Открытый урок в 10-м классе по теме "Как прекрасен этот мир"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • учебный аспект: систематизация знаний, умений и навыков по теме;
  • развивающий аспект: развитие воображения учащихся, их способности к анализу и обобщению;
  • воспитательный аспект: формирование терпимого отношения к мнению другого человека, воспитание ответственного отношения к порученному делу;
  • познавательный аспект: обобщение знаний о традициях и стиле жизни людей в России.

Ход урока

Данный урок является заключительным уроком по теме «How Different the World Is!» в УМК «Английский язык» для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений под редакцией В.П.Кузовлева. В качестве проектной работы группой учащихся был снят видеофильм о России «Welcome to Russia», состоящий из трёх частей: «Russia in Winter», «Maslenitsa», «Russian Cuisine», и написан комментарий к каждой части. Помимо любительских съёмок, сделанных учащимися, были использованы кадры из фильмов «Сибирский цирюльник» и «Иван Васильевич меняет профессию».

Ещё одной группой учащихся был  проведён опрос общественного мнения, целью которого было выяснить, где предпочитают жить люди: в городе или в деревне.

Часть урока была отведена для дискуссии по теме «Жизнь в городе и в деревне: за и против»                

Поскольку в данном разделе изучалась грамматическая тема «Употребление артиклей с именами собственными», в ходе урока было предусмотрено выполнение упражнений на употребление артиклей, а также предлогов на базе лексики, использованной в текстах учебника.

I. Начало урока. Объявление темы и целей урока.

Teacher: Today’s lesson is our last one on the topic «How different the world is». So today we have an opportunity to sum up what we have learnt from the history and geography of different countries, the way of life and traits of character of different peoples. However, the country we like best is our Motherland, Russia, and we should do our best to make our country look more attractive in the eyes of foreign tourists.

II. Просмотр видеофильма «Welcome to Russia».

Teacher: We’ve made a short film about Russia. Imagine that you are foreign tourists wanting to visit Russia, that’s why you are eager to get some useful information about the country. After each part of the film you can ask the questions you’ve prepared. So let’s begin.

Учащиеся просматривают видеофильм. Каждую часть комментирует один из учащихся, затем они отвечают на вопросы «иностранных туристов».

Комментарий к фильму

Part I. Russian Winter

Of course, the best time to travel to another country is summer. But even in winter you can enjoy wonderful weather, national holidays, let alone national cuisine. Every country has something special, Russia is no exception. It can provide tourists with an unforgettable winter experiences, but in order to like this country you should know something about it.

Everybody knows that Russia is a northern country and, of course, has a severe climate. The major disadvantage of the Russian winter is that it’s too long. The winter weather is typically frosty, it may be 10 to 20 or even more degrees below zero. However, if it is sunny and not windy, you can really enjoy this weather as well as winter sports. Skating, skiing and tobogganing are popular with Russians.

What advice could we give to foreigners wanting to visit the country in winter?

First of all, don’t be afraid of Russian frosts. Buy warm clothes to protect yourselves from the cold. We, Russians, wear fur hats and fur coats, anoraks, parkas, high fur boots and gloves or mittens. It is necessary to keep yourselves from getting  a cold.

It’s not a good idea not to wear a hat or a cap in winter because you can have your ears frost-bitten.

If you follow our advice, you will enjoy your stay here.

Well, the devil is not so black as he is painted. Welcome to Russia!

Part II. Maslenitsa

Late in winter Russians celebrate Maslenitsa, or Butter week. The festival is 1500 years old. Originally it was celebrated in honour of Yarila, the pagan god of the sun. People hoped that Yarila would make land fertile and they would gather a rich harvest. This festival marked the start of the spring agricultural season. In the 16th century the Russian Orthodox Church made Maslenitsa an official religious holiday. Now it is celebrated as a preparation for the seven-week Lent before Easter.

Every day of the Maslenitsa week has a name and rites. Monday is called Vstrecha , or Greeting, when people greet Maslenitsa, which is a straw-stuffed doll in a sarafan.

The second day is called Zaigryshi, or Games. In the past it included erotic dances, games, troika races and sleigh rides down an ice hill.

Very important entertainments were " group fist fights" when men fought "wall on wall" and storming of a snow fortress. Now the storm is one of the favourite Maslenitsa entertainments, when people first build the fortress together and then fight with brooms and snowballs.

Every day of the festival people cook and eat "blini", or golden pancakes, which symbolize the sun. They are served with butter, sour cream or stuffed with meat, caviar or jams.

On the last day, the Maslenitsa doll is burned, people jump over fires, hold competitions, dance and sing.

