"Россия – Великобритания. Пространство разъединяет, язык объединяет"

Разделы: География, Иностранные языки

Цели урока: развивать речевые умения и коммуникативные способности учащихся, обобщить знания учащихся о географических, климатических особенностях двух стран, учить должным образом реагировать на принятые в странах изучаемого языка образ жизни, поведение людей, представлять свою культуру и культуру другой страны.

Оборудование урока: географические карты, виды достопримечательностей, флаги Россия и Великобритании, сувениры из стран, записи произведений русских и английских композиторов, куклы в национальных костюмах, презентация к уроку, выполненная на компьютере с помощью программы "Power Point".

План и ход урока

T: Good morning everybody. How are you? How do you like the weather?

Фонетическая разминка.

Weather the weather is hot
Weather the weather is cold
We have to put up with the weather
Weather we like it or not.

T: Why do we talk about the weather?

Cl: In England when two meet together they usually talk about the weather.

T: Well, in England it’s a common topic for conversation. And what about Russia? This and many other questions concerning geography, wildlife, traditions , sightseeing and national peculiarities of people of Great Britain and Russia we’ll try to found out at our lesson.

So the subject of our lesson is “Language has no borders for communication”.

You are warmly welcome to the extensive meeting of our geography club “Globe”, devoted to two countries Great Britain and Russia. That’s why I’ll hold my lesson together with G.V. Telytsyna, a teacher of geography. Two groups were given a task to make a trip to these countries and give a report about their trip. Now I’m giving a word to a chairman of our club Danshyna Dasha.

Ch. Hello everybody again. Let’s decide the work of our club open. As we’ve already agreed a group from Russia will start our work. To begin with I’d like to say I was also lucky to visit this country. When travelling we’ve found out that the Russian language like the British one is rich in proverbs, but they sound much differently. We’ll use some of them as epigraphs to our stories. The first proverb is: Better late than never (Лучше позже чем никогда).

P1. The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total area is about 17 million square kilometres. The country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans: the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. In the south Russia borders on China, Mongolia, Korea, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the west it borders on Norway, Finland, the Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine. It also has a sea-border with the USA.

There is hardly a country in the world where such a variety of scenery and vegetation can be found. There are steppes in the south, plains and forests in the midland, tundra and taiga in the north, highlands and deserts in the east.

There are two great plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland.

There are several mountain chains on the territory of the country: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai and others. The largest mountain chain, the Urals, separates Europe from Asia.

There are over two million rivers in Russia. Europe's biggest river, the Volga, flows into the Caspian Sea. The main Siberian rivers — the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena — flow from the south to the north. The Amur in the Far East flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Russia is rich in beautiful lakes. The world's deepest lake (1,600 metres) is Lake Baikal. It is much smaller than the Baltic Sea, but there is much more water in it than in the Baltic Sea. The water in the lake is so clear that if you look down you can see the stones on the bottom.

So, this country made a great impression on me.

P2: The proverb that suits my story best is.: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Лучше один раз увидеть чем сто раз услышать. First of all I must say I didn’t see bears wondering in Red Square. As for me I was surprised with a world variety of wildlife in Russia.

In the north of Russia live the walrus, seal, white bear, polar fox, and reindeer In the forest zone live the bear, wolf, fox, linx, sable, ermine, elk, roe, wild boar, and in the Far East the tiger and leopard.

Among the trees growing in the European part of Russia are birch, pine and oak; in Siberia - cedar, larch and fir-trees, and in the Far East — iron and cork trees, lotus, ginseng and lianas.

Different latitudinal climatic regimes are mirrored in Russia's flora. A treeless tundra with mosses and grasses extends along the entire Arctic coast. In the south it gives way to taiga. This conifer­ous forest growing on swampy ground covers more than half of the country. In European Russia, towards the south the taiga is re­placed by a zone of mixed coniferous and deciduous forest which in the south transfers into mixed forest-steppe and finally into the almost treeless, grass-covered steppe.

P3: P4 I wonder what type of climate there is on the territory of Russia

P4: I’d like to say weather isn’t a common topic for conversation in Russia. But we have managed to put dawn some dialogs. Here is one of them.

P1: Hello, isn’t it terrible day?

P2:Yes it’s awful.

P1: It’s raining cats and dogs

P2:You look wet through

Yes I’m soak to the skin. I was told to bring my raincoat this morning. The weather looked nice so I left it at home.

P1: Do you think it’ll clear up soon.

P2:It might. But probably not today. The weather forecast is rain rain the whole day.

Our proverb is: After rain comes fair weather. После ненастья наступает хорошая погода.

P7: The life of people is closely connected with the life of people, isn’t it? How much is Russian character influenced by geography?

P8: I think it’s my question.

There are a lot of wonders in Russia. But it is true to say that Russia is most famous for its people.

To understand Russian people, one must know from where they come. Nature has not been kind to Russia. Winters in Russia are cold, windy and snowy. So in old Russia, people could do little during long winter months. But in spring there was much to be done, and in a short period of time. Perhaps, this explains why the Russians are often inac­tive for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy.

The harsh climate explains the Russians' strength and their ability to overcome hardships. Climate has also made them cautious.

Russian people have always loved their country, though life in Rus­sia has never been easy. They have always been devoted to their Mother-land fighting for peace and independence against enemies.

