Путешествие в США. Жизнь людей в США и в России. 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8


  • Познавательный аспект: обобщение знаний по теме «США» и  закрепление навыков употребления the Present Perfect Tense в коммуникативных упражнениях;
  • Развивающий аспект: развитие мыслительных способностей учащихся, их способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, к антиципации; формирование умения делать выводы и обобщения;
  • Воспитательный аспект: формирование умения взаимодействовать в парах;
  • Учебный аспект: развитие речевых умений.


I. Вступление

Сообщение классу целей урока.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Отработка имён собственных по теме «США».

Christopher Columbus
the Pilgrim Fathers
Thanksgiving Day
the Lincoln Memorial
the Babylon on the Hudson
the Declaration of Independence
the Mayflower

III. Беседа с классом по теме урока

1. When was America discovered?
2. Who discovered America?
3. Who were the Pilgrim Fathers?
4. What was the name of the ship on which they arrived in America?
5. In what year did they get there?
6. When do Americans celebrate the Day of Independence?
7. What for and who do they thank on Thanksgiving Day?
8. How many states are there in the United States now?
9. What is the flag of the country called?
10. Why are there 50 stars and 13 stripes on the American flag?

IV. Опрос индивидуального домашнего задания

Аудирование коротких текстов о США в формате викторины.

1. I come from Boston. My city is situated on the Atlantic coast. It's an important port, a financial and cultural centre. The city has three universities. But it's also famous for its historic event which took place at the end of the 18th century. What event do I mean?
2. I come from Philadelphia. It's an important industrial centre near the Atlantic coast. The city has a lot beautiful buildings. My city was the first capital of the new independent state, the USA. It's famous for a very important historic event. What event do I mean and in what year did it take place?
3. I come from New York. It's the biggest city in the USA. It's a cosmopolitan city. People of many nationalities live here and a lot of people come here to seek their fortune      (искать счастья), that's why my city has two nicknames. What are they and why is New York called so?
4. I live in the largest state in the USA. it is twice as big as Texas. Its nickname is «Land of the Midnight Sun». The state is on the Bering Sea coast. It is a land of contrasts. You can find Eskimos in their traditional house and people living in skyscrapers.
What state do I live in?
5. I come from the South. My state is situated on the Caribbean Sea coast. It's nickname is Sunshine state. It has wonderful sandy beaches and a tropical climate that's why many people like spending their holidays here. Many Russian pop-stars buy houses here. You can eat grapefruit and oranges right from the trees. Another nickname of my state is "The State of alligators". What state do I live in?
6. I work in a beautiful building with white columns. It's not a skyscraper. Visitors coming here can see the most beautiful and historic apartments. Each room has its own name: the Blue Room, the Green Room, the China Room, the Oval office. What building do I work in?
7. My city was founded in 1791. It's a beautiful green city. There is not much industry here but there are a lot of beautiful historic and governmental buildings. The city stands on the Potomac River and was named after the first President of the USA. What city do I live in?
8. I live near a building which is a monument to a man who fought for the liberation of the Negroes. This building is made in a Greek style. Inside there is a large figure of this man.
What monument do I mean?

 (В случае, если класс не смог дать ответ на поставленный вопрос, или в качестве подтверждения правильного ответа учащийся, сделавший сообщение, показывает и озвучивает правильный ответ, напечатанный на листе А-4. Можно дать учащимся задание выбрать ответ из списка заранее предложенных вариантов.)


1. The Boston Tea Party (1773).
2. The Declaration of Independence (1776).
3. The Big Apple, the Babylon on the Hudson.
4. Alaska.
5. Florida.
6. The White House.
7. Washington.
8. The Lincoln Memorial.

V. Выполнение задания на чтение: совместить информацию, данную в правой колонке, с именем человека из левой колонки.

Teacher: You have a sheet of paper with the names of a few famous American people and some information about them, but the information is mixed up. Match the names with the right information.

Match the names in the first column with the information in the second column.

Samuel Morse

The Wright brothers

Richard E. Byrd

Thomas Alva Edison

Alexander Graham Bell

Bill Gates

Ernest Hemingway

Neil Armstrong

in his novels wrote about World War I and the Civil War in Spain.

invented the electric telegraph.

developed software for personal computers.

invented the first power-driven flying machine.

was the first man to walk on the moon.

invented the electric light bulb. the phonograph motion picture machine; he had 1033 patents.

invented the telephone.

made the first flight over the North Pole, was the first to fly over the South Pole. He explored Antarctica.

VI. Беседа с классом на основе Present Perfect Tense

Teacher: We have learnt some interesting facts about the USA and its people. It’s always wonderful to travel to new places, to try new food and learn new traditions and customs. I’d like to speak to you about your experience in this area. Answer my questions, please.

1. Have you travelled much?
2. Have you ever been to any foreign countries? What countries?
3. Which foreign food have you ever tried: pizza, hamburgers, sushi?
4. Have you ever been to the Black Sea? How many times have you been there?
5. What places have you visited by now or haven’t you visited but would like to visit and why?

(Ответ на последний вопрос учащиеся могут продумать дома для того, чтобы привести весомые аргументы в пользу своего выбора.)

VII. Игра «A Boaster»

Teacher: There are a lot of people who haven’t travelled much or seen many people. They haven’t done so many things as they boast of. Today we are having a person like that at our lesson. If you don’t believe what he is going to say, please tell him about it.

(Учащийся читает по карточке предложения.)

1. I have just met Putin in the corridor.
2. I have fought with a lion. I have won!
3. I have spoken to the English Queen.
4. I have read Shakespeare in the original.
5. I have travelled round the world with Fyodor Konyukhov.
6. I have taken part in the Eurovision Song Contest.

