Урок-конференция на тему: "Охрана окружающей среды"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Прививать чувство бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
  2. Развивать память, внимание, воображение, мышление.
  3. Расширять кругозор учащихся, овладение новыми страноведческими знаниями.
  4. Совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи.


  1. тематические картинки,
  2. видеофильм,
  3. музыкальное сопровождение,
  4. лозунги “ Nature is the source of people’s life “ “Environmental protection concerns everyone “

1. Орг. начала урока: чтение стихотворения :

“ Walking along feeling tree
Feeling the Earth here with me
And I love her, she loves me
I hug the Earth , the Earth hugs me
She’s our friend, we’d like to be together forever

2. Просмотр видеофильма , содержащий реальные факты экологических катаклизмов на нашей планете.

Музыкальное сопровождение : группа Pink Floyd (альбом “ Стена “)

Учитель: Comrades today we have our conference on the topic “Ecology”. There are some guests, economists, scientists, students of youth organizations and a member of our government. We shall discuss many important problems connected with our topic. As this problem is global I want you to discuss it. Please be active in the discussion.

Ученик1: Newspapers’ articles about pollution in our country impressed me greatly. I’m upset because just now we saw many polluted parts of our country. You know that the rail ways are also one of the sources of pollution. We know that noise is a special kind of environmental pollution, everyday I hear the noise of locomotives of passing trains as I live near the railway. We breathe the air polluted by the waste of the railway transport.

Ученик2: For along time too little attention was paid to the environment. Today the situation is quite different. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment because of modern industry and the need for more energy.

Ученик3: This problem is very important. Our country. Our environment. There are many big and small rivers, green forests, high mountains, lakes and seas in Russian.

Ученик4: But not only in Russia. Our Earth is our home. I think people must take care of our planet. Many countries bury and forget about millions of tons of rubbish every year

Ученик5: Now many parts of the world are overcrowded. People live in big cities and much of the wastes especially wastes from factories, electric power stations and chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous.

Ученик6: The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is the fastest – spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentionally one of history’s greatest dangers to human life on earth. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.

Ученик7: My mum is upset: the window glasses get dirty so shortly and the winter is so long. I’m upset: my best bathing suit was spoilt that summer, I came out of the sea with a black mineral oil spot on it though the sea water looked so clean..

Ученик8: The scientific and technological progress of the 20 th century resulted in widespread as mechanization, automated lines, computerized management, spaceships, automic power stations, pipelines, new roads and highways.

Ученик 9 : You are quite right . In many cities and towns the concentration of harmful substances in the air over 10 times the admissible level because with the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire.

Ученик 10 : In Cairo just breathing the air is life threatening equivalent to smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day. The same holds true for Mexico city and 600 cities of the former Russia.

Ученик 1 : Industrial enterprises emit tons of harmful substances. These emissions have disastrous consequences. Great environment threat is nuclear power stations. We all know how now tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

Ученик 2 : But it can’t be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is high natural resources are exhausted. The ecological balance of the planet is disturbed.

Ученик 3 : The seas are in danger too. They are filled with poison, industrial, nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already dead , the Northern sea is following, the Aral sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing done about it one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Ученик 1 : Most big cities pour their waste in the seas and rivers . For a long time people didn’t realize the danger. The first alarm came from Japan . Some people died because they had eaten polluted fish. And since 1967 it has not been possible to eat the fish from many Swedish lakes.

Ученик 2 : I want to add. The Dead sea, the saltiest body of water of the earth and a wonderful natural treasure, is becoming smaller and smaller because of decisions by people to use part of its waters. One of the main reasons for the sea’s shrinking is lack of water . 90% of the waters that flow from the Jordan River is taken for drinking and agriculture in Israel and Jordan. Besides, the local industry use the water for getting necessary minerals. It’s real disaster for the Sea. It can be saved – but time is running out

Ученик 4 : I agree with you. Every 10 minutes one kind of animals, plants or insects dies out forever. If nothing is done about 1 million species that are alive today will have become extinct 20 years from now.

Ученик 5 : Certainly. Some species of flora and fauna disappear; city and industry waters, chemical and fertilizers are endangering lakes, rivers, ponds. The Blue Whale, the Panda, the California Big Tree are on the verge of extinction now. Gone forever are dinosaurs, passenger pigeons, California grizzly bears. Elephants, jungle- cats and Asian rhinoceroses are being killed off for their ivory tusks, furs, or horns. Many animals have gone forever, as their habitats have been destroyed at an alarming rate: 340 miles a day !

Ученик 6 : But I want to notice that people are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not somebody’s else. They join and support various international organizations and green parties.

Ученик 7 : Sheffield is one of England’s largest center of the country with lots of plants and factories in it. For more than a century it was a smoky and dirty city and the view of chimney’s releasing. Today though the city is still proud to be one of the greatest industrial centers, the environment is entirely different.

Ученик 8 : The city made great efforts to overcome the problem of pollution when it began to clean air campaign. Smoke control orders were introduced into various parts of the city. The factories and plants were redesigned and modified.

Учитель : Excuse me. What do people of different countries do to save our planet ?

Ученик 10 : Numerous anti- pollution acts passed in different countries. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial water have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. Wild life reservation models of undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.

Ученик 11 : There is an ecological commission at the Ministry of Railway transport. The ministry recommended that the commission work out a better mechanism to control the harmful substances of the main polluters, such as locomotives and railway enterprises. It was decided to create some stations at control : 5 such stations are functioning now.

Ученик 9 : I read: the congress on ecological problems would be held in London. The head of Russian commission will be present at the congress with a very interesting report. Some excellent proposals will be made.

Учитель : By the way what have many economists thought of the environment?

Ученик 3 :Economists have long thought of the environment as an Unlimited Resources. In fact the economy and the environment are closely related. If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused by plants, activities very soon we’ll have no world to live in.

Ученик 5 : It’s very dangerous. We must understand that science itself can’t be good or bad. Another thing is now people use its achievements.

Учитель : and those ozone holes…

Ученик 12 : Ozone holes. The ozone layers are destroyed by a stuff that aerosol sprays and refrigerators contain

Учитель : chlorofluorocarbons..

Ученик 4 : Goodness. I’m unable to repeat it. People will have to take measures because the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere causing skin, cancer and other diseases.

Ученик2: Then I must stop using my aerosol spray right now.

Ученик8: Good of you. Much ought to be done to keep our planet suitable for living.

Ученик10: When I was in Singapore I saw a poster which said “Singapore is the garden city of Asia. Keep it clean and green”.

Ученик7: We must all strive for the clean environment we all agree. But there is good saying: you needn’t strive for cleanliness you should take a broom and sweep your street.

Учитель: What slogans will you put forward to make people be more environment – conscious and more active in the movement for the purity of the ecology?

Ученики называют:

“Protect the environment from industrial pollution”.

“Stop the danger of environmental disaster”

“Ensure nature conversation”

“Nature is the source of people’s life”

“Help nature. Protect it”

Подведение итогов конференции.

Ученики выступают со своими проектами. Тема проектов «Проблемы родного города и как их решать».