We can't say that the Russians are conservative. On the contrary, they encourage research and innovation. Still, there are a lot of customs and traditions in their life. For example, before leaving on a journey, many Russian people sit down quietly together for a few minutes…

To cut my long story short I think my story suits the proverb: Handsome is as handsome does. О человеке судят не по словам а поделам.

P9: One of the most characteristic features of Englishmen is their traditions, which they respect and which they‘ve kept for centuries? What about Russians ?

P10: To begin with in terms of this question I liked a proverb When in Rome do as Romans do. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят. To continue people in Russia keep their traditions and are very proud of them. They celebrate religious holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Maslenitsa and others.I was lucky to take part in Maslenitsa celebrations. Today almost all people celebrate it, maybe because the highlight of this festival is pancakes. They eat it with honey, caviar or sour cream. The whole week is filled with fun and games. Every day of the week has its special name and rituals. But the acme of the holiday is the burning of a scarecrow of winter to welcome spring and the sun .People have a lot of fun, perform traditional songs and dances.The famous Russian painter B.M.Kustodiyev rather vividly described this holiday in his picture “Shrovetide.

P11: As far as I know foreigners like to buy Souvenirs when they are in Russia. What about you?

P12: You are quite right. We also bought some souvenirs beautifully painted mugs,plates and spoons from the village of Khokhloma and Palekh boxes. I think my friends will like them. In this point of view I’ve chosen a proverb Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят. As for me I enjoyed Russian Matryoshka.

The Matryoshka doll came to Russia from Japan at the end of the 19th century. The first Matryoshka was a girl in a print dress, a white apron and a bright shawl, carrying a rooster under her arm. There were six other dolls inside her. The doll looked very Russian and soon became popular. The name Matryoshka came from the common Russian name Matryona. Today, Matryoshkas are made in many parts of Russia.

P13: And I was lucky to visit Belgorod region. Let me tell you some words about my impressions. In my opinion it’s one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Chairman: Thank you very much for your interesting stories. I’m afraid it’s high time to give a word to a group from Great Britain.

P14: After visiting Russia we have come to conclusion that on the one hand the knowledge of foreign languages helps people understand each other when they travel. We can learn about the geography, history and arts of the countries where some foreign language is spoken. On the other hand nationality personality traits are like geography in the country and there for: geography can really influence the national character.

Учитель географии: На уроках географии в 8-м классе мы знакомились с особенностями природы России, ее природными ресурсами. Изучали климат, внутренние воды, почвы нашей страны, выявляли значение биологических ресурсов в жизни человека.

Предлагаю вам обратить внимание на тему урока, подумать над ее смыслом и в конце урока обосновать и объяснить сегодняшнюю тему.

Далее слово предоставляется российским школьникам, посетившим Великобританию. Ученики рассказывают о полезных ископаемых, природе, климате, растительном и животном мире станы, пейзажах, реках, озерах Великобритании. Школьников заинтересовали обычаи и традиции страны, а также достопримечательности Лондона. (Приложение № 1).

Рассказ сопровождается демонстрацией видов природы, достопримечательностей, нанесением на контурную карту основных географических объектов Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. При работе с контурной картой звучит мелодия песня группы «Биттлз» «Yesterday».

Ученики демонстрируют сувениры из Великобритании: книгу «Музеи Лондона», английский чай, фарфоровую кружку, футболку с символом английского флага, шотландскую юбку, английские монеты.

Следующий этап урока - обобщение знаний, выявление общих черт природы, выделение особенностей.

Ученики делают вывод об общих и особенных чертах природы двух стран.

Закрепление знаний — разгадывание кроссворда. (Приложение № 2).

  1. Крайняя северная материковая точка России. (м. Челюскин)
  2. Город, в котором находится знаменитая Бейкер-стрит, где в доме №221-6 Артур Конан Дойл поселил своих героев - Ш. Холмс и доктора Ватсон. (Лондон)
  3. Природная зона, расположенная южнее зоны тайги. (степь)
  4. С каким государством Великобритания граничит по суше. (Ирландия)
  5. Горы, разделяющие Европу и Азию. (Урал)
  6. По данным определениям догадайтесь, что это за природное явление: теплый, холодный, звездный, кислотный, слепой, грибной, частый, затяжной (дождь).
  7. В том государстве дожди и туманы
    Дождь, как из сита, льет, моросит
    Ну, а туманы гуще сметаны -
    В воздухе шляпу повесишь - висит!
  8. Левый, самый большой приток Оби (Иртыш).
  9. Как называется предместье Лондона, в котором в 1675 году была образована обсерватория (Гринвич).
  10. Плодороднейшие почвы Белгородской области (чернозем).
  11. Остров на Дальнем Востоке нашей страны, южнее которого находится Япония (Сахалин).
  12. Южный сосед России, самая большая по численности населения страна мира (Китай).
  13. Море, омывающее берега Великобритании с северо-востока, нуждающееся в охране вод из-за интенсивной добычи нефти и газа (Северное).
  14. Главная водная артерия европейской части России, река, которую издавна называли матушкой- кормилицей (Волга).

При правильном разгадывании всех вопросов кроссворда в главной колонке получается ключевое слово урока «Сотрудничество».

В конце урока обучающиеся высказывают свои мнения о названии урока. Обширные географические пространства разделяют людей разных стран, а язык - объединяют. Он помогает понимать обычаи, традиции людей других стран, особенности хозяйственной деятельности, которая зависит от природных условий.

Урок заканчивается исполнением песни «Подмосковные вечера» на английском языке.

Приложение №3