Sunday is called "Proshchonnoye", or Forgiveness Sunday, when people traditionally ask each other forgiveness for all the bad that they have done to each other.

By 5 o'clock in the afternoon the celebration is over. As soon as the first star appears in the sky the Lent begins. *

Part III. Russian Cuisine

Russians are very hospitable people. They often ask their friends to their place to enjoy an evening. When Russians invite guests for a meal, the table is usually groaning with food. You will find different kinds of salad. Russian salad is made for every holiday supper. There are different sorts of smoked sausage, sliced and smelling wonderful. Such dishes as Chicken Kiev and Beef Stroganoff are very popular, but there are many other dishes to try like stuffed cabbage leaves, pelmeni served with mustard, butter, vinegar or sour cream, pirozhki with different fillings. Russians also treat their guests to pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic and other vegetables. They are good at cooking and internationally known for their cuisine.

Portions are not limited, you can put as much as you can on your plate. Bread is usually served in a great amount.

Weddings and anniversaries are special celebrations. The best kinds of food are bought, cooked and served.

Russians consider greed one of the worst traits of character. They don’t respect greedy people and feel like fish out of water if anything is wrong with their dishes. They always try their best to please their guests.

Вопросы учащихся

  1. We know that in Russia it’s very cold in winter. Is it possible to buy warm clothes if we go to the country in January?
  2. When exactly do you celebrate Maslenitsa?
  3. Where else can I try Russian dishes besides at a family party?

Teacher: Thank you for your useful information. Now I think visiting Russia seems more attractive to foreigners.

Примерные ответы

  1. Yes, of course. There are a lot of shops and markets where you can buy all things you may need in cold weather. There is no lack of such things, don’t worry.
  2. Maslenitsa doesn’t have a fixed date. It is celebrated forty days before Orthodox Easter which always comes a week after Catholic Easter. Easter is a movable feast which is on the first Sunday after a moon falling on or after the 21st of March.
  3. As far as I know, in our country there are a lot of restaurants which specialize in cooking Russian dishes. They treat their guests both to traditional Russian dishes such as borshch, pelmeni, caviar and new dishes adapted to Western tastes. If you can afford the price, you can enjoy your meal in such a restaurant.

III. Выполнение упражнения 7 на стрaнице 17.

Teacher: In my opinion, the more we know about this or that country, the more we get interested in it. Let’s discuss some Russian traditions and customs.

IV. Дискуссия «Жизнь в городе и в деревне: за и против».

Teacher: Most of these traditions are connected with life in the country. But now more and more people are moving to cities. They think life is better in town. Why? What are their reasons?

The pupils of our class have been divided into two groups. On the left there are people who are for life in town, on the right – those who are ready to prove that life in the country has its advantages too.

Вопросы для обсуждения

  1. What makes people leave the peaceful countryside and move to town? Is there anything that can stop this tendency?
  2. Why would many people prefer to live in the country though they work in city offices? When is it possible?
  3. Which would you prefer: a flat in a multi-storey block of flats or a country cottage? What does your choice depend on?
  4. There is an opinion that you don’t feel lonely if you live in a big city. Do you agree with this statement?
  5. Can everybody adapt easily to city life? What problems can young people face in a big city? How do you understand the expression “the temptations of a big city”?

Teacher: So many people, so many minds. As far as you see, there are strong arguments both for and against living in town and in the country. Everybody is right in their own way and makes their own choice according to their character and interests. Now let’s listen to what most people think.

V. Cooбщение учащихся о результатах опроса общественного мнения.

We’ve carried out a survey in order to find out where people prefer to live and why. We interviewed 40 people: 28 teenagers and 12 adults. We asked them 5 questions and the answers were the following:

  1. Do you think life for people is better in the countryside or in town on the whole?
    75% answered «in the countryside», 25% answered «in town».
  2. Do you value peace and quiet or excitement and haste?
    85% like peace and quiet and only 15% - excitement and haste.
  3. Do you prefer to deal with hospitable, friendly and expansive people or indifferent, unfriendly and hypocritical ones?
    As we had expected, 100% answered in favour of hospitable, friendly and expansive people.
  4. Which of these can be found in the country and which – in town?
    • beautiful nature;
    • employment opportunities;
    • safety;
    • clean atmosphere;
    • good service
    • entertainment.
    100% admit they can enjoy beautiful nature only in the countryside. 95% think that the countryside is a safe place with a friendly atmosphere and no pollution while only 5% say the same about a big city. 100% are sure that good service can be found only in town. About 100% think that a big city provides more employment and entertainment opportunities.
  5. Where would you like to live?
    52,5% choose a big city, 37,5% - the countryside, 10% - a small town near  a big city.

