Конспект заключительного урока на тему "Здоровый образ жизни" в 11-м классе (английский язык) по программе элективного курса "Здоровый образ жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Обобщение пройденного материала по теме “Здоровый образ жизни”, углубление и расширение знаний по данной теме.
  2. Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности её составляющих: речевой, языковой, социокультурной, учебно-познавательной. Совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по различным видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению.
  3. Совершенствование культуры межличностного и группового общения в разных видах взаимодействия.
  4. Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Плакаты, пропагандирующие здоровый образ жизни.
  2. Тексты с материалами по изученной теме.
  3. Аудиозапись текста “Стресс и его влияние”.

Тип урока – обобщающий, в форме ролевой игры (заседание клуба молодых исследователей).

Участники заседания: ведущий – учитель, молодые исследователи – гимназисты 11-го класса

Структура урока (алгоритм):

  1. Введение в игру
  2. Дискуссия по теме
  3. Информация учащихся о вреде алкоголя
  4. Мини-доклады учащихся
  5. Разработка мер по борьбе с курением в гимназии
  6. Разработка памятки
  7. Аудирование магнитофонной записи текста о стрессе с его последующим обсуждением
  8. Чтение текста о здоровом питании и выполнение различного уровня заданий по теме
  9. Итог урока. Выработка декларации по здоровому образу жизни.

Ход урока

T. – The problem of a healthy lifestyle has become urgent nowadays. The scientists of the whole world are anxious about it. In highly developed industrial countries the healthy lifestyle is a part of daily activities. Why is it so? According to the statistics, the life expectancy of men and women in many countries is gradually decreasing because of alcoholism, drugs, smoking, wrong nutrition, stress and other factors.

Not surprisingly, this problem is of vital importance for teenagers, because they are more addicted to harmful habits.

So today we are having a sitting of Young Investigators' Club on some aspects of this actual problem.

We think that the following questions should be included in the agenda of our sitting.

Agenda (on the blackboard)


2. Smoking

3. Stress

4. Nutrition.

T. – By the way, boys and girls, would you like to share your opinions on these


Р1, Р2, Р3, Р4…. (Appendix 1)

T. – Thank you very much for your clever and interesting points of view. – Let's pass on to our discussion.

1. We know that Ann Petrova has deeply studied the problem of alcoholism and now she is eager to share her opinion on it.

Р1 – a story (Appendix 2)

T. – Thanks a lot for your bright research work. But boys and girls, Ann needs your help, because she is going to deliver a lecture to teens of her school and you ought to help her with instructions using her research work (the texts of the report are distributed among the students). Work in groups and write your own instructions.

An example of the instruction

Р1 – Don't use alcohol because:

– it ruins the personality,

– it destroys the family as the main unit of the society. The number of divorces increases,

– it leads to heart disease, high blood pressure, liver damage, brain damage, an overdose of alcohol can cause death,

– it leads to depression,

– it is an addictive drug.

2. T. – One more bad factor influencing people's health is smoking. Mike Ivanov has just returned from the USA and would like to tell us about the experience which American doctors have gained.

P2 A report about the harm of smoking. (Appendix 2)

T. – Now work in groups, look through the material which Mike has prepared for you and discuss the problem of smoking which also exists at our school. Think of some possible ways of solving the problem. You've got 5 minutes at your disposal, (work in groups)

P reads a list of measures, which are to be taken at school.

1). School instructions must forbid smoking among schoolchildren.

2). Lessons on the harm of smoking should be included in courses of the anatomy, physiology and hygiene.

T. — Thanks for your work.

3. – In our modern life young and middle aged people, to say nothing about elderly persons and teenagers, suffer from stress. A stress can be caused by a high tempo of life, by loneliness and by extreme situations. I want you to listen to the text tape-recorded and find the answers to some questions. (Appendix 2) The text for auding/


  1. Why did researchers study bereaved people?
  2. What did researchers learn about the immune system of these people?
  3. What is another possible reason that bereaved people may become sick?

4. T. Clever of you. Thank you. One more question included in the agenda is right nutrition. Nowadays people have a broader knowledge of nutrition, so they buy more fresh fruit, and vegetables than ever before. People's awareness of nutrition, along with their changing tastes and needs, leads them to consume a wide variety of foods – foods for health, for fun, and simply for good taste. To know a lot about all the needs of your body read the text about several different kinds of food materials and be ready to use your knowledge in practice. (Individual work with the text "What food materials are needed?") (Appendix 2) The texts are given to students.

T. – Boys and girls, now let's do the following task to check your knowledge. Fill in the chart. You've got 10 minutes for your work. (Appendix 3)

– All right, show me what you've done. Р1, Р2, Р3, Р4

Thanks. Almost each of you now knows what food material is contained in each of the foods listed.

– As we have learnt a lot about food materials, study this diet and say if it is healthy or not. If necessary, make some recommendations. (Appendix 3)

Р1, Р2, Р3, Р4…. T. – Thank you. Well done!

To finish with, we'll have to make up a Declaration of a healthy lifestyle. What do you think we should include in it? Share your opinions. Р1, Р2, Р3, Р4…

– Having summed up your opinions, we have worked out the Declaration. Here it is!

Healthy lifestyle Declaration.

– give up smoking,

– don't abuse alcohol,

– don't overeat. Follow a healthy diet full of vitamins,

– think positive and avoid stresses.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3