Тема урока "When my grandparents were young"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Educational object – to support pupils’ intention to speak about their close relatives;

Skills development – to develop communication skills in a group and in pairs;

Communicative objects – to develop such speech habits as speaking and listening on a base of a letter from a pen friend and such linguistic skills as lexical and grammatical ones on a base of several exercises.

Textbook – “Happy English. ru” 5 form Kaufman K. E., Kaufman M. Y.

Materials - pictures of appearance, a record with a monologue and a cassette with a song “When I was one”.

Lesson plan

I Beginning

1. Greeting

Good afternoon, pupils. I’m very glad to see you! Today we will speak about our grandparents. I think this theme will be very interesting for you.

2. A warming-up activity

Let’s remember a poem about Humpty.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses, all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

What tense is the poem written in?

Read the words in Past Simple.

II. Follow up

We’ll speak about our parents in their youth and compare with their present.

That’s why we should remember the key words in Past Simple.

Activity 1. Grammar

Match the key words and their translations:

yesterday 4 недели назад
last week в прошлое воскресенье
last month вчера
last summer в прошлое лето
four weeks ago несколько лет назад
some years ago на прошлой неделе
last Sunday в прошлом месяце

Activity 2. Grammar

Fill in the gaps with was, were, had, and the key words yesterday, last week, years ago:

Hi, my name is Ted. And this is my grandfather. We …in the park… . We … very happy. And we … a tasty dinner… . There … vegetables in our soup and fruit in our salad. My grandfather … sure that vegetables and fruit … good for us. He … a doctor five … … .

Activity 3. Listening

A song “When I was young ”

Let’s remember a song “When I was one”. Listen to the song once more (textbook, p.151).

When I was one,
I could say the word “Mum”.
When I was two,
I was sad and blue.
When I was three,
I could talk to the trees.
When I was four,
I could open the castle door.
When I was five,
I could swim and dive.
When I was six,
I could do magic tricks.
When I was seven,
I could fly with a raven.
When I was eight,
Nessie was my best, best mate.
When I was nine,
I could travel in time.

Answer the questions:

  1. What tense is the song written in?
  2. What type of sentences does it have?
  3. What conjunction is used here?
  4. What forms do the verbs “be” and “can” have?

Activity 4. Vocabulary

Match the adjectives and the people:

  • Tall, fat, slim
  • Red, curly, straight
  • Round, oval, beautiful
Chris Roger Sandra


Christine Rita Rosy


Mary Roger Peter

Activity 5. Listening comprehension

Listen to the text and answer the questions:

  1. Is it a dialogue or a monologue?
  2. Whom is the text about?

This is the photo of my grandfather. His name was Peter. He was 70 years old and he was tall and slim. His hair was short white and curly. His eyes were dark and brown. His nose was straight. He was brave and kind. I look like my grandfather.

Complete the table.


Activity 6. Dramatization and role-playing

Imagine that you are a film star, you want to speak about your grandparents. Take the photos of your relatives. The others will listen to you and make questions like journalists.

III. Rounding-off

Let’s learn a short poem about our grandmothers:

Who does you look like?
I look like my granny.
She has beautiful eyes
But her figure is funny.
She is so kind and clever
I will love her forever!

Summary of the lesson

I hope you like today’s lesson. It was very interesting to know something new about you and your grandparents. I believe that you love them very much and you will always help them.