So the survey revealed a paradox. People value things that can be found only in the countryside, however, more than half of them would like to live in a big city. The reason is clear: an opportunity to have a job and earn money, a good choice of entertainment and a wide range of services. Living in the country remains a secret dream of many city-dwellers, and it comes true only when they retire.

VI. Чтение и обсуждение коротких текстов.

Teacher: You will read three short texts about different places. Would you like to live in places with such characteristics? Why? Why not?


My town has an excellent situation. It is not far from St. Petersburg. There are two chemical plants here so there is plenty of work. It has railway and road connections with St. Petersburg. The motorway Moscow - St. Petersburg passes through the town so we have no difficulty getting to the city and having a good time there.


I live in the village of Alexeyevka. It is a very nice place on the bank of a picturesque river. It is good for fishing and swimming. The countryside around the village is green, with a forest full of mushrooms. My village is a lovely quiet place. It’s fun to spend your summer here.


My city lies in the north of Siberia. Of course, the climate is severe here and winter lasts eight months a year. Frosts can be 40 degrees below zero. But we are used to it. Besides, we have an opportunity to watch the northern lights, which are a beautiful sight. Our city, Urengoi, is very clean and modern. Most people work in the gas extracting industry, so they get high wages.

VII. Описание учащимися мест, в которых они хотели бы жить.

Teacher: Tastes differ, as you know. All of you are almost grown up and, I’m sure, have ideas of the places where you’d prefer to live. What kind of places are they?

Примерные ответы учащихся

  1. As for me, I’d prefer to live in Germany or the USA because in these countries law is the basis of society. I’ve been many times to Germany because I’ve got a lot of relatives there. The standard of living is very high in the country and people live according to law. I hope, however, that our country  also becomes a developed European state where law rules.
  2. In my opinion, the little town  we live in is an ideal place for life. On the one hand, it is not far from Moscow so we can go there every day to study at universities, and our parents can find a good job there.
  3. On the other hand, we can enjoy beautiful nature and wonderful views from our balconies. There is little traffic, and there are not crowds here. It’s a safe place to live in. Many of my friends complain that there is not much entertainment here. But I think you yourself should find entertainment. For example, guys from our town have organized a body- building club. It’s a good hobby and makes you busy a lot of time.

VIII. Выполнение задания на определение национального стереотипа.

Teacher: Nationality stereotypes are  part of human life. They are often described in anecdotes and humorous stories. Russians as well as other nationalities have their own traits of character. You have a sheet of paper with a list of adjectives describing people’s character and a list of nationalities. Which traits are typical of which nationality, in your opinion?

The British
The French
The Japanese
are thought
to be …
reliable     tradition-loving     tough     hard-working    easy-going    
punctual     friendly    reserved   emotional      lazy     expansive   
hospitable    sociable     formal      boastful    intelligent    progressive    
tolerant    talkative     sophisticated     well-dressed     fun-loving    
respectful       humorous        serious         nationalistic       romantic

IX. Выполнение задания на употребление артиклей c именами собственными.

Fill in the blanks with articles if necessary.

  1. … London stands on … Thames.
  2. … Statue of Liberty was a present from … France to …United States.
  3. … Mount Everest is the highest in the world.
  4. … Urals separate … Asia from … Europe.
  5. … Irish Sea is between … Great Britain and … Ireland.
  6. … Sahara is the largest desert in the world.
  7. … Lakes Ladoga and Onega are in the north-west of Russia.
  8. … United Kingdom consists of … Great Britain and … Northern Ireland.
  9. … Volga flows into … Caspian Sea.
  10. … British Isles are a group of islands.                         

Keys: 1. -, the 2. the, -, the 3. - 4. the, -, -  5. the, -, - 6. the 7. -  8. the, -, - 9. the, the 10. the

X. Выполнение задания на употребление предлогов.

Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.

  1. In big cities people often suffer … insomnia and stress.
  2. The standard of living in our country is quite low … European standards.
  3. Severe droughts and floods are typical … Australia.
  4. People in Russia live … eleven time zones.
  5. The British are famous … their love … compromise.
  6. The warm water of the Gulf Stream has a deep influence … the British climate.
  7. Though Russian people often face …difficult problems, they always try to find solution…them.
  8. It was Americans who set the fashion … fast food restaurants.
  9. … these circumstances Russians learned to value predictability, order and security.
  10. Americans have a passion … everything new and unusual.

Keys: 1. from 2. by 3. of 4. in 5. for, of 6. on 7. -, to 8. for 9. under 10. for

XI. Подведение итогов урока.

XII. Домашнее задание.

Сочинение-рассуждение «Я хочу (не хочу) жить в России, потому что …»

* The Moscow Times, February 25, 1998