Примерные высказывания учащихся.

Sorry, I don’t believe you. You can’t have seen Putin in our school. He lives in Moscow and has never been here.

Другие выражения недоверия:

It’s impossible!
You don’t say so!
It can’t be!

VIII. Опрос общественного мнения (Survey) c последующим обобщением информации

Teacher: It’s up-to date to carry out surveys to find out different things or people’s opinions. I suggest  carrying out a survey. Some of you will get a sheet of paper with a question. You should ask everybody this question and then tell us what you have found.

(Пять учащихся получают листочки с одним вопросом и фамилиями учащихся группы, напротив которых они должны записать ответы. Ученики, получившие задание, передвигаются по классу, выясняя ответ на свой вопрос. По окончании опроса учащиеся делают сообщение по услышанному.)


Список учащихся

Have you ever been to McDonald’s? How many times have you been there? What fast food haven’t you tried yet? Have you ever felt bad after visiting McDonald’s? Which food do you prefer: fast food or home-made food?
Иванова Л.          
Петров Д.          
Сидорова А.          

(Подобные вопросы можно составить о зоопарке, посещённых городах, путешествиях и т. д.)

Образец высказывания:

Four pupils have been to McDonald’s. Two pupils have never been there.

IX. Монологические высказывания учащихся об известных людях с опорой на информацию о них

Teacher: We know a lot of famous people who have achieved a lot, who are successful. What have they achieved and what haven’t they done yet? Study the information about them, sum it up   and add something else that you know about them.

(На доске  фотографии Фёдора Конюхова, Никиты Михалкова, Фёдора Бондарчука и баскетбольной команды России. Под фотографиями информация о них. Необходимо сделать сообщение об их достижениях с использованием Present Perfect Tense.)

Fyodor Konyukhov, the famous traveller

– travel alone/3times around the world
– be/the North Pole, the South Pole
– paint/a lot of pictures
– never want/give up traveling

N. Mikhalkov, F. Bondarchuk, the famous actors and film directors

– act/a lot of films
– make/wonderful films
– become/very popular
– never win/an Oscar

The Russian basketball players

– take part/a lot of games  
– seldom lose/important matches
– win/the European championship
– not have/a holiday for a long time

Примерные высказывания учащихся:

Fyodor Konyukhov is a famous Russian traveller. I know that he enjoys travelling very much. He has already travelled three times round the world. He is a brave taveller, he has been to the North Pole and to the South Pole. Besides he can paint and likes it a lot. He has painted a lot of pictures. I’d like to look at them. As far as I see, he has never wanted to give up travelling.

X. Практика диалогической речи

Teacher: We often speak about our plans or about what we have done. Sometimes we ask other people for some advice when we don’t know what to choose or what to do. Now you’ll get cards which will help you to make up a dialogue.

Образцы заданий

1. You are planning your summer holidays but you don't know where to go. Your friend has been to many places. Find out

a) What places he has been to;
b) Which place he liked most;
c) How many times he has been to this place;
d) What he has seen there;
e) Which place he could advise you to go to and why.

2. Your friend is staying in St. Petersburg. You are speaking to him on the telephone. Find out

a) What places he has been to;
b) What his impressions are;
c) What the weather has been like all this time;
d) If he has been to the place you like very much;
e) What else he is going to see there;
f) If he could bring you some postcards or some pictures of the city.

3. Your friend is going to read a Harry Potter book, but he doesn't know which to choose. Ask him.

a) Which of the Harry Potter Books he has read already;
b) How he liked it (them);
c) If he has seen any of the Harry Porter films;
d) What his impressions are;
e) Convince (advise) him to read any other book that you like.

4. Your friend is going to have a New Year Party at home. He wants it to go off well but he isn't sure if he has done everything all right. He wants to know your opinion. Ask him.

a) What he has bought for his party;
b) How he has decorated his room;
c) How many people he has invited;
d) If they know each other well;
e) What souvenirs he has prepared;
f)  give your friend some advice.

5. Make up a dialogue between a father and a son. You are father and your friend is your son. He wants to go for a walk and asks you if he can do it. Find out.

a) If he has done all his homework;
b) How many exercises he has written;
c) If he has learnt the poem by heart;
d) What he has done for his English lesson;
e) If he has any other things to do for tomorrow;
Let him go for a walk.

XI. Сообщения учащихся о рабочем дне людей с опорой на информацию

Teacher: We all plan our day. In the evening we sum up what we have done. Sometimes we are pleased with ourselves, sometimes we aren’t.
Now you’ll see three pictures of people and pages from their diaries. Please read the pages and imagine what these people could say at the end of each day.

1. Фотография женщины с собаками                                     Nancy
                                                                                                   travel agent

–  run in the park at 8.00
–  take the dogs to the vet at 10.00
–  cook dinner at 12.00
–  babysit for my daughter

2. Фотография Джорджа Буша                                                George Bush

–  speak in Congress at 10.00
–  have lunch with Saakashvili at 12.30
–  fly to the ranch at 2.00
–  go to the theatre with wife at 19.00

3.  Фотография мужчины в костюме водолаза                      Max
–  repair the car at 9.00
–  take the children to the zoo at 11.00
–  read the newspaper at 4.00
–  watch the news programme at 8.00

Образец ответа учащихся

I work every day so at the week-end I always have a lot of things to do about the house. It’s Saturday evening now and I ’m very tired. I’ve done a lot of things today: I’ve run in the park, taken my dogs to the vet and cooked dinner. Besides I’ve babysat for my daughter. She has a little son, I love him very much.

XII. Подведение итогов урока

XIII. Объяснение домашнего задания: упр. 8, 10 стр. 44; упр. 11 стр. 48 (п.)