Конспект учебного занятия по предмету «Английский язык». Тема: "Заключительный урок по книге для внеклассного чтения Л.Кэрролла «Алиса в стране чудес»" (для учащихся 6-х классов общеобразовательных организаций)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Цель: Знакомство учащихся с творчеством известного британского писателя Льюиса Кэрролла и его классическим произведением «Алиса в стране чудес», развитие коммуникативных умений на основе прочитанного


  • Воспитание интереса к чтению англоязычных художественных произведений и расширение кругозора;
  • Развитие культуры речи и расширение словарного запаса;
  • Формирование и развитие умений анализировать прочитанное, давать характеристику героям произведения

Тип занятия: Развивающий контроль и рефлексия

Формируемые УУД:

  • Личностные: Самоопределение, смыслообразование
  • Познавательные: Интерпретация информации, поиск и выделение информации, выбор оснований и критериев для сравнения, построение логической цепи рассуждений
  • Регулятивные: Выдвижение версий
  • Коммуникативные: постановка вопросов и адекватное реагирование (инициативное сотрудничество в поиске и сборе информации)

Ход учебного занятия

Этап 1. Мотивация к учебной деятельности

Организационный момент - 1 мин

T: Good morning, children! You have read one of the most world famous children's stories "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by a famous British writer Lewis Carroll. And now we are going to speak about the author and the main characters of his book. You have read the book during the school year and learned some facts from the biography of Lewis Carroll.


Этап 2. Активизация изученного материала (биография писателя)

T: Let's remember the information watching the presentation about the life of Lewis Carroll.

And then you'll have to answer some questions.

(Учащиеся смотрят презентацию о жизни и творчестве Л.Кэрролла)

Now, please, answer the questions:

  1. What is the real name of the writer?
  2. When and where was he born?
  3. Did he live in a big or a small family? How large was it?
  4. Where did the family live?
  5. What did he do to entertain his brothers and sisters?
  6. Where did Lewis Carroll study?
  7. What was his profession?
  8. Whom did he make his stories for?
  9. What were his most famous books?
  10. When and where did the writer die?

Этап 3. Характеристика героев произведения

T: Now let's remember the characters' names of the story "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

(Ученики называют героев книги по очереди)

T: Then you'll try to say: Who…

  1. is a clever little girl? (Alice)
  2. speaks a lot, but not very sensible things? (the March Hare)
  3. changes the mind a lot? (the Queen/ the March Hare)
  4. is a bossy woman who tells people what to do? (the Duchess)
  5. is a very nervous animal? (the White Rabbit)
  6. is very kind and gentle? (the King of Hearts)
  7. is friendly and cheerful? (the Cheshire Cat)
  8. is very sad and often cries about life? (the Mock Turtle)

Этап 4. Обсуждение сюжета

T: Now it's time to memorize the things which happened to Alice. Say "True" or "False":

  1. Alice sees a rabbit by the river. (T)
  2. Alice drinks from the bottle and becomes bigger. (F)
  3. Alice falls into the pool of water. (T)
  4. Alice and the animals became dry lying in the sun. (F)
  5. The White Rabbit thinks that Alice is his sister. (F)
  6. The baby turned into a pig. (T)
  7. The March Hare was rude. (T)
  8. The game of Croquet was very strange. (T)
  9. The Mock Turtle told Alice a funny story. (F)
  10. Alice was the judge on the trial. (F)

Этап 5. Контроль понимания текста

T: The next point is to take part in a Final Comprehension Quiz. Choose the right item:

  1. Who wrote the story "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"?
    а) Charles L. Dodgson
    b) Jonathan Swift
    c) Mark Twain
  2. What animal did Alice follow into a different world?
    a) a white mouse
    b) a white rabbit
    c) a white elephant
  3. What did the Cheshire Cat do all the times?
    a) It cried
    b) It smiled
    c) It slept
  4. Who made a mad tea party?
    a) the Hatter
    b) the Turtle
    c) the Marsh Hare
  5. Who were the balls during the game of Croquet
    a) the hedgehogs
    b) the soldiers
    c) the flamingoes
  6. Who wanted to cut off Alice's head?
    a) the King
    b) the Queen
    c) the Hatter
  7. What happened when the whole pack of cards flew into Alice's face?
    a) She ran away
    b) She fell asleep
    c) She awoke
  8. Whom did Alice tell about her curious dream to?
    a) her mother
    b) her cat
    c) her sister

keys: 1a; 2b; 3b; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7c; 8c

Этап 6. Дискуссия по произведению. Рефлексия (групповая работа)

T: The last point of the lesson is to work in groups. Please, make the groups and take the task. You'll have to discuss the question in a group and give the answer.

  • Card 1: Which is your favourite character in Wonderland? Why?
  • Card 2: Which character didn't you like? Why?
  • Card 3: Would you like to go to Wonderland? Why?
  • Card 4: What strange thing(s) in the book surprised you most? Why?
  • Card 5: What lesson(s) did you get from the story?

(Учащиеся представляют результат своей работы в группе, полученной во время дискуссии, в виде развернутого ответа на вопрос)

T: To finish our work I'd like to give you the last question for the discussion. Did you like the story? Why (yes/ not)?

(Ученики отвечают на вопрос, аргументируя свою точку зрения)

T: Thank you for your work. Good bye!