 1944, 872 days after it began.

T: Why was the capture of Leningrad one of three strategic goals in the German Operation Barbarossa?

P1: Hitler wanted to occupy and then destroy Leningrad.

P2: Because Leningrad was the former capital of Russia and the symbolic capital of the Russian Revolution.

P3: Leningrad was a main base of the Soviet Baltic Fleet.

P4: I think Leningrad had many arms factories.

4. Знакомство и отработка новой лексики по теме.

T: Now I'll give you my sheets of paper with the text.

(Учащимся раздаются тексты для чтения). (слайд 6 с текстом для чтения)

On 27 June 1941, the Council of Deputies of the Leningrad administration organized “First response groups” of civilians. In the next days the entire civilian population of Leningrad was informed of the danger and over a million citizens were mobilized for the construction of fortifications.

From the beginning of the war until the siege lifting in January 1944 Leningrad citizens together with engineer troops of the Leningrad front line built 15 thousand pillboxes, dug 700 kilometers of anti-tank ditches, 25,000 kilometers of open trenches, made more than 100 barricades in streets and on squares to protect their city.

Artillery bombardment of Leningrad was carefully planned by fascists. Each aim had its number. Aim № 9, for example, was the Hermitage, № 69 – the F.Erisman Hospital, № 736 – a school in Baburinsky Lane.

Despite the extremely difficult life during the siege Leningrad people made and repaired more than 2000 tanks, 1500 airplanes, produced 4500 weapons, 12 000 mortars and 10 million shells and mines.

T: Look through the text and find the words related to military terms in the text.

For example:

  • Tanks - танки
  • Airplanes - самолёты
  • Weapons - оружие
  • Mortars - миномёты и т.д.

T: Match the words. (слайд 7)

Barricade a narrow street
Hate barrier
Produce a short cannon for firing shells
A lane  blockade
Siege dislike
A mortar want to eat


  • Starve - want to eat
  • Hate - dislike
  • A lane - a narrow street
  • Siege - blockade
  • Barricade - barrier
  • A mortar - a short cannon for firing shells

5. Развитие навыков чтения про себя и обсуждение прочитанного. Работа в парах.

1). T: Now read the text to yourself once more and be ready to discuss it in pairs. (Учащиеся читают текст про себя). (слайд 4)

2). Pair work.

T: Make up your questions to the text. Put questions to each other. (слайды 8,9,10,11,12)

P1 —> P2: What did Leningrad citizens do to protect their city?

P2 —> P1: How was artillery bombardment of Leningrad planned by fascists?

P3 —> P4: How did people help troops of the Leningrad front line? ... etc.

6. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания. Работа в группе.

T: Some of you were supposed to make short reports about life of children in blockade Leningrad. Look at the photos on the screen. (Group work)

Сообщения учащихся сопровождаются показом слайдов презентации.

P1: Despite the fact Leningrad was bombed every day and people died from starvation and cold, the government didn’t stop taking care of the children.

P2: (слайд 13) In 1942 classes started on September 1 in the 1-st – 4-th forms and on October 15 in the fifth-tenth forms. They studied through the whole siege winter. To prepare all schools for winter they installed stove heating 377 new stoves, damaged water supply systems were repaired in 72 schools.

All work was carried out by teachers, pupils and workers from head institutions and military units. Children studied in 124 schools. They kept classrooms clean and tidy.

P3: (слайды 14,15) In 1942 more than 2 thousand homeless babies were delivered to infant’s homes and hospitals. Infant’s homes for 1275 people and kindergartens for 1600 children were organized. The city children institutions worked all winter of 1942-1943 without accidents.

P4: (слайд16) One of the main tasks of the second blockade winter was to save and look after children. At the end of November 1942 under control of children polyclinics canteens with nourishing diet were opened for 15 thousand children from 3 up to 12 years old.

7. Описание фотографий с использованием подстановочных слов.

(Всем учащимся раздаются карточки с предложениями на русском языке. Раздаются карточки с английскими словами на парту. Учащиеся вывешивают свои слова на доску так, чтобы получилось предложение).

T: Now look at the photos and try to describe them.

Translate the sentences into English using the following words.

Fix the words on the blackboard.

1. Девочки-подростки Нина Николаева и Валя Волкова выполняют работы по сборке автоматов ППД. (слайд 17)

(Key. Young girls Nina Nikolaeva and Valya Volkova are assembling submachine-guns).

2. В декабре 1942 в Ленинграде действовали следующие дневные нормы выдачи хлеба населению в граммах:

  • рабочие горячих цехов – 700;
  • рабочие и инженерно-технические работники – 500;
  • дети до 12 лет – 300. (слайд 18)

(Key. In December 1942 there were the following bread portions per day in Leningrad:

  • workers of hot workshops – 700 gr.;
  • workers and engineers – 500 gr.;
  • children under 12 years old – 300 gr.)
1). assembling Nina 1 парта
girls Volkova 2 парта
are young 3 парта
  Valya 4 парта
and  Nikolaeva submachine-guns 5 парта


2). In December   700 gr. 1 парта
workers and the following 2 парта
500 gr.   children 3 парта
  in Leningrad    
hot workshops   300 gr.  
  1942   4 парта
there were   engineers 5 парта
per day   workers of  
  under 12 years old   6 парта

8. T: Have you ever heard about Olga Bergholz ? Why would I like to speak about her now?

(Подготовленные высказывания учащихся об Ольге Берггольц). (слайд 19)

P1: Olga Bergholz, a Soviet writer, spent all the 900 days of the blockade in Leningrad. She worked at the radio encouraging hungry and depressed citizens of the city by her speeches and poems.

P2: She wrote patriotic poems to help people in besieged Leningrad believe and hope. Her gun was a word. Bread is a central image in her “Leningrad Poem”.

T: In 1941 Hitler stated in his speech at Munich: “Leningrad must die of starvation”. He declared, “... we have no interest in saving lives of the civilian population”.

P3: Olga Bergholz wrote patriotic poems, and the most public of them is displayed at the Piskarev Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg, where 470,000 Soviet citizens who died during the blockade are buried. (слайд 20)

Два ученика (с букетами красных гвоздик в руках) читают стихотворение Ольги Берггольц)

Here lie Leningraders.

Here are city-dwellers - men, women, children
And next to them, Red Army soldiers.
They defended you, Leningrad,
The cradle of the Revolution
With all their lives.
We cannot list their noble names here,
There are so many of them under the eternal protection of granite.
But know this, those who regard these stones:
No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.

9. Заключительная часть. Подведение итогов деятельности учащихся на уроке.

T: Our lesson is almost over. What would you say in conclusion?

P1: People of the world! Do not repeat the tragic experience of the past!

P2: Remember all the people who fought against German fascism!

P3: Do everything possible to live in peace and friendship!


No one is forgotten ...

Nothing is forgotten ...

(Минута молчания.)

T: Thank you. I enjoyed your work at the lesson. All of you were very active and attentive today. Your marks for the lesson are ... Our lesson is over. Goodbye.

Литература и интернет-ресурсы.

1. Л.И.Смирнова “Репортаж из блокадного Ленинграда. Фотографии военного корреспондента Сергея Струнникова”, изд-во Главархива Москвы, 2005 г.

2. Н.Я.Комаров, Г.А.Куманев “Блокада Ленинграда. 900 героических дней. 1941-1944. Исторический дневник. Комментарии. Москва, 2004 г.

3. http://victory.rusarchives.ru

4. http://photocity.ru