Открытый урок на тему "Как спасти тыкву после Хэллоуина"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии

Цель урока:

  • Введение и тренировка новой лексики по теме урока.
  • Расширение знаний обучающихся о культурных традициях страны изучаемого языка.
  • Формирование навыков чтения.
  • Формирование универсальных учебных действий (личностных, регулятивных, познавательных и коммуникативных).

Задачи урока:


  • Познакомить обучающихся с некоторыми традициями и обычаями празднования Хэллоуина в Великобритании.
  • Способствовать формированию у обучающихся навыков социолингвистической и лингвострановедческой компетенций.
  • Активизировать навыки чтения с определенной стратегией.


  • Развивать способность к анализу, обобщению.
  • Развивать способность к языковой догадке в целях расширения потенциального лексического запаса.
  • Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.
  • Развивать логическое мышление, активность, внимание.


  • Воспитывать у обучающихся чувство прекрасного и уважение к культуре и традициям других народов.
  • Воспитывать чувство взаимной ответственности, прививать навыки работы в коллективе.
  • Обучать культуре группового общения.
  • Воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи.
  • Повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Тип урока: комбинированный с элементами введения нового материала.

Формы и виды работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Используемые педагогические технологии: технология саморазвития личности, технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, информационно-коммуникационная технология, технология современного проектного обучения, игровая технология, тестовая технология.

Pumpkin Rescue

Topic: Halloween symbol becomes food waste

Adults, Teenagers

Level: B1+

Based on this article https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/oct/25/uk-expected-towaste-terrifying-number-of-halloween-pumpkins
and this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_WMcAfAR-4&feature=youtu.be


Answer the questions

  1. Have you ever been to a Halloween party? Would you like to visit one?
  2. Are you going to celebrate Halloween this year?
  3. What do you know about British traditions of celebrating Halloween?


  1. Watch the video https://youtu.be/e_WMcAfAR-4and answer the question: How much do Brits spend on pumpkins for Halloween?
  2. Watch the video again and complete the sentences below
    1. It's nearly Halloween and by now Brits have probably either carved out a pumpkin and wondered what to do with the bits they've scraped out or had a pumpkin flavored _______.
    2. The tradition of carving pumpkins comes from the ___________.
    3. In the Middle Ages people used to carve other root vegetables such as a _________ to make a lantern.
    4. _______ migration took these Halloween traditions to North America.
    5. According to Professor Cindy Ott pumpkin represents the idea of a small family _______
    6. Popularity of pumpkins gives a huge ______ for farmers' business
    7. In England people who do office jobs still like to think of themselves as farmers at _________


1. Watch this video https://videos.mysimpleshow.com/zoQMqJ7gpb and find out what these numbers are.

  • 8 million
  • 10 million
  • 95%


2. Read the article and answer the questions

  1. How many consumers buy pumpkins for ornamental use?
  2. What has led to many larger-than-usual pumpkins?
  3. When do people in the UK spend more: on Christmas Eve or just before Halloween?
  4. What is the difference between American and British tradition in carving pumpkins?

3. Match the words in bold in the article with their meaning.

UK expected to waste terrifying number of Halloween pumpkins

Only third who buy squash to create lanterns will cook leftover flesh, finds survey

Rebecca Smithers, сonsumer affairs correspondent

The UK will bin 8m pumpkins after Halloween, the equivalent of enough pumpkin pie to feed the entire nation, research has found.

Almost three-fifths (58%) of consumers buy pumpkins to hollow out and carve, of whom only a third bother to cook the leftover but edible innards, according to the annual #PumpkinRescue campaign.

More than half (51%) of buyers bin the flesh, adding to the UK's food waste mountain rather than cooking or composting it.

The study was commissioned by stock brand Knorr. Another, by environmental waste charity Hubbub, found that more than half (52%) of Halloween pumpkin buyers in the UK would welcome recipes to help them make more of the leftovers.

Halloween is a significant money-spinner for supermarkets and is now second to Christmas in terms of festive retail. An estimated 10m pumpkins are grown in the UK every year, 95% of which will be hollowed out in lanterns for Halloween and the rest used in recipes. Some pumpkins are inedible and specified as "for ornamental use only" but the flesh of the majority is edible. Suppliers say this year's erratic weather has led to many larger-than-average pumpkins.

"Halloween has become increasingly popular in the UK, but unlike those on the other side of the pond, many Britons aren't cooking with their pumpkin carvings - instead they're throwing them away," said Tessa Tricks of Hubbub. "This is contributing to the overwhelming amount of waste thrown away by UK households each year."

  1. the soft part of fruit or vegetable under its skin
  2. a humorous way of referring to the Atlantic Ocean when it is thought of as separating the UK or Europe and the US
  3. changing suddenly and unexpectedly
  4. not suitable for food
  5. to get rid of something, to throw away
  6. a product, a business, an idea which makes a lot of money
  7. inner parts of the fruit
  8. food remains after a meal
  9. to empty inside

4. British people are obsessed with pumpkins but they use them for decoration mostly.

What about you? Have you ever carved a pumpkin or made a lantern? Do you know any recipes with pumpkin?


  1. Think of 5 ideas to cook a pumpkin to rescue it after Halloween.
  2. Think of 3 other ways to reduce the waste: for example, to feed farm animals, to decorate your house with reusable stuff that you won't throw away instead of pumpkins, to compost the fruit in your garden.

TEACHERS NOTE: Suggest your students creating a video of recipe for a pumpkin pie (or any other pumpkin dish they like) at my simple show https://www.mysimpleshow.com/to rescue a pumpkin

Here is the one they might try https://www.theguardian.com/food/2019/nov/27/masterclassrecipe-how-to-make-a-pumpkin-pie-felicity-cloakebut in October pumpkin recipes flood the Internet so they can choose whatever they like

They might also wish to try a recipe themselves and share pictures on social media.


TEACHER'S NOTE: You can use this task either to revise vocab during the following class or as a home assignment.

1. Complete the sentences with the missing word.

  1. Consumer finance is not necessarily a m_____ s____ any longer. 2) It's good to get a view from the other side of the p____ 3) The meat was i____.
  2. Imports of raw cotton only gradually took up the slack - and then only in quite e_______fashion.
  3. These pears have a sweet, juicy f____.
  4. Sand carried by the wind has h______ o____ the base of the cliff.
  5. There's some l____ chicken from last night's meal.
  6. Shall I b___ these old shoes?

2. Match pictures and words https://learningapps.org/display?v=pbgqmv1bj20


TEACHER'S NOTE: All 3 of them are symbols of Halloween. Witch is a top costume for adults for Halloween parties. Celebrating Halloween people hand out candies as treats to kids and carve pumpkins to decorate their homes.


1. 10 million pounds


  1. It's nearly Halloween and Brits have probably either carved out a pumpkin and wondered what to do with the bits they've scraped out or had a pumpkin flavored COFFEE.
  2. The tradition of carving pumpkins comes from the BRITISH ISLES
  3. In the Middle Ages people used to carve other root vegetables such as a TURNIP to make a lantern.
  4. IRISH migration took these Halloween traditions to North America.
  5. According to professor Cindy Ott pumpkin represents the idea of a small family FARM.
  6. Popularity of pumpkins gives a huge BENEFIT for farmers' business
  7. In England people who do office jobs still like to think of themselves as farmers at HEART


1. The UK will bin 8 million pumpkins after Halloween 10 million pumpkins are grown in the UK 95% will be hollowed out in lanterns for Halloween



  1. 58%
  2. erratic weather
  3. On Christmas Eve
  4. In US people are more likely to cook their pumpkins after carving


  1. flesh
  2. on the other side of the pond
  3. erratic
  4. inedible
  5. to bin
  6. money-spinner
  7. innards
  8. leftover
  9. to hollow out


  1. money spinner
  2. pond
  3. inedible
  4. erratic
  5. flesh
  6. hollowed out
  7. leftover
  8. bin